Youth Development
The field of youth development research is multidisciplinary by nature, drawing researchers from the fields of psychology, family and consumer sciences, education, sociology, public health and nutrition, agricultural education, the church and other disciplines. This Creatively Nigerian Newsletter is multidisciplinary, applied, and focused to the development of average-aged youth through the transition to adulthood (ages 15-45).
The News letter of Youth Development ~ Bridging Research capabilities, morality, kingdom addiction and leadership practice will be published online 7 times a year.
Submitters will receive notification about the status of their submission within six months.
The News letter of Youth Development ~ Bridging Research capabilities, morality, kingdom addiction and leadership Practice is a refereed publication that seeks to enhance knowledge about matters of current interest to professionals in youth development, as well as to clientele.
Published articles further the mission of the youth development profession by facilitating the transfer and application of research-based knowledge.
We invite the submission of articles from professionals in youth development, or related fields of study.
Contributions solicited for feature articles include critical analysis and interpretation of major trends, research with clear implications for youth development programming, and evaluations of research-based programs and outcomes.
Contributions solicited for program articles include descriptions of promising programs and pilot projects.
In addition, The Journal serves as a forum for emerging and contemporary issues affecting volunteerism and volunteer administration. The Journal is written, peer-reviewed, edited, and published by professional volunteer administrators, researchers, and consultants, sharing with their colleagues’ successful applications, original and applied research findings, scholarly opinions, educational resources, and challenges on issues of critical importance to volunteerism and the field of volunteer administration.
Manuscripts may be submitted at any time during the year. The News letter is published quarterly. Authors submitting manuscripts to The News letter must follow the guidelines in this document. Submissions that deviate from these guidelines will be returned to the corresponding authors for changes. Manuscripts must be submitted for one of the following focus areas:
Singles, Relationship and Family Issues
The Singles, Relationship and Family Issues (SRFI) is a refereed publication which seeks to enhance knowledge about matters of current interest to professionals in Singles and Relationship Counseling, as well as to clientele.
Articles published in SRFI further the mission of CNNL by facilitating the transfer and application of research-based knowledge.
We invite the submission of articles from professions in Singles and Relationship Counseling, or related fields of study.
Articles appropriate for our publication include articles on: food and nutrition; health; family resource management (budgeting, credit, consumer issues, investments, retirement planning, etc.); legal issues (estate planning, legal issues of preparing for dependency, family law, etc.); housing and house furnishings; human development (child care, family relationships, stress, adult development, etc.); or apparel and textiles.
Contributions solicited for main articles include critical analysis and interpretation of major trends, research with clear implications for Extension programming, and descriptions of research-based programs and outcomes.
Contributions solicited for program articles include descriptions of promising programs and pilot projects.
Within a multidisciplinary approach, Creatively Nigerian News letter stresses the variation of individual development across the life span – including both individual differences and within-person change – and the wide range of familial, cultural, physical, ecological, and historical settings of human development.
The audience for CNNL includes developmental, clinical, school, counseling, aging, educational, and community psychologists; life course, family, and demographic sociologists; health professionals; family and consumer scientists; human evolution and ecological biologists; and practitioners in child and youth governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
New Directions for Youth Development
New Directions for Youth Development: Theory, Practice and Research is dedicated to bringing together everyone concerned with helping young people, including scholars, practitioners, and people from different disciplines and professions.
The result is a unique resource presenting thoughtful, multi-faceted approaches to helping our youth develop into responsible, stable, well-rounded adults and citizens.
New Directions for Youth Development will tackle controversial, interesting and difficult topics and devote each issue to in-depth discussion of a specific topic, explored from any sides. The journal is committed to youth, their potential, their futures and their everyday lives.
Multidisciplinary and international in scope, the CNNL of Research on Adolescence significantly advances knowledge in the field of adolescent research.
Employing a diverse array of methodologies, this compelling news bulletin publishes research findings and integrative reviews of the highest level of scholarship.
Featured studies include both quantitative and qualitative methodologies applied to cognitive, physical, emotional, and social development and behavior. Articles pertinent to the variety of developmental patterns inherent throughout adolescence are featured, including cross-national and cross-cultural studies.
Attention is given to normative patterns of behavior as well as individual differences rooted in personal or social and cultural factors.
Youth and Society
For thirty-five years, Youth & Society has provided educators, counselors, researchers, and policy makers with the latest research and scholarship in this dynamic field. This valuable resource examines critical contemporary issues and presents vital, practical information for studying and working with young people today. Each quarterly issue of Youth & Society features pee-reviewed articles by distinguished scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines and fields, including: sociology, public health, social work, education, criminology, psychology, anthropology, human services, and political science.
News letter of Family Relations
Family Relations Publishes applied articles that are original, innovative and interdisciplinary and that focus on diverse families and family issues.
Audiences include family life educators in academic and community settings, researchers with an applied or evaluation focus, family practitioners who utilize prevention or therapeutic models and techniques, and family policy specialists.
Examples of appropriate articles include those dealing with applied research, educational philosophies or practices, syntheses of substantive areas, program evaluations, and curriculum development and assessment. Articles should be conceived and written with the needs of practitioners in mind. Since 1951, Family Relations has covered areas of critical importance to family professionals.
Its emphasis is family research with implications for intervention, education, and public policy. It publishes: Empirical Studies, Literature Reviews, and Conceptual Analyses.
Creative leadership
Leadership is so crucial in the development of any society today. It is all about developing the right attitude and moral disposition.
To find out more information about becoming a member, please visit our Become a Member section. Nonmembers and institutions can subscribe online to the Creatively Nigerian News Letter by using our Publications Catalog Order Form.
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