
Excellency of Wisdom

Adam: The Pattern Man

Adam, the king of Eden, represents the totality of God's intention for creating man.

God's earth was filled with treasures. The garden of Eden in which He put man was a reservoir of wealth and abundance. It was a kingdom and God placed a king over it to reign. The king was Adam. No king reigns without wisdom. This is what the word of God tells us in Proverbs 8:15:

By me (wisdom) kings reign and princes decree justice This proves that God must have deposited His wisdom in Adam to enable him reign in his kingdom. Adam had the wisdom of God. He was created in the image of the only wise God.
God's Dream For Man

If we may ask, "Hello God, the Almighty, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth; what is Your purpose for creating Adam? What was Your dream for the man You created?" This is what the answer would be:

...Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over...every living thing that moveth upon the earth Genesis 1:28

Thus, Adam had a responsibility to carry out in the garden of Eden. He was to dress it and keep it. All the resources needed for the task were at his disposal. All the treasures were there. He needed wisdom to carry out his task. He needed wisdom to be able to distinguish between the trees that were there, between those to feed the eyes and those to feed the stomach. He also needed wisdom to make food from the trees which were good for food. The task of the man God made was great.

It takes the wisdom of God to fathom out the deep things of God, but Adam did so with ease.

Truly, God and man were in communion, in relationship and in deep touch one with another, and perhaps, in companionship, for he that walketh with the wise shall be wise (Proverbs 13:20). With the wisdom of God in him, the ways of God were laid bare before him and he was able to walk in the reality of them.

He could exercise dominion and authority on earth. He was a king and the earth was his domain. He reigned in it by the wisdom of God deposited in him at creation, and managed the largest zoo in the history of mankind, unhurt!
Restoration Of God's Dream For Man

Such was the magnitude of God's purpose and intention, and man's dominion, until he fell and lost it all. But then came Jesus to RESTORE the DOMINION more abundantly!

In 1 Corintians 1:24, we are told that Christ is:

...the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God. The responsibility was enormous, but the wisdom in him was greater, and through it, he could relate with the animals, distinguish between all the precious stones and put them to use.

God entrusted man to dress, to adorn, and to beautify what He had made. All the animals were brought to him for naming. He named all of them and whatever name he gave them was accepted by God! It must take a man full of wisdom and understanding to give names to all the animals in the world today.

God trusted man to keep what He created and to continue His work of creation. With the wisdom of God in him, he created things out of God's creation. Adam was asleep when a rib was taken out of him to form a woman. He wasn't aware of what transpired, but as soon as he saw Eve, the wisdom of God in him told him, "She is your bone and your flesh," and he repeated:

This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man. Genesis 2:23

And if at new birth, Jesus, the Wisdom of God comes to live on the inside of the believer, then we may say; "If You, Lord, are the Lord and you change not, your purpose and intention must remain the same unchangeable! For, You are the eternal constant and man the variable!"

This means that as a believer, you can now manifest the wisdom of God on earth, even as Adam did, and much more! You can create your way of glory, honour and dignity.However, this is only possible if you invoke that which is in you to action, by opening it to receive light and illumination from above.

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