
Revelation powered body.. by Kay Daniels

The revelation that rules our life is what defines our thinking.  And our thinking defines who we are.  In actual fact,  revelation is what gives value to our faith.  Adam and Eve fell to satanic deception and this made God to alter their perception of their true nature. God gave authority to Satan to buffet and harass man's body.  He declared man dust in Genesis 3:19, but earlier in Genesis 3:14, He declared dust as the food of the devil.  This gave the devil authority over the body of man. Satan rode on this opportunity to buffet mankind with sickness and disease.  But when Jesus was declared the son of God in Luke 3:21-22, he became full of the Spirit, and like Jeremiah,  God needed to know what Jesus is seeing about himself.  In a forty days fast,  the devil came to check him out. He said him, "if thou be the son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. And Jesus answered him saying,  it is written,  that man shall not live by bread alone,  but by every word of God."  Luke 4:3-4. This is very instructive because, Jesus Christ was unveiling a mystery.  That man was no longer dust,  but word created.  Stone is dust and if turned to bread,  it would validate that fact that the body of Jesus was dust, but Jesus gave the devil a knockout with the revelation that our bodies are no longer dust but word. God declared dust has the devils food, not word. With this revelation,  the Bible would have to rewritten to include Satan feeding on the word,  for him to have power over your body,  wealth or peace. Receive I pray thee today this revelation into your spirit and walk out on the devil at will in Jesus name.  This 19th day of the fast,  and the beginning of the last three days module would inaculate you with the Spirit of faith powered by revelation to see yourself a word made kingdom personality. From today receive an undying appetite for the word of God. In 2020, you will see all limits broken and step into supernatural manifestations in Jesus name.  Good morning and stay wordspired.  

Kay Daniels 

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