


Bishop David Oyedepo

Isaiah 25:6-8 - No one returns with tears on their faces.

Everyone appointed to death is returning liberated.

"Shiloh 2018 - I have dominion
I have dominion - I take dominion at Shiloh 2018."

Matt 8:17 - My body answers to my authority from henceforth.

Every prophetic gathering is a two-sided gathering. Deut 30:19, Deut 28:1 & 14, 15

Make a choice for God's blessings.

Ephesians 3:14, Zachariah 5:4


What is dominion?

• Been in control of the affairs of life.

Genesis 1:26 - 28

• It is having it always the way you want it.

Matt 8:9-13

• It is been in command in one's field of endeavor.

Daniel 1:20 | Daniel 6:3

• Having authority from on high to reign in life.

Revelation 5:9-10 | Mark 11:28-31

The authority that enthrones us is from heaven. It is not man-made so it cannot be checked or checkmated by man.

Phil 3:20

We are heavenly citizens on a mission on the earth.

Romans 5:17

We reign in life by Jesus Christ.

Daniel 7:27 | Psalm 110:1-3 | Ecc 3:1,11

God makes all things beautiful in its time.

It is Gods timing that makes all things beautiful and shinning.

There is beauty in God's timing.

The end time church is ordained a reigning church.

Isaiah 2:1-3

Authority in the last days shall be domiciled in the church, the world's opinion notwithstanding.

The law (authority) shall proceed from Zion and the word (Revelation) shall proceed from Jerusalem.

Be sensitive to God's timing.

Psalm 87:1-7

What is Zion?

Hebrews 12:22-24

Zion is the church in prophecy.

The giants in all fields of endeavor shall be domiciled in the church.

The highest is establishing himself in the church.

Dominion is Gods agenda for the end time church.

Notable and noble citizens of the earth shall be domiciled in the end time church.

It is one thing to see it, it another thing to receive it.

Romans 12:2

• See it with your eyes.
• Receive with your fertile mind.
• Believe it with your heart.
• Declare it with your mouth.
• Put to work what you have declared.
• Walk in the consciousness of its reality. 1 Samuel 2:3
• Be assured that God integrity is committed to performing His word. Be fully persuaded that He would perform what he has shown you in his word.

Eph 5:8, Psalm 74:20

God shall be confirming these last days that heaven does rule in the affairs of men.

Daniels 4:25 - 26, Eph 2:6, 1:21-22

We are heavenly rulers on the earth.

Whatever you can speak boldly, you have not received heartily.

Ecc 9:10

Whatever you believe in your heart, keeps you while you are still asleep.

** What you are stuff your heart with is what responds even while you are asleep.

Isaiah 14:24 - 27 - Every resistance is broken off.

• Churches like nations shall continue to rise in the last days.

Zech 8:22

Churches would become global pacesetters.

• Men and women like nations shall be rising these last days.

Genesis 13: 14-17 & 14:14-16

Isaiah 60:22

Matthew 19:11 - It is only men that it is given that can receive certain sayings.

Obadiah 1:21

Global rescue agents shall be rising from the church.

Isaiah 60:1-3, Matthew 5:13-15

Isaiah 59:14-15

1 Timothy 3:15

John 8:32

You must dominate your life before you can dominate your world.

Obadiah 1:17-21

Personal leadership would precede corporate leadership.

Dominion begins with you dominating the issues of your life.

Until you are liberated, you cannot liberate others.

Acts 10:38 | Matthew 8:17

You have to dominate your issues if you must dominate your world.

Romans 4:19-22

Refuse to consider other peoples opinion. Consider only the word.

There are certain things that cannot be imagined in heavenly places - that is where we are seated.

You will never dominate what you will not despise.

Jude 6

You despise by the word of God.

Matthew 28:18

The devil has no power left with him.

Romans 13:1 | Psalm 34:2

Wealth is getting what you want.

Joel 2:2 - 3

Fix your eyes only on God and you will never be ashamed.

Psalm 34:5

Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on people, big or small.

Numbers 1 & 4 - From the age of 20, you are absolutely responsible for the outcomes of your life.

Anything you add to Jesus would complicate your life.

Psalm 16:4 | Exodus 3:14

What you do or won't do, does not affect God in any way. He is I Am that I AM.

John 5:25

"Any truth that has been revealed, which you have seen with your eyes, received with your mind, believed in your heart, decided to walk in the reality of the same and been persuaded of the same shall be delivered to you on this mountain." 10:08pm Bishop Oyedepo.

Never play with the truth of scriptures, rather actively engage it.

Dominion begins with dominating the issues of your life.

When you see the littleness of the devil, your fear immediately disappears.

KAY DANIELS SHILOH 2018 DIARY DAY 1 with Bishop David Abioye


DAY 1 Morning Session at Shiloh 2018 - DOMINION. 5th December 2018

Teaching 1 by Bishop David Abioye.


Servants with a service mentality, soon rise to the top.

Servants are rulers in the making.

Servants don't really negotiate pay until that have proved their worth.

Servanthood is all about offering help.

Stop looking for who would help you, rather look for whom you are sent to.

Servants have destiny helper mentality.

Always take yourself out of the way, if you must have your way.

Servanthood decentralizes you. It is not all about you, but about others.

Numbers 12:7-8, Joshua 1:2, Exodus 32:32

Focus on self reduces you to less. Focus on others, expands you.

Joshua 11:28, Job 1:8, Job 29:12

The greatest position in God is servanthood.

Psalm 89:20-22

Serve people who cannot really pay you back.

Heart of service is what brings about the anointing.

2 Samuel 5:2 - 3

There is a difference between been appointed and been accepted.

Take the heart of service before seeking the anointing for performance.

Qualities of a true servant.
• Selflessness
• Obedience.
• Humility.
• Love

Joshua 24:15, Phil 2:5-7, Isaiah 42:1-2

KAY DANIELS' SHILOH 2018 DIARY DAY 1 with Pst Faith Oyedepo

Pst Faith Oyedepo


Psalm 37:11 | Matthew 5:5

Meekness is not synonymous to weakness.

Meekness is power under control.

Meekness is actually ALL Power under control.

Meekness is absolute power under control.

Meekness is the valve that controls

how we deploy or use power.

Genesis 45:5

Meekness is one of the control systems of power.

Sporadic promotion answers to meekness.

Strife makes room for all the works of the devil.

Meekness is a fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22

Meekness has to be developed.

What is the Dominion power of meekness?

Meekness is the covenant platform for greatness.

Moses the meek became Moses the Great.

Numbers 12:3. = Deut 34:10-12

Meekness = Greatness.

Joseph the meek became Joseph the great.

Genesis 41:16

Men of meekness always affirm that it is not in them....the ascribe all to God.

Daniel 2:19-20

Men of meekness constantly acknowledge God for all things.

Men of meekness are constantly soaked in gratitude.

Your level of greatness is tied to your level of meekness.

Men of meekness never despise the days of little beginning.

Men of meekness cannot come under any form of curses.

Men of meekness are destined to inherit the earth.

Isaiah 41:8 - Abraham's meekness made him the friend of God.

Meekness determines divine lifting.

Despite enormous power, the meek still themselves as a child, unqualified, etc.

Divine guidance always accompany the meek.

Psalm 25:9

Only the meek can effectively connect to the voice of God.

Meekness is the supernatural gateway to supernatural dominion.

Proverbs 8:6

Phil 3:10

The staff of dominion can only be possessed by the meek.

"Baptise me afresh with the Spirit of meekness"

KAY'S DANIELS SHILOH 2018 DIARY DAY 1 with Bishop Thomas Aremu


Bishop Thomas Aremu
Teaching 2 | Bishop Thomas Aremu


Dominion on earth is impossible without prayer and fasting.

Satan is too experienced for your grammar, scientific methods, calculation....

Matthew 9:14-15

Prayer and fasting is a core course in the school of dominion.

Dominion is all about supernatural empowerment.

Joel 2:21-27

No power, No Dominion.

Micah 4:1-3, Isaiah 2:1-3, Obadiah 21, Jeremiah 30:20-21

Having colour of the kingdom would demand prayer and fasting for manifestation.

Prayer and fasting are not optional in the school of dominion.

What is dominion?

Dominion is duplicating God on the earth.

Psalm 115:16, Genesis 1:26

Dominion is operating as Gods on the earth.

Dominion is operating as ambassadors of Christ on the earth indeed.

Dominion power is not what you pray for, it is what you carry.

Prayer is a key plugin in the demonstration of dominion.

1 Thesis 5:17-18
Luke 18:1

Prayer is first engagement of the heart.

Prayer starts from within before it proceeds forth from the mouth.

1 Samuel 1:13.

If you don't engage the heart consciously, the heart would engage itself foolishly.

Prayer is heart to heaven communication in other to secure help from above.

There are two voices in the school of dominion: the voice of the heart and the voice of the mouth.

When what is coming out of your mouth is from the depth of your heart, it becomes creative.

What is fasting?

Fasting is abstinence from food and pleasure of this life in other to seek the face of God.

Fasting is all about consecrating yourself.

If prayer and fasting does not culminate in power, it is merely a hunger strike.

Isaiah 58:6-8

Fasting is for exercising dominion power.

Flesh is all about walking in accordance to the five senses.

Man is a creation of dominion. There is a dominion deposit in every man - naturally or supernaturally.

** You have the potential but prayer and fasting converts it to credentials.

Satan's aim is to disconnect man from God.

** Genesis 4:26 began to call upon God.

Dominion is inherent in human creation.

The prayerless cannot handle the devil.

Matthew 5:8

It takes the purity of heart to have your prayers answered.

Things to offload before appearing before God.

• Anger
• Pains of the past.
• Wickedness
• Foolishness
• Immorality.

Let go of offenses. Go to God with a free heart.

Have a heart that is alive to God.

Watch what goes on in your heart.

Proverbs 23:26, 4:23

** To exercise dominion for the day, capture your night seasons.

Matt 13:25

Capture the night and exercise dominion in the day.

Luke 6:12-13

Daniel 12:10

The devil would do more wickedly, but you must do more righteously.



1. 21 DAYS PRAYER AND FASTING 7th to 27th January 2019





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KAY DANIELS' SHILOH DIARY DAY 1 with Bishop David Oyedepo



When you are not out to serve the people, a lid is placed on the growth of the ministry.

Our commitment to serving is what changes our level in the school of dominion.

1 Corinthians 16:9 | Matt 21:17 | Matt 6:6, 17

Prayer is not an IF but a WHEN issue.

2 Corinthians 11:27 | Luke 22:53

You secure your territory with the combined forces of prayer and fasting. James 4:6


Joel 2:28 | Genesis 25:1, 12-14 | Judges 7:14 | Galatians 3:28-29

Vision is the gateway to our realm of dominion.

1 Corinthians 7:20 | Joel 2:1-9 | James 5:14

Vision makes you indestructible. Daniel 5:24

Prophets are the conscience of the nation. Jeremiah 29:11 RSV

Our future is in his plan for us. Access to his plan and following his plan is what secures our future.

There are prophets of men and prophets of God.

Prophets don't compare notes, they operate absolutely on "thus saith the lord". Lam 3:37

Vision and revelation have the same potency.

The vision of all is in the book of all.

If you are not running with a vision in this end time, you cannot walk in dominion. Hab 2:1-3

Whatever stresses your spirit man is not likely to be from God.

A loss of peace is proof that you've lost your God direction. Acts 20:22-23

When you are tensed, it is proof that you might be on the wrong course. Galatians 2:8

• Locate your geographical location and settle down there.

• Gods direction comes with the peace of God. Psalm 85:8

God speaks peace to his people to prove his word in their life.

• Vision includes the visionary with divine strength to run. Supernatural strength for the task.

• Walking in Gods plan is walking in dominion.

You are bound to fail if God is not involved.

• When God sends, he goes with the sent.

• When God sends, he goes before the sent. Exodus 23:20

• When God sends, he works with the sent.

• When God sends, he works in the sent.

• When God sends, he works for the sent.

John 14:10 | Judges 6:14

There is a sense of urgency with a man of vision.

Always cross check with God before entering into a business deal or making a major decision.

• Gods presence would always stir up joy in the visionary.

You don't train to be a prophet, you are separated into one.

Nothing to pride about as a minister of God.

1 Corinthians 1:26

• Your calling is on the basis of your weakness.

• it is because of your weakness that God called you.


• The bible is a book of covenants.
• It is a book with conditions to meet if the benefits must be actualized.
• You need to locate the conditions if you must get its attendant rewards.

Church growth would only answer to a fight in prayer and fasting against the gates of hell.

Jeremiah 30:21

In the growth of the church, lies the glory of the engaging saints.

We understand that the holy Ghost is the lord of the harvest.

Matthew 9:38

Acts 2:41 - at the arrival of the holy ghost, the church multiplied 25 times. (120*25=3000)

Acts 5:14 Multitudes where added to the church.

Acts 6:7 Great multiplication at the instance of the Holy Ghost.

Isaiah 41:17 - 18

John 7:37-39

We engage in prayer and fasting to invoke the presence of the holy ghost.

Psalm 63:1-2

Luke 11:13

Acts 4:30-33

Numbers 11:31

Multitudes drafted into the kingdom is a function of the manifestation of the holy ghost.

Isaiah 5:26-27

When God whistles over the harvest field, multitudes race into the churches.

Acts 13:44 - By the wind of the Holy Spirit, the whole city is emptied into the churches.

The holy Ghost is the drafter of multitudes into the house of God.

Without the lord of the harvest, every drive for multitude would lead to frustration.

"Holy Ghost take over our harvest fields as the mighty rushing wind, drafting in multitudes irresistibly into all our churches."

"As you step out today, you will step into supernatural additions on every side in Jesus name. Today is opening up for you in Jesus name."

Good Morning!

Pst Kay Daniels