
Mental health awareness by Atilade Faith

Mental health awareness among youths and relationships.

Taking importance of our mental wellbeing is essential and it also extends to our relationships. Young people face a set of challenges including social pressures, academic demands and a rapidly changing world. Mental health awareness promotes emotional wellbeing and effective communication and also helps build stronger connections.

According to WHO, mental health is a state of wellbeing in which the individual realizes his/her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses , can work productively and effectively, and is able to make a contribution to his/her community. WHO also states that it is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities. Mental health challenges such as anxiety, trauma. Depression, stress, and panic disorders can impact a relationship. According to WHO 10-20% of adolescents experience mental issues with anxiety and depression being the most common. Factors that contribute to mental health issues include: biological factors such as hormones, environmental stressors, technological influences such as cyber bullying, harassment, and traumatic experiences.

Stigma and lack of awareness about mental health can prevent young people from seeking help leading to negative consequences. Seeking out help provides a valuable opportunity for these issues to be addressed. 

Impact of mental health issues

Mental health issues like anxiety, depression lead to poor academic performance, low motivation, absenteeism, and low overall wellbeing. 

It also leads to social isolation leading to feelings of isolation or loneliness.

Mental health issues can also increase the risk of substance use and abuse, addiction as young people may fall back on alcohol or drugs to self medicate. In extreme cases, untreated mental health issues or lack of awareness about this issues can lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviour.

It also disrupts physical wellbeing, it brings fatigue, poor concentration, restlessness, poor sleep pattern and all these take a toll on the physical wellbeing of an individual.

There should be adequate awareness and education that prioritize mental health awareness among youths to reduce the stigma, raise awareness. A conducive and supportive environment should be created at home, school, and society at large which can foster coping skills among youths. Mental health services should also be made easily accessible. A healthy lifestyle should also be encouraged such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep and so on.

Investing in mental health promotes self awareness, personal growth, emotional strength that benefits both individuals and relationships as a whole. It is important to encourage young people to speak up about their mental health struggles. Understanding the factors that contribute to mental health, its impact, and solutions, we can become a society of mentally healthy individuals who have fulfilling lives and contribute to society positively. It is important to prioritize our mental wellness

World Health Organizaion

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