

We cannot be building and pulling down at the same time. 

It is a joy, to have church or kingdom people becoming card carrying members of political parties. 

We must have a no - no attitude towards violence during this political season. 

Be willing to be of help to your neighbor or anyone in need. 

John 3:16 MSG
1 John 3:16 MSG

Where there is no love, nothing can be made better. 

More money and power cannot make our world better. 


It is actually cultures that change the world. 

Culture is something you do without thinking about it. 

Habit is what shapes culture. 

Habits puts men in autopilot or default mode. 

Habits puts things into our subconscious mind. 

Culture is the collective habit of a group of people. 

Culture is our way of life that evolves over a period of time. 

Culture is the vogue that passes from generation to generation. 

It is something people do from generation to Generation without know how it came to be or why. 

Culture is powerful.

Culture is what determines the definition of success. 

Love when practiced over time, it soon becomes a culture. 

It is a national culture that defines collective success. 

Matthew 22:37 - 40 NLT

God desired to develop a culture of love 

Galatians 5:14 NLT

The end goal of all the commandments of God is geared towards building a culture of love. 

Love has to become not just a policy but a culture. 

Demonstrate respect, honour, dignity, etc to develop a culture of love. 

Building of public infastructure is a demonstration of love. 

Building a habit of emergency services is a culture of love. 

Building a babit of service of time (attending to people on time) is a culture of love. 

The culture you are raised in defines the quality of your personality.

Under what kind of culture were you developed or brought up? 

We need leadership to create new national and corporate cultures. 

Build sustainable cultures aimed at creating strong values. 

Leaders change cultures by changing laws, policies, and environments. 

There is a need for the nature of love. 

We need to cultivate new love habits. Forgiving, speaking kind words, giving, kindness, loving people, sacrificing for other may not be normal to you, but you have to embed it into your nature. 

In the kingdom of God, we have the culture of love. 

May the nature of love built up this February find consistent expression in your life. 

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