
Awakening the Giant in You 1 by Kay Daniels

Awakening the Giant in You
(Inspired by Unleash Your Purpose)

The core message of awakening the giant within is discovering and living out your God-given purpose. Your life has a unique purpose instilled by God, and by aligning your actions with this divine intent, the giant within you is awakened. This awakening transforms the soul, encompassing various faculties like imagination, memory, intellect, emotion, and will. When these aspects of the soul are upgraded, they come under the influence of God's Spirit, and the giant within you is fully unleashed.

1. Understanding Your Divine Purpose

Purpose is the reason for your existence, designed by God. Just as every invention is made for a specific function, your life has a distinct purpose that aligns with God's plan. Awakening the giant within involves discovering and fulfilling this divine purpose, which brings you into harmony with God's will.

2. The Soul and Its Components

The human soul is made up of five primary faculties: imagination, memory, intellect, emotion, and will. These faculties govern your thoughts, decisions, and actions, and they play a vital role in your journey toward purpose.

  • Imagination is the creative power of the mind, the ability to see beyond the physical and envision possibilities.
  • Memory stores past experiences, shaping how you view the future.
  • Intellect processes information, enabling understanding and discernment.
  • Emotion is your capacity to feel, motivating you toward action.
  • Will is the decision-making faculty, the driving force behind your actions.

When the soul is aligned with God’s Spirit, each of these faculties is transformed. The soul becomes upgraded, and every aspect of your being is awakened to fulfill its highest potential.

3. The Spiritual Upgrading of the Soul

As the soul is upgraded through the awakening process, each faculty comes under the influence of the Holy Spirit:

  • Imagination is inspired by the Spirit of Understanding (Isaiah 11:2). This opens your mind to divine insights and ideas, allowing you to see beyond natural limitations.
  • Memory is renewed by the Spirit of Knowledge, enabling you to recall God’s truths and promises that empower your purpose. You no longer dwell on past failures but focus on the wisdom and lessons that shape your future.
  • Intellect is enhanced by the Spirit of Wisdom, which helps you navigate life with clarity and sound judgment. James 1:5 reminds us that “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
  • Emotion is guided by the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord, which brings reverence and humility into your actions. Emotions become balanced, allowing you to act with compassion and love, as exemplified in Proverbs 9:10: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
  • Will is led by the Spirit of Counsel, which directs you in making choices aligned with God's purpose for your life. Your will becomes anchored in God’s divine guidance.

4. The Power of Vision

Vision is a key element in awakening the giant within. It allows you to see your potential and purpose clearly, fueled by a spiritually upgraded imagination. Without a vision, your life lacks direction. Proverbs 29:18 teaches us, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Vision empowers the giant in you to pursue God's plan for your life.

5. Overcoming Fear and Obstacles

The giant within you must rise above fear and adversity. Fear often seeks to paralyze the soul, but God has given you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). With the soul's faculties upgraded by the Spirit, you face challenges with courage and resilience. You are no longer bound by fear, but empowered by divine strength.

6. Taking Action and Living with Purpose

Purpose is not passive; it demands action. The intellect and will, when inspired by wisdom and divine counsel, lead you to take meaningful steps toward your goals. As James 2:26 reminds us, "Faith without works is dead." Your faith must be accompanied by deeds that reflect the giant within you.

7. Maximizing Your Potential

God has equipped you with talents and abilities, just like the servants in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). To awaken the giant within, you must maximize these gifts, using them wisely to fulfill your purpose. This is where the upgraded intellect and imagination combine to creatively and intelligently deploy your resources for God’s glory.

8. Trusting God's Timing

The process of awakening the giant involves trusting God’s perfect timing. As Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens." Patience is essential as God works behind the scenes to unfold your purpose. Your will, inspired by divine counsel, learns to wait on the Lord's timing.

9. Overcoming Trials with God's Strength

The journey of awakening the giant is not without challenges. However, through Christ, you can do all things. Philippians 4:13 empowers you to persevere through trials, knowing that God strengthens you at every step. With the soul’s faculties fortified by the Spirit, you overcome obstacles with faith and determination.

10. Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Awakening the giant within not only transforms your life but also impacts those around you. Your life of purpose leaves a legacy that others will benefit from, creating a ripple effect that lasts for generations. Proverbs 13:22 teaches, "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children." As you live out your purpose, you build a legacy grounded in wisdom, knowledge, and God’s truth.

Conclusion: Awaken the Giant Within

Awakening the giant in you begins with discovering and living your God-given purpose. As your soul—comprising imagination, memory, intellect, emotion, and will—comes under the influence of God's Spirit, you are equipped to rise to your fullest potential. Trusting in God’s timing, taking action, and overcoming obstacles, you live a life of meaning, influence, and divine purpose. The giant within you is not just for your own benefit but for the world around you, leading others to awaken their own giants and fulfill their destinies in God's grand plan.

Prepared for Winners Chapel Zone 7 by Kay Daniels 

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