


Dreams are Holy Spirit paintings on the canvas of our mind. They propel us into action. They are static pictures that constantly remind us of our soon coming future. 

But a dream not fueled by the spirit is nothing but an ambition that holds no credibility in our pursuit of kingdom powered dreams or aspirations. 

"And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;" Ephesians 4:23

There is a need for us to renew the spirit that controls the activities that goes on in our mind. This is the key to empowering your dreams. 

The mind must be injected with life. When we renew the spirit of our mind, we put on the new man which is patterned in the nature of God in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:24

It would always take a new man to have new dreams. 

What must I do to put on the new man that inspire new dreams? 

1. Put away lying, but speak the truth at all times. Deception kills dreams. Lying punctures and deflates the life  or potential of a dream. 

2. Come up with an anger management system. Do not surpress anger, process and express it within the timeline called today. Never allow your anger to spill over to the next day. 

3. Do no create room for people whose anger is to embitter your life or turn you against other people. People who make you doubt your friends or comfortably speak evil about others to you are the greatest enemies of your dream. Give no place to them. 

4. Do not steal from others in other to fuel your dreams. Work on your dreams and expect great outcomes. You don't wish your dream to come true, you work at making the dream a reality. The essence of your dream, is to have enough to inject into other peoples life. 

5. To preserve your dream, effectively manage the things that proceed forth from your mouth. Communication is the life wire of a worthy dream. Dreamers are ministers of grace. 

6. Embrace the life giving Spirit as you desire to see your dreams come true. Stay true and committed to the instructions of the Holy Spirit. He is the life of every worthy dream. 

7. Bitterness, wrath, anger, evil speakings and malice are negative attitudes that extinguishes great dreams. Stay far away from them. 

8. Kindness and tenderheartedness are catalyst for enhancing the fulfilment of your dreams. Embrace them. 

You are now ready to power your dreams. 

Good morning and have DREAM ENHANCING Week. 

Stay wordspired
Kay Daniels
Palace of Creativity 

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