

Nigerian @ 62

Ezekiel 10:14 (KJV)  And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

The forth coming elections demands that electorates locate the four faces of a revolutionary leader. 

The leader that would take Nigeria out of the woods in the coming political dispensation must possess the following faces. 

1. The face of a cherub
Cherubs are angels, and angels are known to be creatures of service. 

They are errand creatures between man and God. So the revolutionary leader that must emerge in 2023 should be one committed to service. Service is key to leadership. 

2. The face of a man
This demands intellectual capacity. Whosoever  must emerge must possess adequate intellectual capacity. He must have value for education. Commitment to building human capital must be top notch. 

3. The face of a lion
The man that must occupy the top seat in Nigeria's political landscape must possess enough physical, mental and emotional strength. He must be one with appropriate political will to make difficult decisions that would move our nation forward.  He must not be one that would be flown in and out of the country in a bid to maintain his or her health. Age must be on his side. 

4. The face of an Eagle
The eagle is known for vision. It can see very far ahead. It soars at very high altitudes. It feeds on fresh kills and committed to a mate. It is committed to a renewal process and patient enough to understand current trends or wind patterns. 

These are some of the characteristics of the kind of visionary leader that Nigerians should commit their voters card to electing. 

With all these criteria, your guess is as good as mine on who amongst the ones parading themselves as candidates should be the people's choice. 

   Isaiah 1:19 (KJV)  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

Kay Daniels
Palace of creativity Youth Centre 


https://bit ly/ccyiglobal

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