Center for Creative Youth International is a youth, leadership and entrepreneurial development organization. Our trainings are in-depth youth leadership training programmes focusing on leadership, attitude and ICT development.
At CCYI we present to young people a new unique concept of leadership known as creative leadership. This is a concept of leadership that centers on developing the total leader – spirit, soul and body.
Serious, intensive training in a rural academic setting at various university and polytechnic campuses across Nigeria.
2010 is a unique year in our history. It is the fifth year of the organization’s establishment. All our programmes are aimed at the development of student leaders, youths, businessmen and women and recognized youth leaders.
Endorsed and supported by …………. and affiliated NGOs
It is a year of grace.
Key Dates*
» January 22nd and 24th 2010 – 5th year anniversary summit & thanksgiving.
»February 20th – Red Rose Summit (Creative Singles seminar)
»May 22nd – Creative Nation Builders Summit.
»July 24th – Wealth Creation and skill development summit.
»August 29th – Vision Celebration.
»October 31st – Encounter with the prophetic youth prayer conference.
Other events include our weekly breakfast seminar, Campus reach out, Hospital evangelism, word for market place and church outreach programmes.
Venue to be announced later….
*Dates Subject to change
Lead Mission:
More than a lifetime of professional experience, wisdom and education in a very intensive program – offered to a select group at a university campus setting:
Participants learn in special one-on-one sessions, workshops, and talks by uniquely qualified leadership training staff; in a retreat-like setting on a major university campus.
They develop their own projects and work in team to present new ones. The event creates a perfect opportunity to work closely with experts from a wide range of civil society.
In a rural, private location, carefully selected youth leaders receive abundant opportunities for learning, sharing, networking and forming lasting friendships with likeminded individuals from around the world – those who share an interest in civil society, CCYI goals and initiatives, social entrepreneurship, justice, and creating a culture of peace.
Goals: this dynamic, comprehensive, and intensive training aspires to effectively prepare participants to become agents of change in their home communities. Focusing on the individual strengths and interests of the delegates, workshops and presentations are designed to boost organizational and individual leadership skills, while demonstrating to participants how to expand practical know-how and successfully rise to future challenges.
Objectives: during the course of the seminar, participants use their newly acquired skills and tools to create a working action plan for meeting an existing challenge in their home communities.
Sessions address areas such as:
»focusing interests and passions, to create action programs
»creating visions, missions and action plans
»starting a non-governmental organization;
»inspiring and mobilizing communities in grassroots action;
»running a project from top to bottom - a practicum;
»developing skills in conflict mediation, stress management, communication, etc.
CCYI seminars are designed to develop skill sets necessary to translate every Youth activities into ACTION.
Youth Leaders attending the Leadership Programs enjoy a special reception with diverse national, business and kingdom leaders and are presented a special plaque acknowledging their completion of the Leadership Program.
“The continent of Africa is presently undergoing a socio – spiritual reformation culminates in the economic, political, and technological revival of this great continent. A new breed of youths the world has never seen before are rising from this continent beginning with Nigeria as the trigger of this maximum impact. With the tools of creativity, the African youth would restore the dignity of the continent of Africa. The harvest of Africa has never been more ripe.”
“…………a great people and a strong: there hath never been the like, neither shall there be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. Joel 2: 2-12
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: they shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and they shall be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. Isa 58:12.
And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolation of many generations. Isa 61: 4
And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s. Obadiah 21.”
The vision of the Center for Creative youth international was delivered via a revelation in the year 2001. It all began while on campus when I felt the unusual passion to reach out to fellow students with the gospel. Considering the campus as an intellectual environment, my soul went after students the regular fellowships termed “outcast”, either due to their dressing or way of life. I knew it would take a potent vision from God to effectively reach out. I engaged in a series of spiritual soul searching in search for the will of God. I spent many nights and days on several mountains in Bauchi state, searching and seeking the face of God. By the Spirit of God, I was led to the Living Faith Church, where I learnt to hear the voice of God. My passion to reach other youths grew stronger, and this led me to seek and obtain the anointing upon the man of God – Dr David Oyedepo. In an impartation service in 2001, as I approached the man of God to have hands laid on me, I desired every grace upon the man of God and I got it. I returned to school that year and Winners campus fellowship began on my campus. Within the same year, I was privileged by grace of election to pioneer a socio-spiritual youth organization known as Impact Makers to reach out to students not attending any fellowship as well as those of other faith. The organization also helped student develop their understanding of subjects ranging from relationship, leadership, entrepreneurship, attitude, character, and ethics and so on. In 2003, while on youth service in Imo State, I was privileged of God to pioneer the Winners Corpers fellowship. After my service year, I had a call to youth ministry which culminated in what is today the Center for Creative youth International global outreach ministry, CCYI. The ministry had its first seminar on the 22nd of January 2005 with the theme: Rising up to a new level. 2005 till date, the impact has spread to Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Ekiti, Imo, Delta and Ondo State. Thousands of young people have at one time or the other been blessed by this ministry. Some of these youths are established pastors of major ministries, bankers, students and entrepreneurs. It is the will of God that we reach out to more students in all campuses.
Past programmes:
»Rise up to a new level – January 22nd 2005
» Youth restiveness and responsive leadership – September 3rd, 2005
»Force of excellence:
Creative approaches to tackling corruption amongst Nigerian Youths. – November 26th 2005
»Red Rose Summit February 2006 – 2009
»Vision Celebration August 2007 – 2009
OUR Vision
To raise kingdom addicts.
To raise financial champions
To raise industrial giants.
To raise creative leaders
To raise society changers.
To raise great sports ambassadors.
Releasing from Africa, apostles of social transformation.
CCYI stands for Center for Creative youth International. This is a faith based youth, leadership and creativity development organization. CCYI is a non governmental organization with a mandate of raising creative leaders that would take pleasure in engaging in community based projects aimed at beautifying the lives of people.
Arms under CCYI Global Outreach Ministries.
The Center for Creative youth International is an Organization with a decagonal spread or formation.
There are various arms that make up the center.
These include:
a) DOJMI – Daniel Olukayode Jacobs Ministries International. This is the literary and book writing/Publishing/Motivational Speaking arm of CCYI.
b) IMCRF – Impact Makers Campus Reformers Fellowship. This is the campus fellowship arm of CCYI. It is a vision committed to empowering youths while on campus.
c) CLRA – Center for learning and resource acquisition. This vision is committed to establishing a conducive reading environment in rural schools. This will be done by setting up functional libraries in the schools and communities. It would also be involved in donating books to schools with library. It is also the information acquisition center for CCYI.
d) CYMN – Creative youth Media Network. This is the media and publicity arm of CCYI.
e) CYCF – Creative Youth Charity Foundation. This vision is committed to lending a helping hand to the less privileged in our society, that is the motherless, fatherless, Orphans, widows, destitute, Prisoners and hospitalized.
f) CYBF – Creative Youth Business Forum. This vision is committed to empowering young people to be self reliant and employed. It seeks to promote and encourage young entrepreneurs.
g) CYSA – Creative Youth Sports Academy. This Vision is committed to discovering and educating young talents in sports. Giving educational scholarships to young skillful sports ambassadors. Raising excellence conscious sport ambassadors and administrators.
h) CTI-TI – Creative Tutors Info – Tech Institute. This vision is committed to taking computer education innovatively and with excellence to the grass root. It also serves as the information technology and training arm of the organization.
i) CCRD – Center for Creative Research and Development. This is a vision committed to sponsoring research works in our institutions in all areas of human discipline.
j) TICLC – The International Creative Leadership Center. This is the base of CCYI. It would serve as the spiritual, leadership and Organizational Training Center of the Ministry. This vision is committed to raising creative leaders in all sectors of our national life. The three fold man. Releasing tomorrow’s leaders today.
As a faith based non – government youth and development organization, we are committed to proper management, accountability, financial integrity and smooth operation ethics.
The organizational structure of CCYI comprise of the following units:
o Jesus Christ
o Advisory Board
o The President
o Executive Council.
o Staff
o Members
o Volunteers.
1. The Advisory Board comprises of the following:
The advisory board comprises of men and women in Christ with proven character, integrity and social responsibility. Men and women with the capacity to reproduce themselves in the lives of others. People that have proofs. People that walked their way to the top via sound biblical principles. People whose resources are always available for the expansion of the kingdom and development of the nation.
2. The President
This is the office of the chief executive/spiritual head of the ministry.
3. The Executive(s)
Committed, registered and appointed members of CCYI.
The Executives comprises of men and women with vision, passion, integrity, focus and a sense of responsibility and the fear of God.
The executives are drawn from all parts of the country. It is void of tribalism and Prejudices.
The executives are young people willing to sacrifice their time, energy, resources and intellect for the growth and development of the organization and the continent.
4. Staff.
These are people employed in the running of the secretariat. Such as Secretaries, clerks, teachers, IT managers, lawyers and various facilitators.
6. Members.
The members are drawn from all parts of the globe. Membership fee is N12500 per annum.
Membership Categories.
a) Individual membership.
b) Corporate membership.
c) Affiliate membership.
i) Individual membership.
This involves individuals such as students, teachers, workers, businessmen, pastors etc.
ii) Corporate membership.
This involves companies, industries, institutions, schools etc.
iii) Affiliate membership.
This involves other Youth Organizations, NGOs, Ministries, Churches, and International Ministries etc.
1. Weekly human capacity building fellowship.
- A time to explore the creative wisdom of Christ
- A time to teach and learn the creative leadership principles of Jesus and other world leaders.
- A time to interact and extend love to others.
- A time to sit at the feet of Jesus and get impacted for global exploits.
- A time to pick up the touch of the word in our quest to light up the world.
- It is time of creative, tenacious, interactive and passionate crave for the word of God.
2. Institutional Summits.
Our institutional summit holds on various campuses in Nigeria and beyond. It is designed to upgrade the minds of young people in our schools.
These programmes include:
1. Empowerment seminars, debates and quiz in secondary schools.
2. All secondary school prefects leadership summit.
3. Uncommon teachers’ summits.
4. Campus youth leaders crusade.
5. Youth Creativity Concerts.
3. Creative Empowerment Summit.
This is a once in a month summit to be organized to bring youths together in a bid to discuss and learn from one another. It also brings professionals to share their experiences with the youths.
Topics are primarily chosen for:
a) Spiritual growth.
b) Business enhancement.
c) Academic excellence.
d) Relationship success.
e) Character development.
4. Creative Reach out programmes
We have a passion to reach out to the less privileged ones in our society through hospital evangelism as well as making resources available to young people that might be jobless, homeless or have no one to care for them.
The following are related community based projects to be undertaken by the organization.
a) Establishment of Community libraries in all states of the federation by the year 2020.
b) Equipping libraries in schools in the rural areas.
c) Giving scholarships to unprivileged children in our society.
d) Forming partnership with Private industries and rehabilitate dilapidated classroom structures in our schools.
e) Offer free leadership training in secondary schools. Donating leadership books to their libraries.
f) Empower farmers, farmers and rural dwellers with modern tools to aid their production.
g) Build orphanages and rehabilitation camps for ex-drug addicts, cultists, and criminals.
h) Create jobs for “area boys” in a bid to keep them off the streets.
i) Organize series of campaigns on the need to educate the girl child.
j) Take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the market places, schools and rural communities.
k) Organize trade fairs aimed at empowering local products and manufacturers.
We the youths of this nation owe it a responsibility to salvage the next generation. It is up to us to raise a new breed of African Leaders. Leaders that would fight and win the battle against corruption, indolence, and brain drain, political violence, election rigging, malpractices and all forms of social evils. This we believe cannot be done politically but creatively – applying scriptural facts. This is the foundation for creative leadership – the last hope for Africa.
Contact Address
5 Iwalewa Street Odunlami Close
Ota, Ogun State.
Tel: 01-7348654, 08035690386, 08096637615
Daniel Olukayode Jacobs
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