

Daniel 11:32  And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. 

The knowledge of the Almighty is the key to tapping into unlimited strength. 

The more of God you know, the stronger you get. 

For the natural man, the soul is all about imagination, memory, intellect, emotion and will. But for the renewed mind, the soul is about inspiration, information, intercession, interaction and Impartation. 
For the spiritually redeemed soul, it is the spirit of understanding, spirit of knowledge, spirit of wisdom, spirit of the fear of God and the spirit of counsel. 

So with the spirit of understanding, there is inspiration that powers our imagination. 

So with the spirit of knowledge, there is information that powers our memory. 

So with the spirit of wisdom, there is intercession that powers our intellect. 

So with the spirit of the fear of God, there is interaction that powers our emotion. 

So with the spirit of counsel, there is Impartation that powers our will. 

An understanding of the working of our soul is key to enhancing productivity. 

For more inspiration plan and prepare to attend Faith Technopreneurship Summit 2023 organized by the CCYI GLOBAL OUTREACHES on the 5th of August 2023 | CEDS COVENANT UNIVERSITY | 11AM
Register online: https://ccyifaithtechsummit

See you there! 
Kay Daniels 

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