

God is committed in leading when you are committed to following....

Isaiah 48:17

Allow God to lead you, and you will never lack the operation of goodness and mercy...

It is a possiblity to experience everyday goodness and mercy....

It is goodness and mercy that draws or pulls people towards their destiny.....

When God is the one leading, struggles and stress cannot find its way to you....

The supernatural answers to the command of the word. Exodus 4:17

It is the word of God in your hand that puts us in command of signs and wonders. 

Isaiah 11:1-2, John 1:1-14

There is need to place premium value on the word of God. 

Every revelation of the truth is a rod in your hands to do signs...

John 3:8 , Isaiah 8:18

Every child of God is redeemed to be live a supernatural lifestyle.....

You are never in command of the supernatural without the word...

Your content is more important than your cost and suits. 

Knowing who you are and what you carry, is vital in walking in the supernatural...

It is one thing to know who you are another thing to know what you carry ...

2 Kings 4:1 - 7

There is always something in your life that is able to deal with the issues confronting you. 

It is time to look inward. This is because every child of God is loaded. There is something on your inside ...

Genesis 21:19

Our sense of value is what determines the flow of virtue. 

Exodus 4:2 - 4

You carry all it takes in redemption on your inside to command exploits....

Numbers 13:30, Numbers 14:1

Exaggerating your problems only compounds it. You cannot dominate any challenge you do not despise....

What you despise, you end up dominating...

In Christ, everything always works....

Don't let any devil despise what you carry...

1 Samuel 17:43


1. By redemption, we are sitted far above situations and circumstances. 

Ephesians 2:6, 1:20-21, Revelation 12:7-11

We are sitted in heavenly places where they do not lose battles. 

John 8:23, John 17:14-15, John 3:31, John 15:19

We should be conscious of the fact that we are from above ...

Every child of God is from above....

Anything from above is above all....

We are heavenly citizens on a mission on the earth....

2. We have been taken away from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. 

This is where darkness cannot approach us...

Where we are, darkness is no longer tenable....

We are hidden is the embassy of God. Satans warrant of arrest is impossible when you are hidden in the kingdom embassy of God and his Christ. 

Ephesians 5:8

We do not just have light, we are now light. 


1. I carry Jesus on my inside. And this bodily. 

Revelation 3:20, Galatians 1:27

Jesus is bodily on our inside. 

There is Christ on our inside. 

The greater one than the devil now dwells on you. 

Jesus is alive in us. 

Luke 11:21-22, 1 John 4:4
The stronger on now lives in us.  

The greater one now resides in us making our bodies indestructible. 

Romans 8:11

"The spirit of understanding, knowledge, wisdom, fear of God and Counsel imparts on our body making it a yielded body by the Spirit of might - power (the anointing). This is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. 

2 Kings 1:12

You need a sound revation of who you are and what you carry. 


Every virtues in God's word draws on faith. Luke 1:45

Every covenant virtues draws on faith for delivery. 

The hand of God can only be brought to bare by faith. 

Deut 26:8, Acts 19:11, Isaiah 53:1, Mark 4:38-40

Work on your faith as you tap into the word of God. ...

John 14:21

Jesus, show up and he would show up for you now.

We command the supernatural at will using the gift of the name of Jesus. 

Acts 3:6, Mark 16:15-17

No one can command the supernatural without engaging the power of the tongue. 

Luke 21:15, Mark 11:23, Acts 14:3, Psalm 81:10

The mouth is the fountain ⛲ of the supernatural. 
What you cannot say, you are not empowers to see. 

You cannot know who you are and what you carry and have doors closed to you..

Light will always dominate in the territory of darkness. 

Isaiah 60:1-22, Isaiah 58:8, 11-14, John 12:35

Whenever revelation breaks forth, every iron gates get uprooted or closed doors give way. 

Always engage with acquired or revealed light. 

To continue enjoying open doors..remain in love with God as a way of life...

Do not just get on board, remain on board to enjoy whatever is served on board the plan. The flight ✈️ of life....

Romans 8:28

No door of favour would ever be shut against you from hence forth. 

Every agent of death planning the death of you or anyone close to you will die in you place. Receive the blessedness of a good old age. The doors against death is shut now. 

Dr David Oyedepo
2nd service Faith Tabernacle
Canaan land Ota
Covenant Day of Open Doors part 2
(Communion Service)

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