As I stepped into the shower this morning, I heard the Spirit of God speak to me, revealing a powerful truth about the journey of a believer’s life. He said, “There are three critical eras in a believer's life that we must take note of: the planting era, the watering era, and the era of increase." Each of these eras holds profound significance and purpose, shaping us for our ultimate destiny in Christ.
Let’s explore these three eras, drawing inspiration from scripture and practical applications.
1. The Planting Era
The planting era is where everything begins. This is the season where God’s word is sown into your heart, and His promises begin to take root. Just as a farmer carefully plants a seed, God lays the foundation for your purpose, calling, and destiny in this season. It is a time of preparation, when your faith is being established, and your trust in God is being built.
Scripture Reference:
Mark 4:3-8 – “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”
This parable illustrates how the word of God is planted in different conditions, but it is the good soil—the heart that is ready—that bears fruit.
The planting era is a time of laying a solid foundation, embracing God’s truth and nurturing it in your heart, so it can eventually grow into something mighty.
2. The Watering Era
In the watering era, we begin to see possibilities. The seed has been planted, and now God’s grace begins to nurture it. This is a period where your faith is watered through experiences, challenges, and the influence of others. It’s a season where your understanding deepens, and your vision of what God can do in and through you becomes clearer.
Scripture Reference:
1 Corinthians 3:6-7 – “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”
As you walk through this era, you begin to see the growth in your spiritual walk, relationships, and ministry. God is expanding your vision, and you start to see the possibilities of what He can accomplish through you. It is a time of sustained effort, trust in the process, and continuous nurturing.
During this season, don’t be discouraged by the process. The watering era is about positioning yourself to receive the sustenance you need for spiritual, personal, and professional growth.
3. The Era of Increase (Era of Recognition)
Finally, we enter the era of increase, a season where the seeds you’ve planted and watered bear fruit. This is the era of recognition, where you begin to experience the elevation and promotion that come from God. It’s a season where God honors the work you've done in secret, and others begin to recognize the greatness that God has placed in you. This is not just an era of personal gain but a time of enthronement, where God positions you for greater influence and impact in His Kingdom.
Scripture Reference:
Psalm 75:6-7 – “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”
Isaiah 60:22 – “When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”
This is the era where the “seed” of your labor and faith matures into a harvest. God sees the faithfulness in your earlier seasons and now brings recognition and promotion to you in due season. This is the time of flourishing, when God opens doors and grants favor.
Conclusion: Embrace Every Era
No matter where you are in your journey—whether you're in the planting, watering, or increase era—trust that God is working on your behalf. He is faithful to complete the work He started in you. Each season has its purpose and prepares you for the next.
If you're in the planting era, remain patient, for your foundation is being established. In the watering era, keep watering your faith with the word, for the increase is coming. And if you're in the era of increase, remember to give glory to God, for He has brought you to this place of recognition and promotion.
Embrace each era, for it is all part of God’s divine process to fulfill your purpose in His Kingdom.
Let this message encourage you as you trust God's timing and process in your life.
Wordspired by
Kay Daniels
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