



Isaiah 34:16

Scriptures requires a mate to produce result.

Faith must be coupled with work before faith can deliver.

Prayer must be coupled with believing for prayer to deliver.

Knowledge must be put to work for it to produce.

James 1:22

Revelation must be put to work before there is a manifestation.

Joshua 1:8


Love is a non negotiable requirement for commanding breakthroughs.

1 Corinthians 2:9

Every true lover is ordained a high flyer, pace setter, trail blazer etc.

1 Samuel 18:6-7

Men after the heart of God always end up high flyers.

Deut 28:1-13

Fulfilling the law is requirement for commanding supernatural breakthroughs. And love is the fulfilment of the law.

John 21:15-18

Gods love is not theoretical, it demands proofs.

Every genuine soul hunter, end up a high flyer.

You prove you love God by loving what God loves most.

Psalm 34:10

Love is Gods nature. 1 John 4:16

Divine content cannot be suppressed, resisted or stopped. It would always have its way.

When God moves, everything else bows.

Ephesians 3:17-19

Whatever cannot stop God cannot stop your breakthroughs.

Everything delivers by love.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Nothing works beyond our love level for God.

Romans 8:28

All things work together for good to them that possess the love of God.

Galatians 5:6, matt 9:29

It is love that places a limit on our destiny.


This is the practical requirement for commanding breakthroughs.

Sacrifice is giving and going beyond your best to deliver a given task.

There is nothing extraordinary on its own, it is our extra ordinary inputs that make it so.

There is no star without a scar. And the scar of every star is sacrifice.

Sacrifice is going beyond diligence.

Hebrews 12:12-13

If you must make an outstanding mark, you must be willing to pay an outstanding price.

To see what you have never seen before, you must be willing to do what you have never done before.

Breaking records breaks people.

Those who break records do not live a normal schedule.

No record breaker runs a normal schedule.

Luke 12:49-50

Jesus was baptised with the baptism of sacrifice.

Malachi 3:6

1 Corinthians 15:31


The blessing of the lord is the gateway to financial fortune.

Proverbs 10:22

"Every air of financial misfortune around your life is cursed right now"

It is the blessing that command financial fortune and not the volume of possession.

Malachi 4:1-2

You illuminate to dominate your world.

Light does not make noise in its quest to dominate darkness.

Light always commands noiseless breakthroughs.

Believers are illuminated to dominated their circumstances.

The covenant of seed time and harvest is the gateway to financial fortune.

Deuteronomy 8:18

Covenant people are always exempted from the heat of the day.

By redemption, your case is ordained to be different under all circumstances.

Psalm 96:8

It is risky to take God for granted. To do this is to be grounded.

Revelation 22:2

It is wisdom to bless God for the fruit of the month.


1. Be spiritually minded. 3 John 2

Your spiritual prosperity is the bench mark for your practical prosperity.

Acts 20:32

2. Engage in covenant practice. Genesis 8:22, Jer 33:20-26

Gods covenant is established in heaven forever.

Giving is the anchor for commanding financial fortune.

Giving is a non negotiable key to a world of financial fortune.

As long as the sun and moon interchange their place, the covenant of giving and receiving is in force.

Levels of Giving

a. Tithing. Malachi 3:6-10

Tithing is the master key to a world of financial fortune.

Tithing does not answer to knowing or preaching it, but doing it.

No reason is strong enough for disobedience. Lev 27:30

Genesis 14:20, john 8:31

b. Worship offering. Deut 16:17

Jer 17:6 never put your trust in man.

Mark 12:41-44 Giving is not about volume but cost.

c. Kingdom promotion investment. Matt 25:40

3. Walk in financial integrity.

Job 22:24

Mark your business with integrity.

Jeremiah 17:11

Embrace financial integrity as a life style.

Financial fortune demands integrity to access or sustain.

You need integrity to sustain the hand of God on your life.

"Receive grace for sustainable integrity"

4. Be committed to being a blessing. Genesis 12:1-3

Keep thinking how to be a blessing to the kingdom and to others.

Selfishness places a limit on your blessing.

Expand your kingdom dreams by thinking God, his kingdom and others. Proverbs 23:7, 1 kings 8:18

God looks at your heart to determine what he puts in your heart.

God cannot bless you beyond your willingness to be a blessing.

5. Keep speaking right. Speak positive words.

6. Keep rejoicing Joel 1: 9-12

If you are not saved, it is not safe. It is wisdom to give your life to Jesus Christ. Make God your only source of expectation by giving your life to Jesus Christ. Locate a living faith church close to you and serve the lord.

Glory to Jesus for the light in his word.

Have a wordspired day in Jesus name.

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