

Palace of Creativity

We live in a world that is bedeviled with numerous challenges. Darkness has filled the earth practically and gross darkness has covered the people, mentally. The darkness that filled the earth has made security a major need of mankind today. 

All kinds of evil now surface in various parts of the world. This makes Jesus more than necessary for all in today's world. A life without Jesus stands a risk of great injuries. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world"..... so if the world must encounter light that brings about freedom, there is a need for Jesus to be entrenched in our lives, not religiously but practically and mentally. 

Jesus is not just the light of the world, he is the wisdom and power of God. For mankind to be free from mental slavery, there is a need for a rediscovery of the limitless possibilities that God has invested in the human soul. 

We are not just called to win souls through evangelism, but we have a mandate to awaken the "God" that lies so domant in the hearts of men. A reawakening of the souls of mankind is the heart cry of the father. 

At Accelerte global impact summit, there shall be a re-awakening of the souls of young people. If these youngminds do not get to understand the need for "wordspiration", there might be an extinction of the word and spirit of faith in the generations to come. There is therefore a need for re-awakening of the spirit of faith in the hearts of young people. They need to discover the limitless possiblities that is inherent in their soul. 

[36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [37] Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36

The best gift man can give to God is the soul. 

Come and lets get Inspired to access divine information that would set us on fire via Hloy Ghost intercession as we engage this interactive platform that would lead to the release of diverse impartations. See you at Accelerate Global Impact Summit 2022. 

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