Deut 6:10-12
This is something prophetic about our ability to dream big.
God is moving us to a season where God is expanding his influence on earth.
The church was designed by God to be head and not tail. Deut 28:1-13
The head is symbolic of front liners, decision making, initiators, pace setters, trail blazers, history makers, etc.
The church is not designed to be reactionary. The church is visionary, it is the control valve for all that exist on the earth.
The church was not designed to be dragged around by culture and political elements. Rather, entertainment, media, education, governments, cultures and other earthly kingdoms should draw their functioning power from the church.
The church is not just for the gathering of people, but a concentration of kingdom execution power on the earth. Hebrews 4:1-2
The challenge however is that the church is always so slow to respond to change. This is so because, the church is dependent on what God says. It is born out of revelation. However Revelation is progressive. We should stay with just what God said, but strive to know what God is saying.
Ephesians 1:20-23 MSG
Christ has a final word on everything.
The world is peripheral to the church.
The church is the CPU that should control the activities of the world.
What stopped Israel from entering Canaan was lack of capacity.
1. Lack of capacity to dream.
2. Lack of capacity to manage resources.
When you lack capacity to dream, Gods promised blessing can end up intimidating you.
If the fish you catch is too big for your frying pan, get a bigger frying pan, instead of throwing away the big fish and always settling for only the fish that sizes your old frying pan.
Never throw away an idea because it is too big for your mind to capture.
Most people can not just divorce themselves from the strongholds already established in their minds.
Romans 12:2
The mind needs consistent renewal if it must function the way God wants it to.
The same God that gave you a 3"x 5" dream can also choose to give you a 10" x 15" dream. The template you are accustomed to while trading 3" x 5" dream might not work with the new dream of 10" x 15".
Stop comparing where God is taking you to where you are coming from.
There is need to get out of default mode or setting and get set to rise to a new dimension.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Strongholds of the mind can and would always limit our capacity to dream new dreams.
In God's agenda, it is time for the opening of a new phase.
Capacity also has to do with flexibility. Luke 5:38
God does not have problem pouring into containers, but his challenge is the capacity of the receiving container.
Nothing is ever expensive, it is only people that cannot afford them that exist.
What you cannot afford with 3" x 4" dream would become very affordable with a 10" x 15" dream. Rise to a new dimension.
Do not go into the future reacting to the past.
You cannot go far in life without loosing some relationships.
Where God is taking you does not need physical labour, all you need is management skills.
It is time to rise mentally, spiritually and emotionally to a new dimension.
Jesus is lord!
Pastor Kayode Daniel
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