


The theme for this year's
Accelerate global impact summit shall be 
Cultivating a BREAKTHROUGH Mindset:  
Re-igniting your mind for global relevance

Accelerate Global Impact Summit is the annual youth empowerment summit organized by the Elohim Christian Center for Creative Youth International aka Palace of Creativity, which is a youth and leadership development initiative of the CCYI Global Enterprise® - a company inspired to be a blessing.


Accelerate Global Impact Summit debuted in 2011, and ever since it has been moving like a train from one venue to another. We have partnered with various ministries since the first edition and the story has been getting sweeter by the day.


In 2019, we had a glorious outing at Accelerate Global Impact Summit 2019 with the theme: Manifestation. The summit attracted two past registrars of Covenant University as guest speakers and also two Google Nigeria partner companies to facilitate the ICT session. It was really a bumper package that ensured that participants were well fed with knowledge and insights.


The year 2020 has however been bedeviled with the outbreak of the deadly noisome pandemic – Coronavirus, but this would not stop God’s moving train from blazing the trail. Accelerate Global Impact Summit 2020 is here at last.


Moses led the children of Israel with the instrument of the rod. And you shall take this rod in your hand, with which you shall do the signs.” Exodus 4:17. What God gave Moses was the rod of signs and wonders. All Moses needed was to believe and proclaim what God says, and God would make happen the signs and wonder.

Moses did not need to understand what was going on. God made his way prosperous and ensured he was successful. When it was time to go and possess Canaan, something happened.


 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8. Rather than a rod, a book was passed on to Joshua for meditative investment. He was to invest and cultivate his thoughts in the laws that govern prosperity and success. At this point, man was not expected to be ignorant of how things worked around him. He needed a working knowledge of what goes on around him. The dawn of a new dispensation.


To this end, Accelerate Global Impact Summit 2020 shall draw its strength and potency from the book of Joshua 1:8, Hebrew 5:12-14


At Accelerate Global Impact Summit 2020, we shall be extolling the great virtues of the mind and how we can tap into the great wealth loaded into it at creation. The mind is no doubt a well of awesome opportunities, but only available to the brave.


We believe that after the salvation of our soul, the mind is our greatest resource that needs to be explored. The Spirit of Christ must be coupled with the mind of Christ if all of our redemptive packages must have expression.


The theme for Accelerate Global Impact Summit 2020 shall be

Cultivating a BREAKTHROUGH Mindset


The following topics shall be treated at this year's Accelerate: 

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