Prayer is a form of spiritual labour.
Colossians 4:12
Ecclesiastes 10:15
Prayer can be wearisome if you don’t know how to go about it.
What you don’t learn, you are not qualified to know.
Wisdom is the principal thing in everything.
Asking must be according to the will of God.
James 4:1-3
1 John 5:14
Most prayers are not answered because they are never heard!
Prayer is to be taught for it to maximally produce in your life.
Luke 11: 1-4
• Prayer begins with worship
• Prayer must have a kingdom focus and desire.
• Prayer must be according to His will.
• Prayer delivers your daily bread.
• Prayer qualifies you for forgiveness.
• Prayer qualifies you for leadership.
• Prayer qualifies you for deliverance.
• Prayer ends with worship.
Prayer is a means wherewith our spiritual needs are been met.
The meeting of our spiritual needs help meet our other needs.
A kingdom first mentality qualifies you for answers in prayers.
You can’t be concerned about people and not become a friend of God.
Prayer requires kingdom priority perspective.
Any unsaved person is a risk in your family.
A company of people that connect with answers before they ask.
Isaiah 65:24
Manifestation is a product of obedience of faith.
When you become too big to learn at His feet, you become too small to overcome your battles.
Prayer becomes a burden when you lack the know – how!
What is prayer designed for?
Prayer is essentially for meeting our spiritual needs.
Prayer is all about seeking first the kingdom of God and all of His righteousness to qualify to have all your material needs met.
What is a covenant?
A covenant is a deal of committer.
Be committed to your part while God gets committed to His part.
“Only 10% think, 25% think that they think, while 65% would rather die than think.”
James 5:17 – 19
1 Kings 19:10
Who is Elijah?
Elijah was a man jealous for God and His kingdom.
He has an un-checkered passion for the kingdom of God.
Jesus recommended soul gathering prayers!
There are 4200 places in scriptures where “People” are been mentioned.
When you are committed to what God is committed to, he will be committed to your needs.
You compel people in prayers to come to God.
1. Kingdom Priority – soul winning, evangelism, etc
2. Spiritual Empowerment
– This makes you rule in the midst of your enemies. The place of prayer is the place of power.
3. Spiritual Establishment
- This is living a life of sanctification.
4. Spiritual Revelation
5. Material Needs
- You can’t have your spiritual needs met and remain a needy.
Faith gives substance to hope!
Faith is the husband of Hope.
Hope gets pregnant by faith.
Expectation is the pregnancy of hope.
Fishes don’t get drown in water.
Birds don’t drop from the air due to gravity.
Believers don’t faith by reason of life’s challenges.
You are born to win.
“I am born to win; I am born to reign in life. I am no ordinary person, I am destined for greatness.”
Flight is made for personalities and individuals.
John5: 4
Habakkuk 2:4
Faith is a personal race that guarantees victory.
Winning is guaranteed in prayers.
Acts 3:1
Matt 6:5-7
There is need for a prayer schedule.
Psalm 55:16 – 18
A prayer schedule is a must if you must make a must of your Christian life.
Prayer is not to have your needs met but to gain command over your needs.
Proverbs 24:10
You gain command over your needs when you get committed to a prayer schedule.
Prayer is a means of staying on top of things as they arise.
The altar of prayer is the altar of empowerment.
• Every war is winnable
• Every battle is conquerable
• Every barrier is overcomable.
John 16:33
Psalm 34:19
1 John 5:4
Birds can’t fail in the air.
Fishes can’t fail in the sea.
Lions can’t fail in the jungle.
The child of God can’t fail in life.
Prayer is a “when” issue.
Be committed to at least three season of prayer per day.
A prayer schedule is what makes a first class Christian.
Without a prayer schedule, you cannot emerge a spiritual star.
You always go up with prayers.
Why do I need a prayer schedule?
1. Prayer is the altar of empowerment for all saints across all nations.
a. It takes an empowered sheep to escape the devastation of wolves.
b. To escape the wickedness of the wicked, you need to be empowered.
c. To subdue your enemies, you need to be empowered.
Psalm 66:3
Psalm 110:1-3
d. To survive in a world networked by wickedness, you need to be empowered.
e. Prayer takes you to a place of power emission.
f. We pray to stay on top of things and for things.
g. To be prayer less is to be powerless. Luke 11:13
h. You can’t fulfill your mission without empowerment.
i. Your mission is un-fulfill able without power.
j. Kingdom come simply means – power comes.
2. A spiritual platform for receiving direction.
a. You need to be divinely guided John5:30, Psalm 23:1, 2 Sam 5:18:25
3. A prayer schedule is needed for revelation. Psalm 119:18
a. Revelation equals spiritual illumination.
b. Spiritual edification is the core of the prayer covenant.
4. A prayer schedule is needed for consecration.
a. It is for personal sanctification
b. The altar of prayer is the altar of transfiguration change of raiment.
5. To enforce the fulfillment of prophesies directed at you.
1 Timothy 1:18
Deut 2:24
Heb 12:1-2
1 Corinthian 9:24 – 26
• You are a spiritual sportsman
o Sportsmanship requires preparation behind the scene to emerge a sport champion.
• You are spiritual Athletes.
• You are Spiritual Pilots. Isaiah 60:8
• You are Spiritual wrestlers Ephesians 6:10 – 12
• You are Spiritual Boxers. Proverbs 24:10, Rev 5:8
Prayers are stored for your rating. 1 Timothy 4:8
• Spiritual exercises are profitable unto all things.
• It takes a schedule to end up a star.
• You are spiritual Soldiers. 2 Timothy 2:3
o You must remain battle ready, and on alert.
o You need spiritual discipline. Luke 17:31
• There are three levels of kingdom in prayers.
o Kingdom from above
o Kingdom within us
o Kingdom around us.
• A prayer schedule is needed to sow both into the kingdom and others needing one form of attention.
• A prayer schedule is needed to invest in the lives of those occupying positions of authority. 1 Timothy 2:1 – 2, Matt 26:40
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