

When you go as a person, you get nothing. We get nothing going alone without Jesus. Without God we can all do nothing. John 21:3, John 21:6

The right side is always the God side. Going with God would always position man commissioned by God on the right side. 

Isaiah 9:8

God is not slow

2 Peter 3:9 NIV


Nothing gives value to faith like patience. 

Hebrews 6:12

1 Samuel 3:21

God demands that we develop spiritual capacity for what he has for us. Luke 1:80

Galatians 4:1-2

Sons are given while children are born  Authority is not confired on children.
 Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:12, 40, 42, Luke 9:35

Jesus grew from being a child to becoming a son. 

No building rises higher than the bearing capacity of it's foundation. 

Matthews 25:15

Glory is determined in terms of weight. 2 Corinthians 4:17

Capacity is what determines how much weight that can be entrusted on you. 

Many are running around with floating inspiration. 

Capacity would not develop itself. It cannot be imparted. 

There is no such anointing that would impart you with skill you have not acquired. 

We are to be able ministers of the Gospel. 

Stand in the way and ask... Jeremiah 6:16-17

Reading to preach is not capacity building. You read to learn to be  impactful in whatever you are called into. 

Hebrews 6:5, 3 Peter 2:4, 1 Timothy 4:8

What you do with what you know is what builds your capacity. 

Capacity is not about age but about depth of insight, that comes through a crave for knowledge. 

Job 32:7-8

God would always appraise our capacity to determine our next level. 

Exodus 18:21-24

That you are a good man does not mean you would be good on your job. 

You are either building a library or building a mortuary without knowing ...

You ignore knowledge, you suffer mockery ...

2 Timothy 2:15

What you don't have, you can't give....

Burn out is nothing but a disconnect from current knowledge. 

When you stop learning, you start dying....

Everyone has a place in space....

How committed we are to learning determines how high in life we can go....

Revelation 22:16

It is not a great coach that makes a ones personal choice to dedication, discipline and devotion that brings about result....

Capacity cannot be imparted on people....

It is depths that defines height....

Capacity is what determines weight of glory...

God tempts no man with evil....he would not tempt you with whatever is beyond you....

There is need for capacity building....

2 Timothy 4:8 Spiritual capacity covers all areas of life....

To be spiritually minded results in life and peace....Romans 8:6 

Every man's star is in himself.... 2 Peter 1:19

There are things God is saying, but you need capacity to receive it....

It is paying the abnormal price that makes a world changer...

Reading the word adds value daily to our life...

Those who die daily never die and get forgotten.... 1 Corinthians 15:31 

Determination, discipline, diligence and sacrifice is what makes men excel in life....

Ecc 6:1, Ecc 10:5-10, 15, 16

Labour becomes a curse when the route to city (for commerce) is not known. 

You don't wait to build capacity, you commit to building it. 

How to build spiritual capacity

1. It increases with the knowledge of the word. 

Daniel 11:32

There is need for  indepth revelation of the word (the bible and other relevant materials that enhance our capacity in the word.)

You don't build capacity wishing ....

Learning must be a lifestyle 

2. Engage in spiritual exercises 

2 Timothy 4:6

There is need for frevency on the altar of prayer to access help, direction and answers to our questions. 

Study the life of those that have gone ahead of us...

There is no branch of a new without a root in the old.....

Follow after the faith of those that have gone ahead of you..... Hebrews 13:7

Without a mentor you have no ladder .... While without a father, you have no feathers....

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