As long as you live unto yourself, you give yourself unto the enemy. But when you live unto God, no devil can touch you.
Listen to this: Satan came to God the Father and said, "Doth Job serve God for nought?" (Job 1:9)
From this we see that whatever Job became, it was through service. The Bible said Job became the greatest man in all the east. How did he get there?
It was through the mysterious ladder of service.
Serving God is profitable! If you are set to serve, God is set to free you from every bondage and slavery, be it financial, spiritual or physical (Ex. 4:22-23).
Until God becomes the centre of your life, everything keeps falling apart! Until you are ready for God, you are not ready for good! Serving God is your insurance against bondage, lack, shame and penury.
Your commitment to God will provoke heaven's commitment to you. Friend, your liberty is tied to your readiness to serve Him! Those who are willing to serve Him, He is set to free. If you must be free, it must be to serve Him. Not just for the sake of freedom, but to be a part of the kingdom programme on earth.
The time has come when God wants to show to the whole world that serving Him is profitable. He wants the whole world to see that following Him and His ways, is the most profitable venture on earth.
When you are genuinely committed to the service of the Lord, you have the potential of being the greatest man in your generation.
There is a secret ladder people climb. If you can locate that ladder and you are committed to climbing it, you will take off in the air.
When you are unreservedly sold out for God, you will be distinguished in your generation. It is time to despise money and exalt God. Be consumed with God, not with your business. If you carry God high the way you carry that business of yours, you will be transformed to a high flying eagle today.
When you do the right thing with your ten naira, it will become one hundred naira. When you do the right thing with your one hundred naira, it will become one thousand naira, and when you do the right thing with your one thousand naira, it will become ten thousand naira, and when you do the right thing with your ten thousand naira, it will become one hundred thousand naira. By the time you do the right thing with your one hundred thousand naira, it will become one million naira. Do the right thing with one million naira, and it is on its way to becoming one billion naira!
That is the way it works. You do not need prayer of agreement for this. All you need is to agree with yourself to serve God. Take on a new heart.
Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart. If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles. Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks. Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence, and thou shalt have plenty of silver. Job 22:21-25
There is a pathway to plenty you have to return to the Almighty. God said to me: "Tell them your secret and leave them to make decisions."
I would like you this day to enter into a covenant to seek the Lord with the whole of your heart and desire. When that is in place, you will no more be a beggar on the earth.
Stop living for things, start living for God!
The enemy is out to contest your destiny! Unlike Esau, do not sell your birthright. Your birthright is so glorious! It is so enviable! Do not give it out! You were in Jacob when God prophesied his destiny, that the elder shall serve the younger. Jacob was the younger and Esau was the elder.
The unredeemed world (in Adam) is the elder brother of the redeemed world (in Jesus). By destiny therefore, the unredeemed world is to serve the redeemed world.
But there is a secret to it. If you must multiply, it is by consecrated and committed service. If you must have rest round about, give your heart to Him today, so that your heartbeat will be towards heaven.
Your destiny is in your hands.
When the Israelites wanted to go, Pharaoh's heart began to weaken. He said to Moses in Exodus 8:28:
I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away...
Satan is out to negotiate your liberty by advocating a moderate Christianity. He can't stand the truth, and he knows that your destiny is anchored on your commitment.
Once he can negotiate for moderate commitment, he has made you a mediocre. Your destiny anchors on your commitment to God, not on your energy and sweat. I have proved this truth in my own life. I have watched God promote me to higher grounds as I committed myself the more to His Kingdom work. The quality of your commitment determines the quality of your destiny.
What could negotiate the commitment of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? They took their lives in their hands and went into the fire. Howbeit, they didn't come out of it the same. They came out of the fire as rulers!
The king could not negotiate Daniel's commitment. He (Daniel) was not afraid of being thrown into the lion's den, for praying to his God. He came out of that den the most honourable man in the whole world. Satan is out against your destiny, and
until he can cut down your commitment, he can't tamper with your future.
Again in Exodus 10:11, Pharaoh said:
Not so: go now ye that are men, and serve the Lord...
In verse 24, he came again with another proposition:
Go ye, serve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds be stayed...
There are many that are serving God with all their heart, but without their purses. That is the devil's last negotiation. But Moses said:
Our cattle also shall go with us; there shall not an hoof be left behind; for thereof must we take to serve the Lord our God; and we know not with what we must serve the Lord; until we come thither. Exodus 10:26
Satan was negotiating their serving God with their treasures. That was the final test of their readiness to serve God.
Your treasures are your substance of worship.
Your platform for freedom is your readiness to serve God with all that you are and all that you have. When you give yourself over to God, the difficulties of your life will come to an end. You will keep smiling all the days of your life.
Those who do not serve God will end up serving men. They will dance to the tune of men, because they refuse to dance to God's tune.
I have never begged any mortal being for anything since I came into the ministry. Those who serve God don't beg men! The dread of them is upon every man.
Until you are committed to serving God, you will keep serving men and circumstances all the days of your life!
Serving God with all that you are and all that you have, qualifies you for all that God has; and all that God has is more than enough for your life. Your best qualifies you for God's best, and God's best is more than enough for you.
Don't let Satan put the Egyptian mark on you. I mean the task-master's mark, the mark of slavery and poverty. Refuse his negotiations!
When you truly begin to look for God, you will not look for other things before they are added to you. An unreserved, uncompromising commitment will put you into the struggle-free zone of life.
Anyone who cannot give his money, cannot give his body. Anybody can dream in the night and say God called him. But if you cannot give your means, you are not a candidate for giving your life; you are a self-deceiver. God cannot, for example, call someone who does not pay his tithe to come and pay his life. In Job 36:11, He said:
If they will obey and serve (me), they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures.
Will you obey and serve Him today? There are many whose offering was ten naira five years ago. God has multiplied them twenty times over and yet their offering remains permanently at ten naira. All they are waiting for is for God to come and reduce them! If you will not serve God with your means, you will end up serving your means. Those who refuse to place their gold in the temple will turn them to idols.
Don't let the blessing upon your life become a curse. It is time to place kingdom budgets as priority over your own budgets.
Worship God with your means and free yourself from the tension of the hour. The life of the tight-fisted man is high temperature.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
This is the big bang that will grant you eternal access into sweatless supplies. God is saying, "With the same zest and vigour that the Gentiles are using to pursue money, pursue My kingdom, and I will add unto you all those things they are running after."
This was my liberating scripture. It turned my life around!
As long as you are contributing to the tensions of other people, you are sowing a seed; you too will not be free from tension. Whatsoever a man sows, that he shall reap. God is not mocked.
What some people call business is imprisonment. Doctors giving people drugs that do not have any relevance to the sickness, just to collect their money!
Friend, seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven! He did not give us two things to seek after before other things shall be added.
I am only doing kingdom covenant business. Have you not heard that whosoever will not work should
not eat? Giving is not an activity, it is a work. Only those who take it as a work eat by it. It is not a hobby nor a religious activity.
David said:
Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God... 1 Chronicles 29:2
Kingdom addiction establishes covenant distinction! I have seen the reality of the booties of the covenant. This energises my spirit-man to walk in the covenant.
The Bible says:
By much slothfulness the building decayeth: and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. Ecclesiastes 10:18
You do not watch your destiny decay. It is time to work! The time has come for you to walk out into eternal financial liberty, if only you will concentrate your might and desire on the house of God. There is no man whose might and desire are on God, who will not have his own proper good.
David said, "...The house of my God." As far as he was concerned, it was his own house. The 3,000 talents of gold of Ophir that he gave represents five hundred and seventy-six million dollars! While the 7,000 talents of silver represents fifty-six million, nine hundred and sixty thousand dollars!
All these came out of one man's proper good! He said, "I have of mine own proper goods, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my God..."
These things are written for our example.
How did David contact that level of wealth? He said, "With all my might I have prepared for the house of my God, and with all my affection I am focusing on His house." These were his own personal gifts.
Friend, God will cause you to blossom like the palm tree. He will cause you to grow like the cedar in Lebanon.
The only business that gave David his proper goods was kingdom addiction. Make all your might available for the lifting of His kingdom.
When you are serving God, there are certain things that money cannot buy that comes your way. He blesses your bread and your water. That means, it never finishes. He takes sickness away from you. He sees to it that you are neither barren nor cast your young in the land. He fulfils the number of your days (Ex. 23:25-26).
There is no drug for long life. There is no drug for divine health. It has its source in God. That is what you get when you are given up to God. There is a future for you, but you need a correct heart to get there.
If God can trust you on what you vow on any business that comes your way, He will make sure that businesses don't stop coming your way.
Do you know why many people make vows and yet don't get anything? They say, "Oh God, 50% of every profit I make from today, goes to Your kingdom. I mean it!" But God can't trust them. He has checked their hearts and He knows they will not do it.
Hannah said to God, "Give me a man child and I will give Him back to you." God said, "Is that right?" He checked her heart and it was correct, and He gave her a man child (I Sam. 1:20). She kept her vow and God pursued after her with more honourable sons coming out of the same womb. May God be able to trust you.
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.
The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. Psalm 126:1-3
Nothing turns financial captivity around like sacrifice. David was constantly sacrificing, and God kept on turning his captivity.
Sacrifice is the master key that turns the captivity of people's finances anyday, anytime; it is the key.
God has programmed to bring you into a financial dreamland. This is the hour that your captivity must be turned. All the sinners in your home and neighbourhood will know that something has happened to you!
A gentleman came into our church premises, he was a muslim. He had watched his neighbour (a member of our church) who could not get food to eat before, now buying land. He then said to himself, "Something must be happening in that church." Again, he saw another couple who came to our church jobless and not long after, the wife suddenly got a job. Suddenly also, the husband began to do one thing or the other and then bought a Mercedez Benz car!
This muslim man then decided, "I will go there!" The Word of God says in Psalm 126:2:
...Then said they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them.
The time has come for the Lord to turn your captivity, like the streams in the south.
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126:5-6
This is sacrifice! The secret is "sow in tears." And no devil can stop you from reaping in joy!
There is nothing that you plant in the kingdom for which you will not receive manifold more now in this life. This year will not pass before you become the envy of your country men. The covenant will prevail in your life.
Gather my saints together unto me, those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. Psalm 50:5
Covenant are made by sacrifice.
In his book, Sowing In Famine, a man of God, Jerry Savelle said, "When God revealed these things to me in October 1981, we had tremendous needs in our ministry. We were building and expanding, and more and more money was needed. We had to keep our faith on the job continually.
I had gotten to a point where I was fed up with the devil contending for my finances. Afterall, God said He would command His blessings upon me, rebuke the devourers for my sake and bring to me hundredfold returns that same year.
My wife and I agreed we would sow in famine (as Isaac did in Genesis 26:12-14), and God would give us a hundredfold return that same year.
So we wrote out ten cheques of $1,000 each, for each of the ten major areas of our ministry...I needed a big and faster airplane to travel to all our meetings, so we also sowed $1,000 for that. Caroline and I sowed $1,000 personally as well. All together, cheques totalling $11,000 were written.
In the natural, it looked foolish to give away $11,000. But God had told me that when I sow in famine, He will command His blessings upon me.
After writing the cheques, we sowed them into the ministries, as God had instructed us. The same day, God blessed us with a seed of $10,000. I sowed in famine and the next week, I was given a $150,000 airplane. That same week, I received another cheque of $100,000!"
Friend, sacrifice will bring you outstanding and instantaneous turn-arounds!
Is there anything around your life that God cannot touch? That is an idol, it is your disqualifier. Whatever God cannot touch in your life, for the promotion of His kingdom, is an altar that must be destroyed. It is like an idol in the grove of Maachah, the mother of Asa. It must go or you go! You must make your choice. Nothing else is worth living and dying for, but Jesus.
Any desire you have that becomes a contract, when you say, "God, if You don't do this, I will go", God will not do it. You can neither increase nor reduce God.
I want you to contact the easy life that Jesus has offered us. I want you to experience it. I want you to stay on it.
And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all soul.
2 Chronicles 15:12
Will you enter into a covenant with God, to be the best in His service? Will you make your best available to His service at all times and at any moment?
When God called me, and there was pressure on me not to heed, I said to God, "Should I pretend not to have heard You, see that I don't succeed in any other thing I do."
When you serve Him, it is to prove you for what next place to put you. He said to Abraham:
...For now I know that thou fearest God
...In blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven...and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed... Genesis 22:12-18
You are a king! If you die a slave, you are to be blamed. Service is the highway of kings. It is the royal expressway. It will guarantee your liberty.
And they sware unto the Lord with a loud voice, and with shouting, and with trumpets, and with cornets.
And all Judah rejoiced at the oath... 2 Chronicles 15:14-15
May you come under the arrest of commitment,
the one you will never be free from all the days of your life. It will guarantee your liberty eternally.
You are meant to escape the financial holocaust coming upon the earth. You are not expected to fall when sinners are falling. There is great hardship coming upon the world, but God has created an escape route for you. You have a way out.
He said:
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man:but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
1 Corinthians 10:13
There is a way to escape in God. You can count on God's faithfulness. Your way out of financial predicament and embarrassment is by responding to the infallible Word of God. If you must be named among the stars this end-time, then you must react promptly and positively to the Word of God.
God's Word is going to be the only authentic lifting force in the world. Your sweat and toil will not lift you. The word "sweat" connotes struggle, survival of the fittest. Your expertise and strength will all be in vain. Only your positive response to the Word of God will shoot you up to triumphant living.
Jesus came and He said:
...The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
The Words of God are living forces. They are the most powerful living force at work in the world today, and will soon become the only proven force at work on earth. All sinners shall run to it. Responding to the living Word is the only way you can enjoy the blessings of God.
Peter was a highly experienced fisherman. He had everything going for him. He had the strength of an ox. His experience and expertise as a fisherman was well acknowledged. He was bold and fearless. He went fishing under the best fishing conditions. But all these could not get him even a shrimp.
He put all his fishing techniques to work, but the Bible tells us that he caught nothing! His expertise could not help him. His toiling was all in vain. Then the Word of God came:
Launch out into the deep, and let down your net for a draught. Luke 5:4
Here was Peter, a frustrated fisherman. He had just returned from a very disappointing fishing trip. He had washed his nets. All he wanted was to get back home and recount his tale of woe to his wife.
But then an order was released. He sized up the One who gave the order and came to the conclusion that He doesn't speak idle words.
How did he know this? The man Jesus had just finished holding a crusade on the sea shore, using Peter's empty boat as His platform. Peter had heard the graceful words which flowed from His lips, piercing the hearts of His listeners. Peter acknowledged, "This man speaks no idle words. But before I obey, I must explain my predicament to Him!" So he said:
Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. Luke 5:5
Peter decided to switch over from toiling to the Word. Professional fishermen always go fishing at night, but here was a man telling the greatest
expert of them all to let down his fishing net in broad daylight. Stupid? Yes! Crazy? Of course!
With all the facts available, it seemed impossible for Peter to catch any fish at that time of the day. But there is something greater than all these established facts. It is the living Word of God!
At the release of God's Word, every contrary situation fades away, to pave the way for the manifestation of the Word. Peter recognized this. I'm sure he must have been a bit shaky about it. But he was determined to obey the Word which had been released.
He obeyed the Word and caught more fish than he had ever done in all his fishing experience! Obedience to God's Word bailed Peter out of his predicament.
Obedience still remains the principal instrument that will rescue any sinking saint out of the waters of uncertainty.
The same way that God's Word prevailed, contrary to all fishing laws, so also will it prevail contrary to all the economic laws of the times.
Jesus and His disciples were invited to a marriage feast one day, it was a very joyful occasion. The mother of Jesus was there too. Everything was going on fine. Then the enemy struck. Darkness loomed. The supply of wine was exhausted! But all the wedding plans had been sufficient to entertain the crowd!
Things, however, went contrary to expectations. The bridegroom was perplexed. Shame was imminent! He had invited Jesus and His disciples to the feast, but He didn't know where to go for a solution.
Thank God for Mary, the mother of Jesus! She was involved and she knew where to turn. She first turned to the Word, and later went to the servants and said, "Stay by this man. Whatever He tells you to do, do it without asking questions. Do not move away until He tells you what to do."
Mary provoked the Word. She stirred the waters and the Word was released.
Fill the waterpots with water. John 2:7
When they were filled, Jesus said:
Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. John 2:8
What an instruction! But the servants obeyed, and the blessings of God were released. Shame was driven away!
Shame is imminent for the world. Only obedience will lead to abundance. Obedience releases the blessings of God packaged in the Word.
If you do whatsoever God says you should do, you will experience what He has promised. God is no respecter of persons, in any nation, anyone who fears Him and works righteousness is accepted with Him (Acts 10:34-35). The Bible says the proud and the wicked are put together. That means that the proud Christian who disregards God's Word will suffer the same calamity that the unbelievers are going to suffer.
May you never have your portion with the wicked!
In this kingdom, you only make it by TRUTH. There is no other way to deal with darkness outside of light.
In the same way, there is no other way to deal with hardship, but by the knowledge and practice of the truth. Many there are that have some knowledge of certain things, but not all that have the knowledge practice that knowledge. It is the practice of the truth that equals success. He says:
If thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments...
Deuteronomy 28:1
"To observe" means to check through the notes, to try to find out what it exactly means. "And to do." Then:
The Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth... Blessed shalt thou be in the city and blessed shall thou be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground... ...Thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath... Deuteronomy 28:1-13
When you have received and applied the Word, you must succeed. Until you joyfully receive the Word and forcefully apply and practice it, success is not in view. That is the key.
If you are keyless, you are a self-prisoner. There is no method or amount of muscles that can get you through a locked door without the key. It takes the key to gain access to the realm of sweatless success.
It is the same key that guaranteed Jesus a sweatless success all through His earthly ministry. Consequently, He was always unruffled. When He was told that Lazarus His friend was dead, He said:
But I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. John 11:11
When He was faced with the feeding of five thousand people, He simply lifted the five loaves and two fishes up to heaven and gave thanks; and that great multitude was fed, with twelve baskets full gathered as left over!
He has the keys, so He just manifests His Sonship. May the Lord place the keys in your hand!
Struggle will not cease until you contact the truth that relates to that area of struggle. Some degree of light has come my way that makes sickness subservient, it must obey when told what to do.
If we join the world in the struggle for survival, we will fail the way they fail. The knowledge and the practice of the truth makes you a sweatless winner. They open every prison house that has locked you in. It takes knowledge to become free from sweat.
Not all winners sweat to win. Sweating is a curse. It symbolises struggles. Until you go for the truth and practice it, your freedom is not in view, the struggle continues.
It is the blessings of God that make rich without adding any sorrow. They are released through obedience. Your expertise will not make rich. Your sweat and toil will all be in vain, for except the Lord blesses you, you cannot be blessed. The Word confirms this:
Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain.
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth His beloved sleep. Psalm 127:1-2
There is good in the land, but it is for those who will be willing and obedient. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19
The only way you can escape the frustration and undue hardship coming upon the world is by obeying the Word of God. Everyone standing on the Word will experience the supernatural confirmation of it.
Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart. If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles. Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brook. Job 22:21-24
God's Word is your access to abundance and plenty in the time of lack and want. Lay hold on it and do what it says.
There is a war-free zone in Christianity! There is a lack-free zone in redemption! There is an all-round triumph zone in Zion! You must find it. You must apply yourself to it, before you can stand inside it.
Whatever you are looking for and you have not found, it is because you have missed its source. Every time you look for much and you can't see it, you have missed the source. God said:
Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the Lord of host...
Haggai 1:9
It is because you missed the source. When you miss the source, you miss the prize.
I would like you to know that every time Israel came under affliction, it was because they missed the source. No source can be truer than God, because He is the Truth, He is the Life and He is the Way. He is everything.
When God was not given His rightful place, Israel was plagued. These things are written for our examples. You need to be connected to the source of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17).
For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. Romans 10:12
If any Greek can't contact riches, it is not because he is a Greek. It is because he is not connected.
So you are not in lack because you are black, you are in want because you are unconnected. You are not down because of the economic situation in the country, you are down because of your Word position. It is your Word position that determines your position in life.
You need an understanding heart to get connected. The Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:27 could not get at salvation. He had a knowledge (he could read), but he had no understanding. Thus, he could not lay hold on salvation. Salvation was in the passage he was reading. Salvation had taken effect from where he was coming, but his understanding was inadequate to tap into it. The Bible says:
Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of the transgressor is hard. Proverbs 13:15
That is, the way of those who lack good understanding will be hard.
So, hardship is a function of ignorance or inadequate understanding. Those who don't have understanding will suffer hardship. It takes understanding therefore, to escape hardship.
Good understanding releases life, but lack of it creates hardship. It's time to be free! You need to ask the Lord for an understanding heart, capable of comprehending every truth that has to do with your inheritance in Christ.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant. Psalm 25:14
When you have a heart for God, you are set for a revelation. God reveals things to people who reverence Him; not to everybody, but to only those who take Him as their only source for an intervention.
Before every flood, God prepares an Ark. You can't beat God to it. He is always ahead. I believe that before Daniel got into the lion's den, the angel of the Lord was already there waiting.
Before the three Hebrew boys arrived in the fiery furnace, the "fourth man" was already there. There is no way He could have arrived later, they would have been completely burnt.
God always prepares an ark of safety before any flood is allowed. Those that fear the Lord will always see His salvation, no matter how terrible the situation.
At a time when even a king was crying during an excruciating famine in the land of Israel, the widow of Zarephath had more than enough to eat.
If the whole earth burns like an oven, who shall escape? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! Who can stand if lions invade the city? Daniel! If the flood come upon the earth, who shall escape? Noah and his household!
All these people had one thing in common they feared the Lord!
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