

We live in a kingdom governed by mysteries. 

The mystery of godliness. 
Whatever sinful act you cannot think through, you cannot successfully commit or carryout. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts. 

The mystery of the holy communion
The forces behind sicknesses and diseases.

1. Unclean spirit. 

Matthew 10:1
Mark 9:25

Foul spirits are spirits that defies. 

Foul spirits corrupts the mind of people. 

Foul spirits attack the mind to corrupt it. 

Acts 10:38

The spirit of insanity

Mark 5:2-15

What is the mystery of the communion?

John 6:48 

Matt 26:26-28

The food they were eating is what was blessed and turned into the communion. 

1. The Bread. 

What is in the bread? 

Jesus is the bread of life. 

Isaiah 11:1

Jesus is the rod that carry the seven Spirits of God. 

Revelation 5:6

Exodus 7:11-12

The communion is a type of rod that swallows up all kinds of moving object within the body. 

- 2 King's 4:40-41

The communion is a miracle mean which when cast into your biological pot, it neutralizes all forms of poison in it. 

What is in the flesh? 
2 Corinthians 4:4
Like 24:16, 30-31

Spiritual Eye opening power is in the body of Jesus. 

Mark 8:25

Every spiritual blindness shall be blasted open. 

Acts 20:32
2 Peter 1:3

Your inheritance is recovered when you dive into the communion. 

What God opens your heart to see is what you are empowered to become. 

The Bread is the new testament manner that destroys all forms of weakness and feebleness. 

Psalm 105:37

The communion is anti weakness... Anti aging. ...

John 6:53-56

The communion renews your eternal life insurance policy...

What is in the blood? 

The nature of Christ that is immune to sickness and disease is in the blood. 

Lev 17:11

Matthew 26:27-28

The nature of man can be traced to his blood. 

We cannot live like Christ without sharing his nature. 

We cannot operate like Christ without sharing his nature. 

Luke 1:45

We don't get blessed by knowing the truth, we get blessed by beliving the truth. 

We share the same blood group via the mystery of the communion. 

John 6:55-56

The blood of Jesus is the ultimate drink that empowers our body...

The blood of Jesus at the communion table serves as a defensive mechanism against all forms of sickness and diseases. 

1 Corinthians 11:26

Happy are you when know these things and do them ...

John 8:46

The communion is the exclusive researve of them that are born again... It is for the decisples and not the multitudes. ....

Have a glorious Sunday! 

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