

John 13:34-35 (KJV)  A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

One genuine proof of salvation is our walk in the Jesus kind of love, which unfortunately tends to be missing amongst Christians in today's world. 

For instance, you cannot openly commend a brother or sister in church for the fear of how people would feel afterwards. The hatred, belitterness, envy that trail the success of a fellow believer is so rampant in the body of Christ - the church. 

Believers now choose to hide their testimonies for the fear of attracting unhealthy sentiments from fellow believers. 

Even church leavers and overseers are not spared. You can feel the hatred, jealousy, envy and bitterness in the heart of some of them when they make comments about one another. 

This is not what Jesus expects from is. We did not choose to love him, it was he loving us inspite of our sins that compelled believers to love him in ruturn. 

It is not Christ like to speak evil of another believer, just because you feel he or she is more fortunate than you. 

That another believer is more successful than you should not inspire evil thoughts and actions. 

Romans 12:9 (KJV)  Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

I have always held the view that our love for God ought not to be verberlized, rather it should be demonstrated in our love for one another. 

Many would make noise about the love of God but show little or no love at all for mankind. 

The only way we knew the quality of God's loves, was His practical show of an love to mankind. 

1 John 4:20 (KJV)  If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

The love you shower on God can only be proven by your practical show of love for mankind. 

If you cannot love your boss, you associate, fellow student, fellow staff, gateman, cleaner, less priviledged etc littered all around us, then our claim of loving God with our seeds, offerings and tithes may all amount to hypocrisy. 

The love we show others is proof of the love we have received from God. If cannot show it, you have not received it. 

For instance, our government and people celebrated armed forces remembrance day, claiming to hail fallen heros. How do you hail fallen heros when you do nothing about the plight of their widows and fatherless children. It shows the retoric and lips service we pay to this subject of love. 

Another things is, if you love the kingdom and you do not love your nation, you are practicing one legged love. As you seek first the kingdom, also pray for the prosperity of your nation. 

You cannot be seeking tbe kingdom and speaking evil of your nation. All you receive in church is expected to be made real in the nation. 

The love of God we connect with from the word in church needs to be applied in the world for it to be proved. 

John 13:17 (KJV)  If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.

Kay Daniels

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