

We live in a world of limitless possibilities

“The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled towards some great good ”— Brian Tracy

It is often said that there’s no limit to what a man can achieve, the only limitation one can have is the limitation of the mind. There is an unlimited amount of possibilities for every individual out there.

According to Henry Ford “if you believe you can do something, you can; if you believe you can’t, you are probably right”. Though the world will do everything in its power to create barriers and want you to conform. Only those who train their minds and are resilient to swim the tides of life will be the ones to achieve great heights.

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless”. — Jamie Paolinetti

Life is full of possibilities. But often times, our struggles make it hard for us to see the prize ahead. Due to circumstances we usually can’t control, we give up on our dreams or simply ride along the waves.

In as much as the world will try to create barriers for you, try not to be one of those barriers. You are enough and you need to constantly give yourself this affirmation.

The power is within you already, it’s just a matter of wielding it and directing it to prioritize your goal. This is enough reason why I will implore you to be optimistic rather than having all sorts of pessimistic views about life.

Because an optimistic person sees possibilities in everything and is never downcasted or dismayed at whatever life throws at him or her. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

There is indeed so much to what you can achieve, even the word impossible says “I’m possible”. If you take your mind back to the 80s and 90s and notice the drastic change that has evolved in times past, comparing it to the present day, you can indeed see that there has been a lot of advancements both in technology and other sectors.

These advancements were made possible by men who saw that there is no limitation to what can be achieved. We wouldn’t be experiencing the world as it is today if great men like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Malcolm x,Isaac Newton, Marcus Garvey, Mother Teresa, Oprah Winfrey, Benjamin Franklin, Elon Musk e.t.c never took it upon themselves to be intentional about their existence and dared what seemed impossible.

Throughout history we have seen many examples of unthinkable things become possible; such as traveling to space, artificial intelligence, Moving vehicles, Electric motors, Telephones, and so on. None of this would have come to fruition if certain people doubted their potentials and were stuck in their comfort zone.

Truth is, there is so much to do if you consciously look around. Your time on earth is limited, so why don’t you give earth a fair share of your greatness before you return to your maker.

You are limitless and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. You can sit and watch Life pass by, but in everything you do make each day count.

There were times when I looked at certain things and felt this is so impossible for me to do until I took that step and I found out I could accomplish whatever I put my mind to.

It always looks impossible until it is done. Surely there will be naysayers, I will implore you to shut all distractions and keep your focus.

Be open to learning, be open to finding solutions. Do the research and find out why certain things occur and how to provide long-lasting solutions to whatever the issue might be.

Be a calculated risk taker, Invest in research programs and take action. It is not just enough to develop an idea, but to take action for proper execution of that idea.

Surprisingly, it is no rocket science to what you can achieve in life. Even Ben Carson went from being called a “dummy" in school, to becoming one of the greatest neurosurgeons in the United States.

“create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe” — Oprah Winfrey

As a genuine believer, I can assure you that God has already given you the materials you need to push through. His words say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". You can make this your mantra, and indeed you will see that there is no limitation to what you can achieve.

Imagine if the wright brothers never saw the possibility of an airplane. How tiring it would have been having to travel from one country to another. The Wright Brothers flew right through the smokescreen of impossibility.

Despite being blind and deaf at age 2, Helen Keller defied all odds by overcoming her dual disability. She became the first deaf-blind person to attain a bachelor’s degree and also became a prominent writer and activist. Though Helen Keller was both blind and deaf, she was able to achieve great things. Her disability did not hinder her from earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts.

This shows that anyone can get far and do something great in life, no matter his/her situation. She was an inspiration to all people who either had a disability or did not believe that they were able to get far in life.

Do you feel you have seen all that it is to life, probably because you saw a technological advancement, a mind-blowing scenario, or an event that blew your mind and you said to yourself “nothing can beat this". Sorry to burst your bubble, you are only in for more jaw-dropping moments because we live in a world of endless possibilities.

I still put it to you, that you ain’t seen nothing yet. This generation and the next generation still have a lot to offer.

You must understand that life is abundant. Never adopt a scarcity mindset. The only thing that can stop you is your own limiting belief about what’s possible.

Having a possibility mindset is very important, because, with this mindset, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Avoid staying in your comfort zone, make that move and it will amaze you to what you can achieve.

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