

There are four things you need to know about money!
How to make it
How to save it
How to invest it
How to enjoy it.

“Most winners didn’t inherit their life of privilege. They are no more intelligent, hardworking or lucky than others. They got where they are by learning how to make money and time
work for them.”

"the greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of the perfect plan. He who waits for the perfect plan waits forever.” Stop the talk and walk the talk."

“There is no success of any kind without sacrifice. The key to exceptional success of in any major Endeavour requires investing some of your time, effort and money for a greater pay off tomorrow.”

“Developing the right skills, keeping your eyes open for opportunities and using your time well can skyrocket your earning power to levels that will
astound you.”

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.”

“The inner call to go forward, to push on to a higher good, is God’s voice; heed it. It is your best friend and will lead you into light and joy.”

“Whosoever is satisfied with what he does has reached his culminating point—he will progress no more. Man’s destiny is to be not dissatisfied,
but forever unsatisfied.”

“Keep close to people who understand you, who believe in you, who will help you to discover yourself and
encourage you to make the most of your life.”

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