


When you stop learning, you start dying. Continuous learning is key to growth. 

Vision is crucial in running any meaningful venture. And continuous learning is what boost capacity for visionary delivery. 

Every vision established and effectively pursued venture never knows the meaning of failure. 

•The Renewal of any system is vital for Sustainable Impact. 1 Sam 11:14 - "Samuel said Let us go to Gilgal to renew the kingdom there"

▪Where there is no Vision, the people perish - Pro 29:18

▪Without Vision is a people are made naked Without Vision people are stripped off honour and dignity.
Vision inspires excellence, which is the product of one's tireless commitment to improvement. 
Henry Ford said, "When you stop learning whether at 20 or 80 but when you keep learning, you are young whether at 80 or at 20°
No one ever arrives at a future that he/she cannot see or is prepared for. 
Responsibility is all about efficient management of Self Time Tack and Resources. 

According to George Washington, Discipline is the sole of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; it procures success to the weak and esteem to all 

We believe that it takes high level discipline to fully deliver any given task and be accomplished in the face of life. 

No world-changer runs a normal schedule, that is why there is no Star without a Scar, and the Scar of every star is SACRIFICE. World changers do not live normal lives, they constantly raise the bar to suit the demands for their intended accomplishment. 

Lots of youths today are without appropriate discovery of purpose which is why many do not engage their Creative capabilities,

May you come to the realization that you are born again to see again and ultimately to LEAD again. 

Palace of Creativity
Inspiring young minds with kingdom intelligence

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