
Unveiling the power of Celebrating with gratitude by Kay Daniels

Why do we celebrate? 

1. To show gratitude to God. 

2. To show how much we value the love bestowed on us by God. 

3.  To increase whatever we are thanking God for us. 

- what we celebrate with gratitude increases 

- what we celebrate with gratitude  improves 

- what we celebrate with gratitude gets enhanced 

- what we celebrate with gratitude is energetic 

- what we celebrate with gratitude remains ever fruitful

4. To demonstrate the wisdom of God. 

Psalms 90:12 (KJV)  So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

It is therefore wisdom to celebrate. 

Celebration is simply giving all the  glory to God. 

Why celebrate your wife birthday...

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