

Wordspired Sayings from Executive Advance 2023

Only thinkers rule their world.

To make the most of knowledge, you need to read-think.

It is thinking that gives value to reading 

Schools came from "unschooled" people who gave themselves to rigorous thinking. 

Possiblity mentality is a direct product of possiblity thinking. 

Without a sense of history, no one really makes history. 

Necessity is the mother of invention. 

Black people are not second rated brains. 

Only men that can think the unthinkable can make happen the impossible. 

Possiblity mentality is daring the undatable. 

It is stepping out that turns dreams to reality. 

It is not the mountains we conquer, we actually conquered our self. 

Intellectual bravery is the key to global relevance. 

Poverty is a product of poor thinking habit! 

It is not just where you are that determines your make up, it is much more, who you are. 

The star of every many is within himself. 

What you can produce is within yourself. 

Selflessness of engagement is the manure that nurture the seed of global impact on us. 

You cannot eat the meat until you face the heat that comes through roasting. 

Every star is shaped for the topmost top in life. 

Mentality is key to greatness, but where you draw the strength for your mind comes from, is key to actualizing the dream of global relevance. 

No child of God is redeemed s loser, failure or begger. 

Destiny is a non transferable responsibility: you either face it or get faced put. 

It is paying the abnormal price that makes a record breaker. 

Everything that sets the pace in any field is at a price. 

To the diligent, work is like meat...

Giants have extreme value for time...

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