Dr Paul Enenche
Contending for the Faith of our Fathers
Dr Paul Eneche. It is far more rewarding to be a follower than to be a vagabond. #shiloh2019breakinglimits
'What is the Faith of our Fathers?
2. It is a risky, radical, care-free and fear-free. Dan. 3: 16-18 '
3. It is fight-full, and battle ready. Pro. 30:30'
4. It is indomitable, indefatigable and unconquerable. Matt. 15:23-28'
* You cannot dominate it
* You cannot challenge it
* You cannot conquer it.
5. It is persevering, persistent, and enduring. It is faith that stands firm in the fire. Pro. 30:30'
You roar to maintain your territory
You can only take your share with a lion's heart.
You need spiritual aggression for spiritual possession
There is a connection between your venture and your future.
the bolder your venture, the bolder your future.
Hebrews 11:32- 33
You take territories by the daring and takeover faith.
The faith of our fathers change history and shape destinies.
You can rewrite history with the force of faith.
Hebrews 11:7
The secret of our fathers:
1. There are sold out to God - a heart for God.
2. The voice of God - with the voice of God, you can dare anything.
3. The light of the word. Luke 5:5 The light of the word is the fire of faith
4. The wine of the Spirit. Jude 20. 2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us the spirit of timidity but of audacity.
5. The time with the master. Acts 4:13 Your quiet time with God.
6. Follow the faith of those who have it. Hebrews 13:7 Faith followership connects you to faith
7. Righteous faith.