

The value we add in secret is what shows tomorrow. 

Jude 12

We have to be contribution conscious. 

Impact is all about the value we are adding. 

It is living for others that make a leader. 

Living for self makes a slave...

We are blessed to be a blessing...

What to give is what makes a contribution conscious generation. 

All men and women with contributors mentality always leave their feet on the sands of time. 

What matters most in life is not our qualifications or certification but contributions. 

Contributors mentality is to meet a need and not to make a name. 

Contributors are men dying to add value to humanity. 

Contributors is key to a life of meaning, relevance and impact. 

No one is remembered for titles, possessions, qualifications, all that matters is contribution. 

Impact is a function of quality of contribution. 

What you are is not what counts, it who you are that counts. 

Only value adding individuals today, become great leaders. 

Contributive work is what enhances the worth of men. 

Contributive labour is what creates a future. 

Where one finds himself tomorrow is a function of his contribution today. 

Impact is not about a career but about dedicated contribution in ones life. 

A crave for pleasure places a man under pressure. 

Our digity lies in our contribution and not in our possessions..

Men are not remembered for what they have but what he adds. 

All world changers are highly focused individuals. 

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