
Self-Mastery keys for Self – leadership by Kay Daniels

“When I allow God to introduce me to myself, that is when I am free to discover my purpose on the earth” Kay Daniels
Life presents consistent opportunities, and if you are to take them, you must learn to master yourself. Be aware of what goes on in your inner man, what transpires in the spiritual (physically unseen realm) and in the world around you.
Awareness is key to self-discovery, and self – discovery is the foundation for self – mastery.
When you come to the point of self – mastery, you will not belittle your destiny with senseless competition.  
Those who compare themselves with others are yet to arrive at the point of self-mastery.
At the point of self – mastery, a man comes to terms with his true nature, seamlessly connects with his source in prayers, fasting and giving, demonstrates love for God and humanity and seek to be an instrument in the hands of his maker.
Here are his five “Wordspired” keys to self-mastery.
#1: Agree with the word of God, as it relates to who he has made you.
“He who knows others is clever,
He who knows himself has power & authority.”
It is easier to look at others and scrutinize them. But to look inward, to measure the quality of your own mind and spirit, and to truly know who you are, is a much more demanding — and rewarding — task.
Anyone can look at another and gain some insight into their character. And if you’re really good at it, by all means, you are clever. But few can look at themselves and truly, without bias, understand what they really are. Only in understanding yourself can you truly begin to live the life you were meant to live.
#2: If you must compete and win in life, start with yourself.
“He who overcomes others may gain reputation,
He who overcomes himself/herself has character.”
True strength is exerted over oneself, in a bid to develop character. It is with character, that dreams come true.
To overcome oneself is to resist the lesser and strive towards the greater, to forego short-term pleasure for long-term success. Overcoming all the vices that prey on you, all the bad habits, all the mediocre inclinations, all the fear, all the negativity, all the worry. It is ultimately to overcome the flaws of your humanity — that takes true strength.
Anyone can make a show of force on another. But not everyone can make a positive show of force on themselves.
#3: Stay away from greed.
“He who knows contentment is rich.”
We live in a world where being content is a dying treasure.
You can have everything in the world, but if you think it’s not enough if you compare yourself to someone who has more and think that what you have is lacking, you will always be miserable.
To avoid greed, be happy with what you have, and to be happy with what you have is the secret key to prosperity.
#4: Stay Consistent
“He who perseveres is a man of purpose,
He who does not lose his garden will last long.”
If what you are pursuing is a worthy goal, it would take time and persistence.
If you give up early you will never make your dreams come true, and you will live in dissatisfaction.
Most people are never consistent, so they never arrive on the winners' lane. True winners have the trait of consistency, born out of a great commitment to their task.
#5: Stay away from time stealers and wasters.
“To live a long and fulfilling life demands that you hang around time investors.”
To “live out your days” can mean many things, but here is what I think it is: to take each day and actually live in it, not in the past, but in the present and in the future.
Celebrate the beauty of what is called today and also the Colour you image in for the future.
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
This statement has lived with me since the year 1990 when I first came across it in a book.
Treat each day like a miniature life in itself.
Treat it with all due passion and respect.
Time is the most precious thing you have. With it, you can attain all other things. Without it there is nothing. And the only time you have is today, invest it wisely. Tomorrow would also present you with a fresh chapter called “today”!
It is easy to miss the present by getting worried about the future. It is so easy to lose time being elsewhere than HERE and NOW.
But the truth is that the only time you have to realize your glorious future is now, and the only thing you truly possess is this moment in time.
To outlive coronavirus, see each day a blessing from God, and thank him rigorously for it. If you do this, you would be surrounded by the light of hope which no plague powered by darkness can comprehend.
Impose on yourself the same passionate will that you would impose on your dreams. Master yourself, and in doing so you will master what is possible.
Master yourself and step out today with greater hope for a foreseeable future.
Hope you have been Wordspired today?
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8 – Self Mastery.

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