

Unlocking the principles and objectives of prayer

The truth is that prayer is one of the misunderstood kingdom concept. This is why most people in the kingdom do not pray. They do not pray because they do not know the true value of prayer. Jesus was quoted as saying, the house of God is a house of prayer. 

Prayer is key because it gives heaven permission to interfere in the affairs of earth. 

When God created heaven and earth, earth was reset to formlessness, emptiness and darkness, while heaven was set to form, fullness and light. God took absolute control of the heavens, but gave absolute control of earth to man. 

But earth can receive nothing from heaven unless there is a request. Whatever enters earth from heaven is in response to a request, and even God demonstrated this in the beginning. 

Let there be light or light be was a request God made for light to show up on earth. God made this request because because man had not yet shown up on the surface of the earth. 

This is the format of prayer that God demands from man. I believe that this was the very foundation of prayer. Little wonder, when Jesus taught his disciples to pray, he started by saying, "our father, (abba, source and sustainer) who is in heaven....."

So prevailing prayer must be directed to a source and sustaining power in heaven....because limitless possibilities abound in heaven....

Heaven is the place where all that is available in eternity is converged. Heaven is home to everything that earth needs. 

God made demands of heaven for the release of light that brought an end to darkness. He also made a demand of heaven for the release of abundant resources that brought an end to emptiness or voidness. To shut himself out of making further demands, God made the final demand, but this time His demand was directed at himself. 

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 1:26

By this pronouncement, the grand commander of the "federal republic of earth" was man. Man is a spirit being. Little wonder Jesus often referred to himself as the son of man, that is, the offspring of a spirit being. 

The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, But the earth He has given to the sons of men. Psalm 115:16

Heaven He (God) owns, but absolute authority over earth has been given to man - a spirit being. 

But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—He *said to the paralytic, “I say to you, get up, pick up your pallet and go home.” Mark 2:10-11

Authority on earth has been given been surrendered by God to the son of man - offspring's of the spirit.

Jesus the Christ is the Son of God resident in the Son of Man. That is the offspring of the Almighty, resident in the offspring of the spirit man. 

Do you know that God could have dealt decisively with satan after deceiving Adam and Eve, but He couldn't at that time because He did not want to violate His established word - Have dominion over all of earth. 

So what did He do?   And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15

What God implied was that, He would take up a body, the same way satan took up the body of the serpent and beguiled Eve, and would plant himself in the womb of a virgin, so He can legitimately come into earth and bruise the head of satan. This is the reason Jesus the Christ came to earth. Jesus is the body of whom satan bruised his heel (crucifixion), but Christ is the Spirit that bruised the head of satan (resurrection). 

So every time we pray, we grant the Spirit of the Lord (the resurrected one) legitimate access to earth, so He can implement heaven. 

Prayer is therefore key to God's manifestation on earth. Without God, man cannot get anything done on earth and ,without man, God will not move a finger on the earth. We matter to God the same way he so important to us. 

When we pray, we gain access to limitless opportunities. 

Kay Daniels (C) 2022

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