Do you want to be successful?
This little book in your hand has all you need to emerge as a shinning star. Man is a three component being. He is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body. Churches treat spiritual diseases, while hospitals treat body diseases, but this book is all out to treat your soul diseases. Of the three components of man, the soul is the most complicated. Salvation for instance targets the soul and not the spirit or body. The soul has two principal components which are the mind and the heart. The mind has the memory and the imaginative. The memory to cast your mind back to the past and the imaginative helps you paint a picture of the future. The heart which can be likened to being the spirit of the mind comprises of three components which are the will, intellect and emotion. With this brief picture, you will agree with me that the soul is highly complicated. This is why this book centers on developing the soul. All the chapters in this book briefly introduce the various components of vision. They discuss the rewards of visionary pursuit. Do you want to be successful? Almost everyone would answer “yes” to this question. We dream about it. We think we want success. However we aren’t sure what success is, and we are even less sure that we want to pay the price. When it is time to act, we hesitate. When it is time to press forward, we retreat. Our words do not fool anybody. Not even ourselves. All you need is to be in pursuit of vision.
Have a vision
Be Courageous
Be Capable
Work hard.
Be honest
Be imaginative
Be broad minded
Do you want to be successful?
This little book in your hand has all you need to emerge as a shinning star. Man is a three component being. He is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body. Churches treat spiritual diseases, while hospitals treat body diseases, but this book is all out to treat your soul diseases. Of the three components of man, the soul is the most complicated. Salvation for instance targets the soul and not the spirit or body. The soul has two principal components which are the mind and the heart. The mind has the memory and the imaginative. The memory to cast your mind back to the past and the imaginative helps you paint a picture of the future. The heart which can be likened to being the spirit of the mind comprises of three components which are the will, intellect and emotion. With this brief picture, you will agree with me that the soul is highly complicated. This is why this book centers on developing the soul. All the chapters in this book briefly introduce the various components of vision. They discuss the rewards of visionary pursuit. Do you want to be successful? Almost everyone would answer “yes” to this question. We dream about it. We think we want success. However we aren’t sure what success is, and we are even less sure that we want to pay the price. When it is time to act, we hesitate. When it is time to press forward, we retreat. Our words do not fool anybody. Not even ourselves. All you need is to be in pursuit of vision.
Chapter One
Have a vision.
Having eyes that see is not equal to vision,
It is an active mindset that equals vision.
“If it’s worth having, it’s worth fighting for.’ You fight successfully in the business world by possessing a clear vision, a strong sense of self – identity, limitless dedication, enormous reserves of determination and a positive attitude – key ingredients of most successful leaders. In that regard, one must understand that businesses and people aren’t weeds. They both need nurturing and caring in order to grow. Businesses need leaders with vision; leaders who can dream and inspire others.
One can’t lead without a vision. Visions however aren’t achieved overnight, nor do they develop apart from a relationship with people and ideas.
Every great leader’s success and continued development is firmly rooted in attaining visions, nurturing relationships with people and creating new opportunities.
Business leadership is not developed overnight. A lot goes into attaining complete metamorphoses as a “total leader”. You will constantly be in the process of growing and developing in the areas of:
Fine – tuning your management skills, which allow you nurture others in their pursuit.
Learning to frame challenges and issues, thus separating out the important elements.
Refining listening skills, which allow me to direct your business activities as well as the activities of others.
Developing an internal barometer that helps you gauge the sensitivity level of those you lead.
The most frustrating aspects of your leadership role is that you get so busy that you have difficulty finding time to dream and imagine. One’s vision should be concrete and abstract. You should find time to envision ways you can help the unemployed as you train and place individuals temporarily or permanently.
Your personal abstract visions are often discussed with business associates, even friends and family. As these abstract visions are discussed, you get brought back to reality and concrete visions.
Your concrete visions are those which will allow you to lead as you complete a self – analysis of leadership potential for the future. Contemplate your ability to dream. Consider your ability to always be in the “state of becoming,” for if it’s worth fighting for.
Chapter Two
Be courageous
Although no formula exists for becoming a successful leader, I believe effective leadership is defined by a person’s self – confidence, knowledge and intuition, and natural ability to work well with others. Developed throughout your lifetime, these traits will stem from many experiences.
The encouragement you receive from a parent or teacher you admire will be a lasting source of self – confidence. These mentors, as they are called, will influence your thinking and behavior tremendously, and help you gain self – assurance to capitalize on unique opportunities that come your way.
As your self – confidence grows; fear of failing or the desire to always play it safe will diminish. It goes without saying that failure or defeat is hard to accept, but each of us has a remarkable ability to bounce back after such a setback. Often we go on to bigger and better things – even to successes beyond our highest hopes.
After I graduated from ATBU, I was turned down in more than dozen interviews engineering positions in Lagos and Ogun State. I returned home, and to survive without having to enter into any form of crime, I had to work as support staff in a couple of organizations.
My passion for youth development moved me to set up an organization that seeks to re – orientate these young people. Staying with this vision these past seven years took a lot of courage.
Youth development is a complex process and very capital intensive. The truth is that I am not solely responsible for the success of the organization. Many skilled people have contributed greatly to it. As president, I do, however, use my knowledge and intuition about business to set the direction for the organization, and then to motivate and work with talented people who share my vision for progress.
Beyond these simple observations, I don’t think there is any great mystery about leaders in any field. We are people that you can relate to, and that very fact – our approachability – is responsible in part for our success as leader.
Chapter 3
Be Capable.
Capability is a quality, a state of being and a potential. Being capable has to do with both physical and mental abilities. It has to do with the ability to perform at a given time – to do something of value. It is a relative thing, a variable thing, not an absolute. Capability is measured on a sliding scale. There is no permanent goal line that defines capability. There is always something better. The distances each of us must travel to be successful are not the same. The path and the cost of the journey also vary. The word’s “capable,” are full of opportunity if you know where you want to go. They are threatening if you don’t.
Let me share a simple principle for success that would bless your life. It is as follows:
Activity + Attitude + Technique = Success
Here is the reasoning:
Activity – In the act of selling, activity is “how often” you are in front of a prospect. Even if your “sales presentation” or other activity that your work involves is not exceptional, if you have lots of activity, there is a high probability that your results will be above average. It’s called ‘work”.
Attitude – Develop a strong positive attitude. Be enthusiastic about your work, your mission and your company. Enthusiasm is a more important asset than experience. Add enthusiasm to lots of activity and you have a powerful combination for making things happen.
Technique – Decide to be good at what you do. Strive to be the most “effective person” in your department, group or company. If you are in business, learn all you can about your products. Have a carefully prepared, well organized presentation for each prospect you face.
If you want to succeed, here are three ways to get there:
Dare to Dream.
You are going to begin your career at the most exciting period in human history. We are developing new technologies that are going to help people lead better lives all over the world. The leaders are going to be the people who have a vision of the way things could be, and can come up with creative ideas. By living that vision and sharing that sense of excitement with those around you, you’ll find yourself the leader of your team.
Do your best.
To be a winner, you and your team must aim for the highest possible quality in everything you do. You’ll need to listen to your customers – the people you serve. Your team will need to constantly improve the way it does things. You’ll make mistakes, and if you’re a good leader, you’ll learn from your mistakes and keep getting better. A leader is more like a player – coach than a boss. You lead by example, if you do your best, the people on your team will respect you, and they will want to do their best, too.
Never Stop Learning.
I don’t think that you really want to hear this, but you’re never going to get out of school. In an exciting world that changes all the time, your job will keep changing all the time. That means you’ll need to keep learning new skills. The good news is that when you learn on the job, you have more fun. You use what you learn right away. You don’t just learn in a classroom. You learn what your customers tell you. You learn from what the people on your team tell you. And everything you learn makes your job more exciting. A good leader is always curious, always looking for new answers.
In summary, if you are a hard worker with lots of activity, performed with strong positive attitude, along with technique that shows a good knowledge of what you do, your success will be assured.
Chapter 4
Work Hard
Many always miss out on success because that which would bring about success always comes with an overall called work.
As a leader, you must believe in leadership by example. You cannot help others achieve greatness unless you provide a model they need to follow. On a daily basis, you must work hard to be that model.
What has helped me in my quest to becoming a credible leader and successful entrepreneur? I offer four key factors:
Integrity – In business, it is easy to do what’s convenient or results in short – term profits. Integrity means doing what’s right in your heart, even if it means a temporary loss.
Interacting with people who share the same values and principles – You must constantly surround yourself with associates who share your ethics on both a personal and profession al level. Mingle with people you trust their judgment, this would enable you focus on results and allow them the freedom to achieve those results in their own way.
Goal Orientation – For everything you do (Business and personal), always learn to set specific goals and timetables of completion. Then create an action plan to help you achieve those goals. Never leave success to chance – plan for it.
Discipline – A major secret of any success is the discipline to work when you don’t really feel like it. I have a natural habit of working mornings, days and weekends. I tend to despise holidays. I have tackled many projects I didn’t want to do, but that needed to be done. There is no substitute for hard work.
Locating and running with a vision is not a natural habit easily found in people. But those of us who do this know it is not for the name recognition or glory, neither is it for the pride of accomplishment, but for the joy of making things happen for others.
A few steps in owning your own business are a basic lifestyle.
You must believe in what you want. Don’t talk to people who have never owned a business, because they will be negative. Seek information from other business owners. You don’t have to seek out high – profile owners at first; speak to small owners who can relate to your beginning challenges.
You must be willing to work around the clock seven days a week, without vacations, and be willing to put your profits back into the growth of your vision.
Deal with bankers whom you know and who are friendly. A cold reception from a banker can be a turnoff.
Be willing to hire anyone who can help you the most.
Keep good records, write manuals for your employees and keep them updated.
Start small and grow. There will be set backs, some costly, but don’t let them get to you. We all have stories like that and have learned from them. Keep going.
Sign up for everything that can be a learning tool. To know what you don’t need is just as important as to know what you do need.
Everyday people have knowledge they are not even aware of. Listen, always listen and pay attention; you will learn how to make people happy, what to do and what not to do.
As you face a new and exciting career in business, I would like you to pay attention to some few more details. Whatever business venture you choose, I believe the following personal skills will help you on your road to success.
Developing and maintaining integrity is essential to how you operate in business. So often in youth, a person loses self – respect due to a breakdown in the educational system or family unit. You must learn to develop and maintain that respect in order to succeed in both your business and personal life. If integrity is inherent, it will be an integral part of the way you do business – ethically and honestly.
The ability to identity and maintain your vision will be fundamental to your success. You have to know what you want in order to take the steps to get there. Your focus must be unwavering and always in the back of your mind as you make the decisions that are critical to the success of your venture.
Becoming and remaining successful in business takes a great deal of energy. Mental as well as physical energy is necessary for you to keep up with a dynamic environment. A high level of energy is contagious and spreads quickly among those with whom you work. The person who willfully maintains a high level of energy will be successful.
Chapter 5
Be Honest
The word “honest” has many shades of meaning in the English language. However, it only has one major opposite. To be honest is to be free of deception. When we deceive, we ensnare others with false ideas or beliefs. We trap their minds like animals. We are false to their well – being. We cause them to believe untruths.
Businessmen are often compared to predators and business to the art of war. Competition is a struggle for survival. It is not a fair fight. There are no rules. These comparisons seem apt, but are they true? Are they merely echoes of our beginnings rather than guideposts to our destiny?
This chapter advocates honesty. It rejects deceit. Honesty is what works for a lot of great leaders of repute. What is it about honesty that attracts them? What is it about deceit that repels them?
I have identified three factors which I believe contribute to an individual’s business success. However, I cannot limit my discussion to three factors for I sincerely believe there are five critical elements which make for a successful leader. I strongly believe in these five principles so much that is why I have them documented in this book. Thus, I bring these five to your attention:
Strength of will. I believe that a business leader must possess the courage of his/her convictions. Many people refer to this as ego. I believe it’s that internal drive and perseverance which allows the leader to draw strength from within he or she during the natural life cycle that any business will encounter.
Vision. I believe every great leader must have a clear focus and clear direction coupled with the strength of will. It’s the road map that the leader follows to take him or her and their organization in a sure direction, and to contribute in that direction during periods of prosperity and periods of difficulty.
Judgment. The ability to make sound, high – quality decisions in a timely fashion and on a continuous basis comes from the persons years of experience, what they obtain through life, as well as one’s innate intelligence.
Communication. A leader must get things done through others, therefore the leader must have the ability to inspire and motivate, guide and direct, and listen. It’s only through communication that the leader is able to cause others to internalize his or her vision and implement it.
Values. Many call these business ethics – the underlying principles by which the leader operates. Whatever term is used, values constitute the leader’s belief system. It will be the basis upon which he/she deals with others including clients, employees and other business associates. It is a reflection of one’s character. It is the blueprint and the foundation for how one runs his/her business.
Chapter 6
Be imaginative
We all dream. We act out our future in our minds. Our minds invent. They challenge reality. Things that never happened before occur in our dreams. Then we wake up. Judgments are made. Dreams are discarded. Sometimes this is good. Nightmares dissolve in the light of day. Sometimes we lose something precious. Something that we undervalue compared to our fear of failure or ridicule.
Every chapter in this book value dreams. The successful leaders whose success ideals were researched in writing this book create images in their minds – images that have never before been wholly perceived by others.
They use these images like a contractor uses blueprints to build a house. They build. Some would call them resourceful. Others would call them imaginative. They can also be seen as creative. They have the ability to confront and deal with challenges. This ability begins with dreams.
The matter of leadership will be a subject which you will reflect upon throughout your professional career. It is a challenging assignment to express what leadership means in a few words, especially when you have not completed your own conclusions in this regards:
I have tried to reduce this to what I term as the C’s of leadership: Commitment, Creativity, Charisma and character. Let me elaborate:
Commitment. Tenacity, courage, and risk would be terms falling into this category. People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Commitment can be displayed in a full range of matters to include the work hours you choose to maintain, how you work to improve your abilities or what you do for your workers at personal sacrifice.
Creativity. Seeing the future and how to get there in advance of others. Leading must constantly be involved in moving organizations from point A to point B if the organization is to maintain its competitiveness and vibrancy. Leadership minus creativity makes you a manager.
Charisma. Can you laugh? Have fun? Inspire others to enjoy themselves? Get others to follow your direction because they “believe” and not because you’re the “boss”? Are you a “class act”?
Character. What are the most important principles that you live by? Honesty, charity, thoughtfulness, sharing, making a difference. Are you self – examining? How do you react to an unanticipated emergency? As you look back, how have you improved yourself in this regard?
The future that lies ahead for you is filled with countless possibilities. Your challenge is to see them not as specific, structured absolutes, but as untapped possibilities that you, through your unique and special talents, have yet to create. As a leader, to believe in yourself, your dreams and in others is paramount. I know firsthand the power of action inspired by positive belief, learned knowledge and strong values. I offer the following guidelines to you – they have worked for me.
Believe in Possibilities.
Reject Rejection
Never stop learning; then share.
Write down your goals and values each moment of achievements.
Value diversity and strive for balance.
Know that you matter. It is knowing that you matter that will allow you to lead others and truly inspire and make a difference.
Chapter 7
Be broad Minded.
Most people use the concept of broad – mindedness superficially. We tend to be accepting of minor departures from orthodox behavior – as we define it. We take pride in our tolerance. We do not understand the ungratefulness of eccentrics, visionaries, and the oppressed. We hear them speak. We do not listen. Do we fear what we might learn?
Many believe a strong leader must have clear vision and a burning desire to succeed. They must get people to do things their way – the right way. This is how we will all be saved. This view must be reconciled with the rapidly changing world we live in.
No one person’s vision is unlimited. No one person’s vision last for all time. What does a strong leader do in the face of change? Can he or she only look or herself for the keys to future success?
The strong leaders whose philosophies are painted graphically in this book urge us to be broad – minded. Their commitment to broad – mindedness is not superficial. They have opened their minds to the future. They seek the help and advice they need to get there. They listen before they judge.
Some people talk about being leaders, about being successful. Other people actually do it. There are a number of important qualities that will separate those who rise to the top from those who float from idea to idea. Three of the most important contributors to success are:
Anticipate change. Know what’s happening in the industry you have chosen. Understand how it is changing and where it is going. Visualize the opportunities that might arise as a result of courage to stand alone, even though it may be an uncomfortable position.
Provide quality and service. Customer service should be your number one priority. Customer satisfaction can make or break a company. Be innovative. Establish a reputation for a level of service unrivaled by your competition.
Work. Work. Work. Be determined and ready to work very hard to achieve success. Not a single day should escape you without making progress on your goals. It’s a lifestyle commitment, a choice you have to make to reach the top.
Successful people can be as different as you and me, but these shared qualities put them in the same league.
As you also go through the process of preparing for your future in the business world there are a number of important considerations to be made, but I believe the following three points are worth special consideration.
Education is critical for your long – term success in the business world. Equally important is the need for continuous learning. At some point, your classroom education will end, but learning never does. Change is constant and coming more rapidly than ever before. You will greatly improve your chances for success if you are continually learning new skills and new ways to evaluate and improve your job.
You must continuously challenge yourself. People can’t achieve their full potential if they set easy goals. Nor can they achieve their full potential if, after having reached a goal, they stop and don’t establish a still higher goal. Great accomplishments come when you stretch yourself.
Give of yourself in more than just your career. Business success can be very gratifying, but it won’t make you truly happy if exists in a vacuum. Family, friends and a sense of community are what round out as individuals and what give our lives their richest texture.
Your chances for success in the business world can be helped by the following:
Work Hard – Day – in /day – out diligence in executing the basics of your job will lead to future promotions. It will set the right example for your staff, leading to further recognition.
Be flexible – the employee who is open to new and different tasks adds to their value as an employee. In addition, flexibility allows you to handle abrupt changes in work requirements with an even temperament. People who are open to changes generally will find their jobs more rewarding as variety helps keep their interest level high.
Speak your mind (diplomatically, of course!) – Most employers enjoy somebody who is willing to speak up in regard to the things that are relevant to the company’s success. Someone who is straightforward is always valued, assuming they can present opinions in a diplomatic and persuasive manner.
There is no guarantee of success in any business; however, those who have the above three characteristics will move ahead more quickly than the competition.
As I round up this book, I would like you to take note of some truths about vision. There are no magic potions or secret recipe that can guarantee you will get what you want in life. But what I have learned in my 7 years of pursuing the vision of CCYI, is that you can save precious time, to increase your chances and limit your frustration if you:
FEAR GOD. Believe in God and key in to all his commandments. He made you and knows what it would take for you to function effectively. The spirit is absolutely in control of the soul and the body. What electricity is to the computer system is what the spirit of God is to our human system. No matter how sophisticated the hardware and software of a computer, it would not function if it is not powered. The spirit of God is what powers our life. This can be done by accepting the quickening spirit that possesses the ability to power your system for maximum effectiveness. This quickening spirit goes by the name JESUS. Accept him today and live a most fulfilling life. Say this little but powerful prayer, “Lord Jesus, I have come to realize that I am nothing without you. I can do nothing without you. I therefore ask for your mercy. I confess all my sins and repent of every one of them. I accept that you are Christ and believe that you died for my sins. Accept me into the beloved today and grant me a new spirit and a new heart that would enable me live the life of the kingdom from now on. Thank you for accepting me in your most holy name.”
Now that you have empowered your life, you can no go follow with these three prescriptions:
ENVISION yourself doing what it is you want to do and being the person you want to be. No matter how bizarre or impractical it may seem to those around you, picture. Remind yourself that every odd job that you may have in between is merely a phase and that you have bigger and better things prepared for you.
FOCUS on what you have determined to be your destiny and let it become your obsession. Immerse yourself in it. Spend your free time developing it. Study and intimate those who are doing it. Spend your free time developing it. Study and intimate those who are doing it or have done it. And, under no circumstances, should you ever lose focus.
ENJOY yourself. Celebrate your genius. Love what you do. When you make mistakes – and surely you will – learn from them and move forward. Seize opportunities to make your best even better, because if you really want to be the best, you will never tire of learning and perfecting it.
Remember, you are your only limitation. Breakthrough those barriers and you will experience the joy of a fulfilled vision. you train and place individuals temporarily or permanently.
Your personal abstract visions are often discussed with business associates, even friends and family. As these abstract visions are discussed, you get brought back to reality and concrete visions.
Your concrete visions are those which will allow you to lead as you complete a self – analysis of leadership potential for the future. Contemplate your ability to dream. Consider your ability to always be in the “state of becoming,” for if it’s worth fighting for.
Chapter Two
Be courageous
Although no formula exists for becoming a successful leader, I believe effective leadership is defined by a person’s self – confidence, knowledge and intuition, and natural ability to work well with others. Developed throughout your lifetime, these traits will stem from many experiences.
The encouragement you receive from a parent or teacher you admire will be a lasting source of self – confidence. These mentors, as they are called, will influence your thinking and behavior tremendously, and help you gain self – assurance to capitalize on unique opportunities that come your way.
As your self – confidence grows; fear of failing or the desire to always play it safe will diminish. It goes without saying that failure or defeat is hard to accept, but each of us has a remarkable ability to bounce back after such a setback. Often we go on to bigger and better things – even to successes beyond our highest hopes. After I graduated from ATBU, I was turned down in more than dozen interviews engineering positions in Lagos and Ogun State. I returned home, and to survive without having to enter into any form of crime, I had to work as support staff in a couple of organizations.
My passion for youth development moved me to set up an organization that seeks to re – orientate these young people. Staying with this vision these past seven years took a lot of courage.
Youth development is a complex process and very capital intensive. The truth is that I am not solely responsible for the success of the organization. Many skilled people have contributed greatly to it. As president, I do, however, use my knowledge and intuition about business to set the direction for the organization, and then to motivate and work with talented people who share my vision for progress.
Beyond these simple observations, I don’t think there is any great mystery about leaders in any field. We are people that you can relate to, and that very fact – our approachability – is responsible in part for our success as leader.
Chapter 3
Be Capable.
Capability is a quality, a state of being and a potential. Being capable has to do with both physical and mental abilities. It has to do with the ability to perform at a given time – to do something of value. It is a relative thing, a variable thing, not an absolute. Capability is measured on a sliding scale. There is no permanent goal line that defines capability. There is always something better. The distances each of us must travel to be successful are not the same. The path and the cost of the journey also vary. The word’s “capable,” are full of opportunity if you know where you want to go. They are threatening if you don’t.
Let me share a simple principle for success that would bless your life. It is as follows:
Activity + Attitude + Technique = Success
Here is the reasoning:
Activity – In the act of selling, activity is “how often” you are in front of a prospect. Even if your “sales presentation” or other activity that your work involves is not exceptional, if you have lots of activity, there is a high probability that your results will be above average. It’s called ‘work”.
Attitude – Develop a strong positive attitude. Be enthusiastic about your work, your mission and your company. Enthusiasm is a more important asset than experience. Add enthusiasm to lots of activity and you have a powerful combination for making things happen.
Technique – Decide to be good at what you do. Strive to be the most “effective person” in your department, group or company. If you are in business, learn all you can about your products. Have a carefully prepared, well organized presentation for each prospect you face.
If you want to succeed, here are three ways to get there:
Dare to Dream.
You are going to begin your career at the most exciting period in human history. We are developing new technologies that are going to help people lead better lives all over the world. The leaders are going to be the people who have a vision of the way things could be, and can come up with creative ideas. By living that vision and sharing that sense of excitement with those around you, you’ll find yourself the leader of your team.
Do your best.
To be a winner, you and your team must aim for the highest possible quality in everything you do. You’ll need to listen to your customers – the people you serve. Your team will need to constantly improve the way it does things. You’ll make mistakes, and if you’re a good leader, you’ll learn from your mistakes and keep getting better. A leader is more like a player – coach than a boss. You lead by example, if you do your best, the people on your team will respect you, and they will want to do their best, too.
Never Stop Learning.
I don’t think that you really want to hear this, but you’re never going to get out of school. In an exciting world that changes all the time, your job will keep changing all the time. That means you’ll need to keep learning new skills. The good news is that when you learn on the job, you have more fun. You use what you learn right away. You don’t just learn in a classroom. You learn what your customers tell you. You learn from what the people on your team tell you. And everything you learn makes your job more exciting. A good leader is always curious, always looking for new answers.
In summary, if you are a hard worker with lots of activity, performed with strong positive attitude, along with technique that shows a good knowledge of what you do, your success will be assured.
Chapter 4
Work Hard
Many always miss out on success because that which would bring about success always comes with an overall called work.
As a leader, you must believe in leadership by example. You cannot help others achieve greatness unless you provide a model they need to follow. On a daily basis, you must work hard to be that model.
What has helped me in my quest to becoming a credible leader and successful entrepreneur? I offer four key factors:
Integrity – In business, it is easy to do what’s convenient or results in short – term profits. Integrity means doing what’s right in your heart, even if it means a temporary loss.
Interacting with people who share the same values and principles – You must constantly surround yourself with associates who share your ethics on both a personal and profession al level. Mingle with people you trust their judgment, this would enable you focus on results and allow them the freedom to achieve those results in their own way.
Goal Orientation – For everything you do (Business and personal), always learn to set specific goals and timetables of completion. Then create an action plan to help you achieve those goals. Never leave success to chance – plan for it.
Discipline – A major secret of any success is the discipline to work when you don’t really feel like it. I have a natural habit of working mornings, days and weekends. I tend to despise holidays. I have tackled many projects I didn’t want to do, but that needed to be done. There is no substitute for hard work.
Locating and running with a vision is not a natural habit easily found in people. But those of us who do this know it is not for the name recognition or glory, neither is it for the pride of accomplishment, but for the joy of making things happen for others.
A few steps in owning your own business are a basic lifestyle.
You must believe in what you want. Don’t talk to people who have never owned a business, because they will be negative. Seek information from other business owners. You don’t have to seek out high – profile owners at first; speak to small owners who can relate to your beginning challenges.
You must be willing to work around the clock seven days a week, without vacations, and be willing to put your profits back into the growth of your vision.
Deal with bankers whom you know and who are friendly. A cold reception from a banker can be a turnoff.
Be willing to hire anyone who can help you the most.
Keep good records, write manuals for your employees and keep them updated.
Start small and grow. There will be set backs, some costly, but don’t let them get to you. We all have stories like that and have learned from them. Keep going.
Sign up for everything that can be a learning tool. To know what you don’t need is just as important as to know what you do need.
Everyday people have knowledge they are not even aware of. Listen, always listen and pay attention; you will learn how to make people happy, what to do and what not to do.
As you face a new and exciting career in business, I would like you to pay attention to some few more details. Whatever business venture you choose, I believe the following personal skills will help you on your road to success. Integrity.
Developing and maintaining integrity is essential to how you operate in business. So often in youth, a person loses self – respect due to a breakdown in the educational system or family unit. You must learn to develop and maintain that respect in order to succeed in both your business and personal life. If integrity is inherent, it will be an integral part of the way you do business – ethically and honestly.
The ability to identity and maintain your vision will be fundamental to your success. You have to know what you want in order to take the steps to get there. Your focus must be unwavering and always in the back of your mind as you make the decisions that are critical to the success of your venture.
Becoming and remaining successful in business takes a great deal of energy. Mental as well as physical energy is necessary for you to keep up with a dynamic environment. A high level of energy is contagious and spreads quickly among those with whom you work. The person who willfully maintains a high level of energy will be successful.
Chapter 5
Be Honest
The word “honest” has many shades of meaning in the English language. However, it only has one major opposite. To be honest is to be free of deception. When we deceive, we ensnare others with false ideas or beliefs. We trap their minds like animals. We are false to their well – being. We cause them to believe untruths.
Businessmen are often compared to predators and business to the art of war. Competition is a struggle for survival. It is not a fair fight. There are no rules. These comparisons seem apt, but are they true? Are they merely echoes of our beginnings rather than guideposts to our destiny?
This chapter advocates honesty. It rejects deceit. Honesty is what works for a lot of great leaders of repute. What is it about honesty that attracts them? What is it about deceit that repels them?
I have identified three factors which I believe contribute to an individual’s business success. However, I cannot limit my discussion to three factors for I sincerely believe there are five critical elements which make for a successful leader. I strongly believe in these five principles so much that is why I have them documented in this book. Thus, I bring these five to your attention:
Strength of will. I believe that a business leader must possess the courage of his/her convictions. Many people refer to this as ego. I believe it’s that internal drive and perseverance which allows the leader to draw strength from within he or she during the natural life cycle that any business will encounter.
Vision. I believe every great leader must have a clear focus and clear direction coupled with the strength of will. It’s the road map that the leader follows to take him or her and their organization in a sure direction, and to contribute in that direction during periods of prosperity and periods of difficulty.
Judgment. The ability to make sound, high – quality decisions in a timely fashion and on a continuous basis comes from the persons years of experience, what they obtain through life, as well as one’s innate intelligence. Communication. A leader must get things done through others, therefore the leader must have the ability to inspire and motivate, guide and direct, and listen. It’s only through communication that the leader is able to cause others to internalize his or her vision and implement it.
Values. Many call these business ethics – the underlying principles by which the leader operates. Whatever term is used, values constitute the leader’s belief system. It will be the basis upon which he/she deals with others including clients, employees and other business associates. It is a reflection of one’s character. It is the blueprint and the foundation for how one runs his/her business.
Chapter 6
Be imaginative
We all dream. We act out our future in our minds. Our minds invent. They challenge reality. Things that never happened before occur in our dreams. Then we wake up. Judgments are made. Dreams are discarded. Sometimes this is good. Nightmares dissolve in the light of day. Sometimes we lose something precious. Something that we undervalue compared to our fear of failure or ridicule.
Every chapter in this book value dreams. The successful leaders whose success ideals were researched in writing this book create images in their minds – images that have never before been wholly perceived by others.
They use these images like a contractor uses blueprints to build a house. They build. Some would call them resourceful. Others would call them imaginative. They can also be seen as creative. They have the ability to confront and deal with challenges. This ability begins with dreams.
The matter of leadership will be a subject which you will reflect upon throughout your professional career. It is a challenging assignment to express what leadership means in a few words, especially when you have not completed your own conclusions in this regards:
I have tried to reduce this to what I term as the C’s of leadership: Commitment, Creativity, Charisma and character. Let me elaborate:
Commitment. Tenacity, courage, and risk would be terms falling into this category. People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Commitment can be displayed in a full range of matters to include the work hours you choose to maintain, how you work to improve your abilities or what you do for your workers at personal sacrifice.
Creativity. Seeing the future and how to get there in advance of others. Leading must constantly be involved in moving organizations from point A to point B if the organization is to maintain its competitiveness and vibrancy. Leadership minus creativity makes you a manager. Charisma. Can you laugh? Have fun? Inspire others to enjoy themselves? Get others to follow your direction because they “believe” and not because you’re the “boss”? Are you a “class act”?
Character. What are the most important principles that you live by? Honesty, charity, thoughtfulness, sharing, making a difference. Are you self – examining? How do you react to an unanticipated emergency? As you look back, how have you improved yourself in this regard?
The future that lies ahead for you is filled with countless possibilities. Your challenge is to see them not as specific, structured absolutes, but as untapped possibilities that you, through your unique and special talents, have yet to create. As a leader, to believe in yourself, your dreams and in others is paramount. I know firsthand the power of action inspired by positive belief, learned knowledge and strong values. I offer the following guidelines to you – they have worked for me.
Believe in Possibilities.
Reject Rejection
Never stop learning; then share.
Write down your goals and values each moment of achievements.
Value diversity and strive for balance.
Know that you matter. It is knowing that you matter that will allow you to lead others and truly inspire and make a difference.
Chapter 7
Be broad Minded.
Most people use the concept of broad – mindedness superficially. We tend to be accepting of minor departures from orthodox behavior – as we define it. We take pride in our tolerance. We do not understand the ungratefulness of eccentrics, visionaries, and the oppressed. We hear them speak. We do not listen. Do we fear what we might learn?
Many believe a strong leader must have clear vision and a burning desire to succeed. They must get people to do things their way – the right way. This is how we will all be saved. This view must be reconciled with the rapidly changing world we live in.
No one person’s vision is unlimited. No one person’s vision last for all time. What does a strong leader do in the face of change? Can he or she only look or herself for the keys to future success?
The strong leaders whose philosophies are painted graphically in this book urge us to be broad – minded. Their commitment to broad – mindedness is not superficial. They have opened their minds to the future. They seek the help and advice they need to get there. They listen before they judge.
Some people talk about being leaders, about being successful. Other people actually do it. There are a number of important qualities that will separate those who rise to the top from those who float from idea to idea. Three of the most important contributors to success are:
Anticipate change. Know what’s happening in the industry you have chosen. Understand how it is changing and where it is going. Visualize the opportunities that might arise as a result of courage to stand alone, even though it may be an uncomfortable position.
Provide quality and service. Customer service should be your number one priority. Customer satisfaction can make or break a company. Be innovative. Establish a reputation for a level of service unrivaled by your competition.
Work. Work. Work. Be determined and ready to work very hard to achieve success. Not a single day should escape you without making progress on your goals. It’s a lifestyle commitment, a choice you have to make to reach the top.
Successful people can be as different as you and me, but these shared qualities put them in the same league.
As you also go through the process of preparing for your future in the business world there are a number of important considerations to be made, but I believe the following three points are worth special consideration.
Education is critical for your long – term success in the business world. Equally important is the need for continuous learning. At some point, your classroom education will end, but learning never does. Change is constant and coming more rapidly than ever before. You will greatly improve your chances for success if you are continually learning new skills and new ways to evaluate and improve your job.
You must continuously challenge yourself. People can’t achieve their full potential if they set easy goals. Nor can they achieve their full potential if, after having reached a goal, they stop and don’t establish a still higher goal. Great accomplishments come when you stretch yourself.
Give of yourself in more than just your career. Business success can be very gratifying, but it won’t make you truly happy if exists in a vacuum. Family, friends and a sense of community are what round out as individuals and what give our lives their richest texture.
Your chances for success in the business world can be helped by the following:
Work Hard – Day – in /day – out diligence in executing the basics of your job will lead to future promotions. It will set the right example for your staff, leading to further recognition.
Be flexible – the employee who is open to new and different tasks adds to their value as an employee. In addition, flexibility allows you to handle abrupt changes in work requirements with an even temperament. People who are open to changes generally will find their jobs more rewarding as variety helps keep their interest level high.
Speak your mind (diplomatically, of course!) – Most employers enjoy somebody who is willing to speak up in regard to the things that are relevant to the company’s success. Someone who is straightforward is always valued, assuming they can present opinions in a diplomatic and persuasive manner.
There is no guarantee of success in any business; however, those who have the above three characteristics will move ahead more quickly than the competition.
As I round up this book, I would like you to take note of some truths about vision. There are no magic potions or secret recipe that can guarantee you will get what you want in life. But what I have learned in my 7 years of pursuing the vision of CCYI, is that you can save precious time, to increase your chances and limit your frustration if you:
FEAR GOD. Believe in God and key in to all his commandments. He made you and knows what it would take for you to function effectively. The spirit is absolutely in control of the soul and the body. What electricity is to the computer system is what the spirit of God is to our human system. No matter how sophisticated the hardware and software of a computer, it would not function if it is not powered. The spirit of God is what powers our life. This can be done by accepting the quickening spirit that possesses the ability to power your system for maximum effectiveness. This quickening spirit goes by the name JESUS. Accept him today and live a most fulfilling life. Say this little but powerful prayer, “Lord Jesus, I have come to realize that I am nothing without you. I can do nothing without you. I therefore ask for your mercy. I confess all my sins and repent of every one of them. I accept that you are Christ and believe that you died for my sins. Accept me into the beloved today and grant me a new spirit and a new heart that would enable me live the life of the kingdom from now on. Thank you for accepting me in your most holy name.”
Now that you have empowered your life, you can no go follow with these three prescriptions:
ENVISION yourself doing what it is you want to do and being the person you want to be. No matter how bizarre or impractical it may seem to those around you, picture. Remind yourself that every odd job that you may have in between is merely a phase and that you have bigger and better things prepared for you.
Have a vision
Be Courageous
Be Capable
Work hard.
Be honest
Be imaginative
Be broad minded
Do you want to be successful?
This little book in your hand has all you need to emerge as a shinning star. Man is a three component being. He is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body. Churches treat spiritual diseases, while hospitals treat body diseases, but this book is all out to treat your soul diseases. Of the three components of man, the soul is the most complicated. Salvation for instance targets the soul and not the spirit or body. The soul has two principal components which are the mind and the heart. The mind has the memory and the imaginative. The memory to cast your mind back to the past and the imaginative helps you paint a picture of the future. The heart which can be likened to being the spirit of the mind comprises of three components which are the will, intellect and emotion. With this brief picture, you will agree with me that the soul is highly complicated. This is why this book centers on developing the soul. All the chapters in this book briefly introduce the various components of vision. They discuss the rewards of visionary pursuit. Do you want to be successful? Almost everyone would answer “yes” to this question. We dream about it. We think we want success. However we aren’t sure what success is, and we are even less sure that we want to pay the price. When it is time to act, we hesitate. When it is time to press forward, we retreat. Our words do not fool anybody. Not even ourselves. All you need is to be in pursuit of vision.
Chapter One
Have a vision.
Having eyes that see is not equal to vision,
It is an active mindset that equals vision.
“If it’s worth having, it’s worth fighting for.’ You fight successfully in the business world by possessing a clear vision, a strong sense of self – identity, limitless dedication, enormous reserves of determination and a positive attitude – key ingredients of most successful leaders. In that regard, one must understand that businesses and people aren’t weeds. They both need nurturing and caring in order to grow. Businesses need leaders with vision; leaders who can dream and inspire others.
One can’t lead without a vision. Visions however aren’t achieved overnight, nor do they develop apart from a relationship with people and ideas.
Every great leader’s success and continued development is firmly rooted in attaining visions, nurturing relationships with people and creating new opportunities.
Business leadership is not developed overnight. A lot goes into attaining complete metamorphoses as a “total leader”. You will constantly be in the process of growing and developing in the areas of:
Fine – tuning your management skills, which allow you nurture others in their pursuit.
Learning to frame challenges and issues, thus separating out the important elements.
Refining listening skills, which allow me to direct your business activities as well as the activities of others.
Developing an internal barometer that helps you gauge the sensitivity level of those you lead.
The most frustrating aspects of your leadership role is that you get so busy that you have difficulty finding time to dream and imagine. One’s vision should be concrete and abstract. You should find time to envision ways you can help the unemployed as you train and place individuals temporarily or permanently.
Your personal abstract visions are often discussed with business associates, even friends and family. As these abstract visions are discussed, you get brought back to reality and concrete visions.
Your concrete visions are those which will allow you to lead as you complete a self – analysis of leadership potential for the future. Contemplate your ability to dream. Consider your ability to always be in the “state of becoming,” for if it’s worth fighting for.
Chapter Two
Be courageous
Although no formula exists for becoming a successful leader, I believe effective leadership is defined by a person’s self – confidence, knowledge and intuition, and natural ability to work well with others. Developed throughout your lifetime, these traits will stem from many experiences.
The encouragement you receive from a parent or teacher you admire will be a lasting source of self – confidence. These mentors, as they are called, will influence your thinking and behavior tremendously, and help you gain self – assurance to capitalize on unique opportunities that come your way.
As your self – confidence grows; fear of failing or the desire to always play it safe will diminish. It goes without saying that failure or defeat is hard to accept, but each of us has a remarkable ability to bounce back after such a setback. Often we go on to bigger and better things – even to successes beyond our highest hopes.
After I graduated from ATBU, I was turned down in more than dozen interviews engineering positions in Lagos and Ogun State. I returned home, and to survive without having to enter into any form of crime, I had to work as support staff in a couple of organizations.
My passion for youth development moved me to set up an organization that seeks to re – orientate these young people. Staying with this vision these past seven years took a lot of courage.
Youth development is a complex process and very capital intensive. The truth is that I am not solely responsible for the success of the organization. Many skilled people have contributed greatly to it. As president, I do, however, use my knowledge and intuition about business to set the direction for the organization, and then to motivate and work with talented people who share my vision for progress.
Beyond these simple observations, I don’t think there is any great mystery about leaders in any field. We are people that you can relate to, and that very fact – our approachability – is responsible in part for our success as leader.
Chapter 3
Be Capable.
Capability is a quality, a state of being and a potential. Being capable has to do with both physical and mental abilities. It has to do with the ability to perform at a given time – to do something of value. It is a relative thing, a variable thing, not an absolute. Capability is measured on a sliding scale. There is no permanent goal line that defines capability. There is always something better. The distances each of us must travel to be successful are not the same. The path and the cost of the journey also vary. The word’s “capable,” are full of opportunity if you know where you want to go. They are threatening if you don’t.
Let me share a simple principle for success that would bless your life. It is as follows:
Activity + Attitude + Technique = Success
Here is the reasoning:
Activity – In the act of selling, activity is “how often” you are in front of a prospect. Even if your “sales presentation” or other activity that your work involves is not exceptional, if you have lots of activity, there is a high probability that your results will be above average. It’s called ‘work”.
Attitude – Develop a strong positive attitude. Be enthusiastic about your work, your mission and your company. Enthusiasm is a more important asset than experience. Add enthusiasm to lots of activity and you have a powerful combination for making things happen.
Technique – Decide to be good at what you do. Strive to be the most “effective person” in your department, group or company. If you are in business, learn all you can about your products. Have a carefully prepared, well organized presentation for each prospect you face.
If you want to succeed, here are three ways to get there:
Dare to Dream.
You are going to begin your career at the most exciting period in human history. We are developing new technologies that are going to help people lead better lives all over the world. The leaders are going to be the people who have a vision of the way things could be, and can come up with creative ideas. By living that vision and sharing that sense of excitement with those around you, you’ll find yourself the leader of your team.
Do your best.
To be a winner, you and your team must aim for the highest possible quality in everything you do. You’ll need to listen to your customers – the people you serve. Your team will need to constantly improve the way it does things. You’ll make mistakes, and if you’re a good leader, you’ll learn from your mistakes and keep getting better. A leader is more like a player – coach than a boss. You lead by example, if you do your best, the people on your team will respect you, and they will want to do their best, too.
Never Stop Learning.
I don’t think that you really want to hear this, but you’re never going to get out of school. In an exciting world that changes all the time, your job will keep changing all the time. That means you’ll need to keep learning new skills. The good news is that when you learn on the job, you have more fun. You use what you learn right away. You don’t just learn in a classroom. You learn what your customers tell you. You learn from what the people on your team tell you. And everything you learn makes your job more exciting. A good leader is always curious, always looking for new answers.
In summary, if you are a hard worker with lots of activity, performed with strong positive attitude, along with technique that shows a good knowledge of what you do, your success will be assured.
Chapter 4
Work Hard
Many always miss out on success because that which would bring about success always comes with an overall called work.
As a leader, you must believe in leadership by example. You cannot help others achieve greatness unless you provide a model they need to follow. On a daily basis, you must work hard to be that model.
What has helped me in my quest to becoming a credible leader and successful entrepreneur? I offer four key factors:
Integrity – In business, it is easy to do what’s convenient or results in short – term profits. Integrity means doing what’s right in your heart, even if it means a temporary loss.
Interacting with people who share the same values and principles – You must constantly surround yourself with associates who share your ethics on both a personal and profession al level. Mingle with people you trust their judgment, this would enable you focus on results and allow them the freedom to achieve those results in their own way.
Goal Orientation – For everything you do (Business and personal), always learn to set specific goals and timetables of completion. Then create an action plan to help you achieve those goals. Never leave success to chance – plan for it.
Discipline – A major secret of any success is the discipline to work when you don’t really feel like it. I have a natural habit of working mornings, days and weekends. I tend to despise holidays. I have tackled many projects I didn’t want to do, but that needed to be done. There is no substitute for hard work.
Locating and running with a vision is not a natural habit easily found in people. But those of us who do this know it is not for the name recognition or glory, neither is it for the pride of accomplishment, but for the joy of making things happen for others.
A few steps in owning your own business are a basic lifestyle.
You must believe in what you want. Don’t talk to people who have never owned a business, because they will be negative. Seek information from other business owners. You don’t have to seek out high – profile owners at first; speak to small owners who can relate to your beginning challenges.
You must be willing to work around the clock seven days a week, without vacations, and be willing to put your profits back into the growth of your vision.
Deal with bankers whom you know and who are friendly. A cold reception from a banker can be a turnoff.
Be willing to hire anyone who can help you the most.
Keep good records, write manuals for your employees and keep them updated.
Start small and grow. There will be set backs, some costly, but don’t let them get to you. We all have stories like that and have learned from them. Keep going.
Sign up for everything that can be a learning tool. To know what you don’t need is just as important as to know what you do need.
Everyday people have knowledge they are not even aware of. Listen, always listen and pay attention; you will learn how to make people happy, what to do and what not to do.
As you face a new and exciting career in business, I would like you to pay attention to some few more details. Whatever business venture you choose, I believe the following personal skills will help you on your road to success.
Developing and maintaining integrity is essential to how you operate in business. So often in youth, a person loses self – respect due to a breakdown in the educational system or family unit. You must learn to develop and maintain that respect in order to succeed in both your business and personal life. If integrity is inherent, it will be an integral part of the way you do business – ethically and honestly.
The ability to identity and maintain your vision will be fundamental to your success. You have to know what you want in order to take the steps to get there. Your focus must be unwavering and always in the back of your mind as you make the decisions that are critical to the success of your venture.
Becoming and remaining successful in business takes a great deal of energy. Mental as well as physical energy is necessary for you to keep up with a dynamic environment. A high level of energy is contagious and spreads quickly among those with whom you work. The person who willfully maintains a high level of energy will be successful.
Chapter 5
Be Honest
The word “honest” has many shades of meaning in the English language. However, it only has one major opposite. To be honest is to be free of deception. When we deceive, we ensnare others with false ideas or beliefs. We trap their minds like animals. We are false to their well – being. We cause them to believe untruths.
Businessmen are often compared to predators and business to the art of war. Competition is a struggle for survival. It is not a fair fight. There are no rules. These comparisons seem apt, but are they true? Are they merely echoes of our beginnings rather than guideposts to our destiny?
This chapter advocates honesty. It rejects deceit. Honesty is what works for a lot of great leaders of repute. What is it about honesty that attracts them? What is it about deceit that repels them?
I have identified three factors which I believe contribute to an individual’s business success. However, I cannot limit my discussion to three factors for I sincerely believe there are five critical elements which make for a successful leader. I strongly believe in these five principles so much that is why I have them documented in this book. Thus, I bring these five to your attention:
Strength of will. I believe that a business leader must possess the courage of his/her convictions. Many people refer to this as ego. I believe it’s that internal drive and perseverance which allows the leader to draw strength from within he or she during the natural life cycle that any business will encounter.
Vision. I believe every great leader must have a clear focus and clear direction coupled with the strength of will. It’s the road map that the leader follows to take him or her and their organization in a sure direction, and to contribute in that direction during periods of prosperity and periods of difficulty.
Judgment. The ability to make sound, high – quality decisions in a timely fashion and on a continuous basis comes from the persons years of experience, what they obtain through life, as well as one’s innate intelligence.
Communication. A leader must get things done through others, therefore the leader must have the ability to inspire and motivate, guide and direct, and listen. It’s only through communication that the leader is able to cause others to internalize his or her vision and implement it.
Values. Many call these business ethics – the underlying principles by which the leader operates. Whatever term is used, values constitute the leader’s belief system. It will be the basis upon which he/she deals with others including clients, employees and other business associates. It is a reflection of one’s character. It is the blueprint and the foundation for how one runs his/her business.
Chapter 6
Be imaginative
We all dream. We act out our future in our minds. Our minds invent. They challenge reality. Things that never happened before occur in our dreams. Then we wake up. Judgments are made. Dreams are discarded. Sometimes this is good. Nightmares dissolve in the light of day. Sometimes we lose something precious. Something that we undervalue compared to our fear of failure or ridicule.
Every chapter in this book value dreams. The successful leaders whose success ideals were researched in writing this book create images in their minds – images that have never before been wholly perceived by others.
They use these images like a contractor uses blueprints to build a house. They build. Some would call them resourceful. Others would call them imaginative. They can also be seen as creative. They have the ability to confront and deal with challenges. This ability begins with dreams.
The matter of leadership will be a subject which you will reflect upon throughout your professional career. It is a challenging assignment to express what leadership means in a few words, especially when you have not completed your own conclusions in this regards:
I have tried to reduce this to what I term as the C’s of leadership: Commitment, Creativity, Charisma and character. Let me elaborate:
Commitment. Tenacity, courage, and risk would be terms falling into this category. People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Commitment can be displayed in a full range of matters to include the work hours you choose to maintain, how you work to improve your abilities or what you do for your workers at personal sacrifice.
Creativity. Seeing the future and how to get there in advance of others. Leading must constantly be involved in moving organizations from point A to point B if the organization is to maintain its competitiveness and vibrancy. Leadership minus creativity makes you a manager.
Charisma. Can you laugh? Have fun? Inspire others to enjoy themselves? Get others to follow your direction because they “believe” and not because you’re the “boss”? Are you a “class act”?
Character. What are the most important principles that you live by? Honesty, charity, thoughtfulness, sharing, making a difference. Are you self – examining? How do you react to an unanticipated emergency? As you look back, how have you improved yourself in this regard?
The future that lies ahead for you is filled with countless possibilities. Your challenge is to see them not as specific, structured absolutes, but as untapped possibilities that you, through your unique and special talents, have yet to create. As a leader, to believe in yourself, your dreams and in others is paramount. I know firsthand the power of action inspired by positive belief, learned knowledge and strong values. I offer the following guidelines to you – they have worked for me.
Believe in Possibilities.
Reject Rejection
Never stop learning; then share.
Write down your goals and values each moment of achievements.
Value diversity and strive for balance.
Know that you matter. It is knowing that you matter that will allow you to lead others and truly inspire and make a difference.
Chapter 7
Be broad Minded.
Most people use the concept of broad – mindedness superficially. We tend to be accepting of minor departures from orthodox behavior – as we define it. We take pride in our tolerance. We do not understand the ungratefulness of eccentrics, visionaries, and the oppressed. We hear them speak. We do not listen. Do we fear what we might learn?
Many believe a strong leader must have clear vision and a burning desire to succeed. They must get people to do things their way – the right way. This is how we will all be saved. This view must be reconciled with the rapidly changing world we live in.
No one person’s vision is unlimited. No one person’s vision last for all time. What does a strong leader do in the face of change? Can he or she only look or herself for the keys to future success?
The strong leaders whose philosophies are painted graphically in this book urge us to be broad – minded. Their commitment to broad – mindedness is not superficial. They have opened their minds to the future. They seek the help and advice they need to get there. They listen before they judge.
Some people talk about being leaders, about being successful. Other people actually do it. There are a number of important qualities that will separate those who rise to the top from those who float from idea to idea. Three of the most important contributors to success are:
Anticipate change. Know what’s happening in the industry you have chosen. Understand how it is changing and where it is going. Visualize the opportunities that might arise as a result of courage to stand alone, even though it may be an uncomfortable position.
Provide quality and service. Customer service should be your number one priority. Customer satisfaction can make or break a company. Be innovative. Establish a reputation for a level of service unrivaled by your competition.
Work. Work. Work. Be determined and ready to work very hard to achieve success. Not a single day should escape you without making progress on your goals. It’s a lifestyle commitment, a choice you have to make to reach the top.
Successful people can be as different as you and me, but these shared qualities put them in the same league.
As you also go through the process of preparing for your future in the business world there are a number of important considerations to be made, but I believe the following three points are worth special consideration.
Education is critical for your long – term success in the business world. Equally important is the need for continuous learning. At some point, your classroom education will end, but learning never does. Change is constant and coming more rapidly than ever before. You will greatly improve your chances for success if you are continually learning new skills and new ways to evaluate and improve your job.
You must continuously challenge yourself. People can’t achieve their full potential if they set easy goals. Nor can they achieve their full potential if, after having reached a goal, they stop and don’t establish a still higher goal. Great accomplishments come when you stretch yourself.
Give of yourself in more than just your career. Business success can be very gratifying, but it won’t make you truly happy if exists in a vacuum. Family, friends and a sense of community are what round out as individuals and what give our lives their richest texture.
Your chances for success in the business world can be helped by the following:
Work Hard – Day – in /day – out diligence in executing the basics of your job will lead to future promotions. It will set the right example for your staff, leading to further recognition.
Be flexible – the employee who is open to new and different tasks adds to their value as an employee. In addition, flexibility allows you to handle abrupt changes in work requirements with an even temperament. People who are open to changes generally will find their jobs more rewarding as variety helps keep their interest level high.
Speak your mind (diplomatically, of course!) – Most employers enjoy somebody who is willing to speak up in regard to the things that are relevant to the company’s success. Someone who is straightforward is always valued, assuming they can present opinions in a diplomatic and persuasive manner.
There is no guarantee of success in any business; however, those who have the above three characteristics will move ahead more quickly than the competition.
As I round up this book, I would like you to take note of some truths about vision. There are no magic potions or secret recipe that can guarantee you will get what you want in life. But what I have learned in my 7 years of pursuing the vision of CCYI, is that you can save precious time, to increase your chances and limit your frustration if you:
FEAR GOD. Believe in God and key in to all his commandments. He made you and knows what it would take for you to function effectively. The spirit is absolutely in control of the soul and the body. What electricity is to the computer system is what the spirit of God is to our human system. No matter how sophisticated the hardware and software of a computer, it would not function if it is not powered. The spirit of God is what powers our life. This can be done by accepting the quickening spirit that possesses the ability to power your system for maximum effectiveness. This quickening spirit goes by the name JESUS. Accept him today and live a most fulfilling life. Say this little but powerful prayer, “Lord Jesus, I have come to realize that I am nothing without you. I can do nothing without you. I therefore ask for your mercy. I confess all my sins and repent of every one of them. I accept that you are Christ and believe that you died for my sins. Accept me into the beloved today and grant me a new spirit and a new heart that would enable me live the life of the kingdom from now on. Thank you for accepting me in your most holy name.”
Now that you have empowered your life, you can no go follow with these three prescriptions:
ENVISION yourself doing what it is you want to do and being the person you want to be. No matter how bizarre or impractical it may seem to those around you, picture. Remind yourself that every odd job that you may have in between is merely a phase and that you have bigger and better things prepared for you.
FOCUS on what you have determined to be your destiny and let it become your obsession. Immerse yourself in it. Spend your free time developing it. Study and intimate those who are doing it. Spend your free time developing it. Study and intimate those who are doing it or have done it. And, under no circumstances, should you ever lose focus.
ENJOY yourself. Celebrate your genius. Love what you do. When you make mistakes – and surely you will – learn from them and move forward. Seize opportunities to make your best even better, because if you really want to be the best, you will never tire of learning and perfecting it.
Remember, you are your only limitation. Breakthrough those barriers and you will experience the joy of a fulfilled vision.
ReplyDeletethis is a great work of creativity.