

The Holy Ghost - the motor neurone of Divine life.

One of the greatest mysteries of the kingdom is that of speaking with unknown tongues or what we also know as Speaking in the holy Ghost. I love to see it as wordspired sayings ...

God created man a spirit and then formed for him a body. When the spirit man came in contact with the body, a living soul was the resultant. 

Just like man is a spirit with a soul and lives in a body, the soul has a mind, a heart and a will. 

The mind consist of imagination and memory. 

The imagination preplays while the memory replays. The imaginative realm has capacity to connect with the spirit man. 

When we give our life to Jesus Christ, the prince of life, our spirit man becomes reconnected to the Spirit of the lord. 

This is what new birth gives vision to our spirit man. John 3:3. It is however not enough for a connection, there is need for transmission. 

This is why there is need for us to accept the baptism of the Holy Ghost. 

The holy ghost can be likened to the motor neurone of divine life, or "voice" and  "data" modulated life. 

When we have baptism in the holy ghost, the connection of our spirit man with the Spirit of the Lord becomes modulated - carries the voice of God leading to divine insight or inspiration. 

When this is fired into our spirit man, we begin to release mysteries ....through our vocal cords ... Speaking in tongues....

Psalms 19:2-3 (KJV)  Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

From today, as your spirit man catches the fire of the holy ghost, you will begin to connect with divine pictures in the realm of your imagination. 

This is because, the assignment of the Holy Spirit is to teach (preplay) and bring to our remembrance (replay) all that we need for life. 

That would be your testimony from today. Please pray, plan and prepare for unusual encounters at Accelerate Global Impact Summit 2022. 

Good morning and have a wordspired day. 

Kay Daniels

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