

What steps have you taken concerning the numerous things you have heard?
If you hear what you have already known but have not done anything about it, it therefore time for you to start doing something…..thank God somebody is repeating it to you.
At a meeting like this, you will hear things that you do not know.
It takes humility to agree that you do not know a thing and agree to learn.
Things can change if you allow it to change……
This is the time to take action…..
The change needed begins from the individual.
Leadership begins with you…..
The change we desire starts from you….
It is important to speak up and to also watch the manner of communication…..
Leadership is a call to service….
Leaders need to be challenged…
Leadership most time depends on the nature of followership…..
If good people do not get into politics, good people will never be in government…..
People who want to change things in government need to be encouraged….
We need people who think they know to get into government……
Government need to be held accountable……
Youths need to understand the constitution of this country very well…..
This country will not change until we begin to take the necessary steps……
As young people we need to invest in the future…..
This is the time to dream and take over….
You have to prepare for leadership…..
We need young people who can dream of a better country…..
We need decisive young people and leaders….

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