

Judgment is always on situation and not on the person. 

1 Peter 2:23-24

You cannot testify about something you do not know. 

Hebrew 11:28

1 Corinthians 5:7-9

Exodus 12:21-23

The communion is a pre and post resurrection  ..

1 Peter 1:2

The blood of sprinkling does not work for poeple who walk in disobedience..

Romans 10:9 - 10

There must be a proclamation of the things you believe with your mouth. 

Hebrews 3:1

Prophesion is proclaiming the same words of a prophetic word. 

Never say anything about yourself or your future that you do not want Jesus to make happen. 

What you say about yourself is what God makes happen in your life. 

Numbers 14:28

Jesus is the high priest over our confession. 

Jesus took his blood to heaven, and sprinkled the blood on the mercy seat seven times ...

Leviticus 16:14 -  blood sprinkled seven times 

Only explained teachings is what makes it sustainable. 

The teaching move of the Spirit can only be sustained when it is explained....

Hebrews 12:24 - 26

The high priest is a mediator....

The sprinkled blood of Jesus speaks from heaven. 

Hebrews 13:5-7

The blood of Jesus speaks so that we can boldly speak the same words in the prophetic..word coming from heaven 

1 John 5:8

What has the blood done? 


Psalm 107:2

To be redeemed is to be bought back. 

Colossians 1:13-14

* There is remission of sin 
* Deliverance from darkness. 

Ephesians 1:7 & 14

Redemption involves our translation from the kingdom of darkness. ....

To redeem means to buy....

Satan has no more claim on the redeemed. 

To be redeemed, there is no right of claim that can justify that the redeemed is under any form of bondage. 

1 Peter 1:18

We have been redeemed from any form of generational force of hell...

Even though you have been made free, there is need to be free from mental slavery...

Luke 13:16

When you have been bought, three should be no trace of anything that belongs to Satan. 

When the price has been paid, you are taken away from the premises of earlier captor. 

Isaiah 49:24-25

God will always fight or kill for whatever he loves. 

Luke 13:16

God works when you enter into rest. Enter into a place of stillness and quietness to see God move in your favour. 

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