

Images are powerful. "Image" is the spirit that powers the media industry. Image is so powerful that God needed it and satan also took advantage with it. 

Behind every image is a spirit. When God decided to create mankind, He created him as an image,and what powered this image is the Spirit of God. 

When satan decided to approach Eve, the woman, he had to take up an image. 

Eve responded to the image that Satan presented, unknowing to her, there was an evil spirit powering the image. 

Many religions, cultures and traditions all thrived on images, this is because the founders of these mythologies understood the power and irresistible influence of image. 

When it comes to worship, it must go directly to the Spirit of God, and not to the image. Even Jesus is the express image of God, He is not to be worshiped but a medium of worship of God. 

God created Image and powered it with his sprit. 

Graven Images are also made and
powered by the Spirit behind those
that made it. 

The spirit that powered the God
created Images produce Life  in abundance.

The spirit that powers graven images produce loss, destruction  and death. 

This is why we are Commanded never to bow to graven images, nor are we serve other gods. The end product is loss, destruction and death. 

Serve God, the author of life and connect with life that powers light which sees through darkness and empowers faith to take whatever might have been stolen, killed or destroyed and hidden in darkness. 

Faith powered by vision (light empowered by life) can take whatever might have been hidden away in darkness. 

And I will give thee the *treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places,* that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. Isaiah 45:3

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. 
Matthew 8:20

Abba Father, I know that the only true security I can ever have is in you. Grant me wisdom as I seek to use my time, my talents, and my treasure to honor you and bring others to you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

As you step into church today, expect the life of God to generate light through your image which is of God. All those monitoring your destiny go down by thunder today in Jesus name.  

Kay Daniels
unveiling kingdom mysteries

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