You are only permitted to manifest what you can see. We can only believe what we see. What we see is what sets the limitations to what we can achieve. If we can see it, we can achieve it. Many can’t see the ways of God, which is why they fall for the traps of men. Redemption or new birth simply opens up our eyes to see the ways of God. Those who can see the way God sees never become complainers.
Ingratitude is a product of lack of sight. People do not thank God for the situation they are in now because they cannot see. My father in the lord, Bishop David Oyedepo once said, “We are not in lack because we are black but because we are blind.” Lack is a product of blindness. Until you are able to clearly see, you are not a candidate for prosperity.
Nigeria will be 50 this year and sample of people’s opinion reveals that many think they have nothing to celebrate. I beg to say that, this is because they are blind. They can’t see beyond their wants. They have become so canal. They can no longer see the ways of God.
Once upon a time, God himself found himself in a situation far worse than that which we have put ourselves in Nigeria. What did he do? Genesis 1:2 reveals: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
This was an unhealthy situation the Almighty, our father, found himself. But rather than complain he said let there be light, and there was light. The first thing he went was something that aided his sight. He knew that open eyes guaranteed an open destiny. It takes light to have sight. It takes sight to produce the correct sound.
God went for light and then produced the required sound. The sound you produce during this Independence Day reveals your sight. If all you sound is negative concerning this nation, you have no sight. Go for light. Bishop Oyedepo still said, “if you know how to think, you will know how to thank.”
God has kept Nigeria from many things that would have destroyed other countries in one day. He has produced the greatest number of men of God in Africa. It is slowly gaining momentum and therefore there is everything to celebrate.
The youths of today should not allow the woes of the out going generation blur their sight of a good future. I am bold to say that, Nigeria is on course. When God says pray for the peace, He knows that there is peace. Stop looking up to government, start looking up to yourself. Nigeria at 45 is good enough to warrant your celebration. Jesus was on the Cross, but he celebrated the throne. Those who speak woes about their nation never taste of the grapes and never see the fall of the giants in the nation.
Nigeria is not in the land scape but in the people. We are the ones that would restructure the nation of Nigeria. You do not have to be government to make this happen. If you are a Christian walking in the covenant, the scripture reveals that the government is on your shoulders. SEE IT NOW! I see a great future for Nigeria. I see a new Nation emerging.
Instead of sitting idle doing nothing but blaming government, why not do something that your generation would remember you for. Instead of using that money of yours to buy cows for party, purchases latest wears for that wedding ceremony or buy that fifth car. Why not use the money to better the lot of those around you.
When this culture becomes our life style, bad leadership would be frustrated.
People who have nothing to contribute to national growth are the ones wasting time to create anarchy by misleading the citizens with information aimed at benefiting their own selfish programmes. This is a call to Nigerians to wake up and see a new Nigeria. It is in your hand.
And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops on the mountains seen.
Genesis 8:5
Prophetically, I know that whatever had covered the glory of Nigeria is giving way this month. The year 2010 shall bring you into your lime light. God bless you. creativelynigerian
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