

To rise as a leader, one must first define their core—their unique set of values, passions, and guiding principles. The world is filled with distractions, and without clarity of purpose, it’s easy to be swayed by trends, opinions, and the pursuit of immediate results. 

Upcoming leaders need to take time to identify what truly drives them, what they stand for, and the impact they want to create. This foundation is critical because it shapes the trajectory of their leadership journey.

Once the core is defined, the next step is to believe in it wholeheartedly. When it takes root in the heart, it soon becomes handlable with the hands. If it gets planted in the heart, it soon getminates in the earth. 

Doubt can erode confidence, making even the strongest convictions seem insignificant. 

The road to leadership is not without challenges, but belief in one’s purpose fuels resilience. 

It allows a leader to push through obstacles, endure criticism, and rise above failures. 

Belief is what transforms potential into action. It becomes the energy that inspires others to follow.

Investing in your core is the final piece. Every leader must pour their time, resources, and energy into refining their abilities, expanding their knowledge, and continuously growing in their field. 

This means sacrificing comfort for growth, prioritizing long-term impact over short-term gains, and aligning every decision with their purpose. 

The investment doesn’t just benefit the leader; it uplifts those around them and builds a legacy that transcends their personal influence.

As we celebrate Dr. David Oyedepo’s 70th birthday, of which the D- day is tomorrow 27th Sept we see these principles personified in his life. 

He has consistently defined and believed in his divine calling, investing all he is into it. 

His unwavering faith, dedication, and visionary leadership have impacted myself and obviously millions worldwide, setting a powerful example of what it means to rise as a leader. 

Dr. Oyedepo, thank you for being a beacon of excellence and purpose. 

May God continue to bless you with wisdom, strength, and grace as you enter this new chapter. 

Happy 70th birthday, sir!

Ask of me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession. 
Psalms 2:8

Kay Daniels 

1 comment:

  1. This is great episode. Amen blessed. God bless you Sir.
    We all are partakers of this grace in the life of our Father Bishop David Oyedepo. I wish him happy birthday
