

In the world, it's man's ordinary approach that makes a task look ordinary.

Every task, whether great or small, has inherent significance. It is not the nature of the task that determines its importance, but the attitude and approach of the individual performing it. The Bible reminds us of this in Colossians 3:23:  
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;"

When we commit ourselves to a task as though we are doing it for God, no effort is wasted, no duty is trivial, and no assignment is insignificant. An ordinary approach leads to an ordinary outcome, but with a heart fully dedicated to the task, even the most mundane work becomes a divine mission.

Jesus, in Luke 16:10, teaches, *“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.”* Our approach to the "least" reflects how we will handle the greater responsibilities God may entrust us with. Therefore, we are called to excellence in all things. Even when the world sees something as small or inconsequential, we are to treat it as a matter of eternal consequence, for every action sown in faithfulness bears fruit in the eyes of God.

Proverbs 22:29 further illustrates this, saying:  
*"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."*  
Diligence and commitment elevate the most ordinary tasks into opportunities for greatness. This Scripture calls us to serve with excellence, ensuring that our approach to every responsibility reflects the excellence that God demands of us as His representatives.

Let us, therefore, refuse to settle for the ordinary. Let us reject the temptation to approach life’s assignments with complacency. Rather, let us embrace every task, however ordinary it may seem, with a spirit of distinction, for we serve a God of excellence.

As we Celebrate Bishop David Oyedepo at 70 we declare Heavenly Father,  We lift up Your servant, Bishop David Oyedepo, in this season of his 70th birthday. We thank You for the grace, wisdom, and anointing that You have poured upon his life, making him a beacon of Your light and truth in this generation. 

Lord, we ask that You continue to bless him with strength, health, and divine vision. As he has been a vessel of honor and excellence in Your Kingdom, may You enlarge his coast and take him from glory to glory. Like Moses, let his eyes not grow dim, nor his natural vigor be diminished (Deuteronomy 34:7).

Father, we pray that the legacy of faith, leadership, and impact that You have established through him will continue to inspire generations to come. May his voice of wisdom resound even louder, guiding many more into their divine destinies.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray,  

Kay Daniels

1 comment:

  1. Service Excellence is key to Kingdom Advancement! Dare to be Different!
