

Every statement of scriptures adds value to those who believe. 


A good seed would get choked when found amongst tares. 

1 Corinthians 15:33

Where you find yourself often defines what proceeds from you. 

Proverbs 13:20

* They that walk, walk with many
* They that run, run with a few and 
* Those that fly, fly with many. 

Your association is either enhancing or eroding your value. 

Psalm 1:1-3

Who you walk with, where you sit and with whom you stand to say a lot about who you become. 

It is wisdom to build value-sharing relationships. 

Association is vital in defining anyone's destiny. 

* Those who walk, walk by common sense. 

* Those who run, run by principles. 

* Those who fly, fly by instructions. 

Those who hate instructions never become high flyers. 

Proverbs 4:13

2 Samuel 13:1-32 | The dangers of wrong association. 

Those who sin with you will sin against you. 

Beware of walking with subtle people ... they can be grave masters. 

2 Samuel 15:11 | The dangers of wrong association - the absence of common sense. Going in simplicity. 

Simplicity void of common sense can lead to trouble grounds. 

Wisdom is justified of her children. 

Numbers 16: 1-3 | Rebellion is a product of wrong association. 

It is better to walk alone than walk with the wrong people. 

Three levels of association

1.  Relationship with superiors. Very helpful relationship. 

You must relate at one level or another. 

You ride on the shoulders of those that are ahead of you. 

Find people who will encourage your growing up. 

An arrogant generation does not want anybody talking to you. 

2. Association with peers

3. Association with those coming up. 

Do not subscribe to a mentor whose integrity you do not subscribe to. 

Mind instructions to avoid destruction. 

Who you camp with says alot about your lot in life. 

Who you hang around with determines what hangs around you. 

Believe in identifying mentors in your life. It helps you see beyond your peers. 

Relationships are not by force, it is by choice. 

Joshua 24:15
Deut 30:19

You are absolutely responsible for the outcome of his or her life. 

Make the right choices as far as association is concerned. 

By redemption, you have what it takes to make the most of destiny. 

Be careful who you call your friend, it reflects your character. 

You have to be choosy when making friends. 

Make friends cheaply and call it off so neatly when you discover you are not going on the same path. 

The cheapest way up is to identify a guide. 

Hebrews 13:7

You only flourish where God leads you into.

Isaiah 48:17, 21

God is committed to leading you when you are committed to following him. 

Look before you leap, lest you jump into horror. 

Learn patience, it guarantees a stable tomorrow...

Success is a product of a process. 

Every star starts as a player before becoming a star. 

Your association determines the outcomes of your life.

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