

Individually, money and wisdom are two of the greatest gifts man can ever possess.

 However, it is a game changer collectively. In our continually developing world, the quest and hunger for money as well as wisdom grows larger and larger each day.

 Primarily, to get money you need to have wisdom in a chosen area of specialisation.

 These two factors are very dependent on each other. An influential or powerful man is one who is seen to have a stable or reasonable combination of both money and wisdom. 

There is a popular saying which goes 'money stops nonsense.' 

There is a degree of respect that comes with money. 

Take this scenario for instance: A woman goes to a jeweler to make her a customised ring for herself. 

From her appearance, the jeweler has already assumed that she can't afford it.

 But once the lady in question brings out her bundles of cash to pay, the jeweler is left in shock and embarrassment.

 Possibly, the jeweler had already started mistreating her and offering bad customer service, because he was in doubt about the woman's purchasing power. 

But her ability to defend herself has written off any assumption had about her. Also, when there is availability of money, catering for one's basic needs will be done so comfortably. 

One won't have to think about his landlord throwing him out of his apartment due to lack of rent. 

Rather, such individual would purchase his house where he wouldn't have to worry about paying rent anymore. 

As it is seen in Ecclesiastes 10:19, money answers all things. 

The common enemy that money and wisdom have is poverty. 

The majority may think that poverty is only as a result of lack of money. However, poverty can also be as a result of lack of wisdom or knowledge. Proverbs 10:21 

If a person, has an advance way of thinking, it is probable that his wisdom would earn him a source of income. 

The saying which goes 'money stops nonsense' also accrues to wisdom. Wisdom stops nonsense as well. 

When a person is wise, he won't easily get cheated or mistreated. He would dim it unnecessary to engage in some arguments or conversations that could lead to a fist fight. 

As seen in Ecclesiastes 9:18; wisdom is better than weapons of war.' 

There is a manner a person would respond to arguments that would make the opposing party dumbfounded and embarrassed. 

This is simply because such person has an advanced level of understanding that will prevent such scenario from taking place. 

Wisdom is needed in order to manage one's resources. If a wealthy man has no form of wisdom, he is most likely to lose his wealth. 

Wisdom defends money. 

Also Proverbs 4:7 clearly states: "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. 

And in all your getting, get understanding." (NKJV). Getting wisdom and understanding is key to managing one's resources (not just money) efficiently and justly. Once this resources are managed rightly, one would be able to combat both financial poverty and intellectual poverty.

 In conclusion, as seen in Ecclesiastes 7:11, wisdom alongside with an inheritance is good for those under the sun. 

For survival in this world, even the bible says a person needs these two attributes. Both wisdom and money is a defence or protection to survival in the world we live in. Ecclesiastes 7:11-12  


  1. I love this! this is so detailed and filled with knowledge

  2. This is a well-crafted symphony of words about money and wisdom! Really enjoyed it.

  3. This is so good and I see so much wisdom in this! I pray that your fingers are anointed with more grace in Jesus Name Amen!

    1. Amen! Thank you and God bless you❤️

  4. You try you try๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
