

The church will raise you, no one will hear about it.

The church will train you in school, no one will applaud the church for it...

A pastor will pick you up and give you platform for a global celebration, all the social media pundits won't publish it...

But any day you suffer or die under a condition you ignorantly kept away from the knowledge of the church, the church becomes your killer...
A church of mega multitudes, with thousands of happily married couples, no one comes out to appreciate the church and the pastors whose teachings and instructions in righteousness have kept them together...

But if one among them is affected by what was not made known to the pastor, this generation will begin to crucify him and slander the church.
"The church is not helping matters" is an allegation from hell.
"Pastors are not  teaching against abusive marriage" is sponsored by enemies of salvation. 
Most marriages are great today because of the intervention of the church...

Most couples are having happy homes today because their pastors got involved...
Pray before making a decision for marriage, but rather than do that, you allow your emotions dictate the happenings and when the result comes out, you are quick to blame it on the church.......

Marry a child of God, you would say there is nothing wrong with the person as long as you are in love with him or her....

Bring your so called hubby to be, for prayer and counselling, you refuse because you want your relationship to be private or personal ....

Pastor advices you not to marry the person you have chosen, you then decided to leave the church so you can get married ....

Your spouse was showing signs of wickedness during relationship, yet you went ahead without counsel and got married .... But when your ignorant moves and uncultured decisions begin to create challenges people join you to castigate  the church and pastors.
The church remains a place of restoration, turn around and blessings...

Most pastors continue to be a blessing to those who believe in them.
The church cannot become irrelevant because of your sentiment... The church is the light of the world and salt of the earth. 

Without the church the world will continue to stumble in darkness and the earth will lose its taste. 

Pastors cannot lose dignity because of your hatred... No matter how many time you insult money, trample it under foot, rough handle it would still hold its value. ....that is how it is with pastors and the church. Jesus was bitten with thorn like whips but that did not stop his gospel from storming the world for more than 2000 years. 

You did not call the pastor, so you are not qualified to judge him.... The one who called him will straighten his pastor. 
It is therefore not wisdom to hide your challenges from your pastor. One word of prayer from him can change things in your favour. 
The church is not your problem...
Pastors are not your problem...
Your problem is failure to embrace wisdom

Go to your pastor and share your challenges with him or her. If your pastor is not qualified to counsel you, then you might be attending the wrong church. Feel free to ask God to show you where your spiritual family is located. 
There are thousands of credible pastors out there with whom your secret remains between you and them. Ask God and he would reveal your pastor to you. 
You will only prosper and flourish under your God ordained pastor. 

Don't go on social media and wash your mouth on the anointed. "Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm". This commandment was given by the one who sends and backs up the angels (pastors) of the church. 

Don't put yourself in arms way by kicking against the pricks with your ill advised moves. 
Blaming the church and pastors for your ignorance would only lead you to quenching the light. And when your light is out, you stumble in darkness. 

Stop the blame game and obey instructions.
God bless you.

Re-edited at the 
speak the word only

1 comment:

  1. This is a whole message for everyone concern to learn.
    Make a hay while the sun shines.
