

Godliness is profitable in all areas of our life. 1 Timothy 4:8 

It pays to be Godly...
It is a risk to be ungodly. 

Ungodliness is wrecker of destiny.

Affliction would always trail ungodliness. 

Godliness is living like God ...doing the will of God ....reflecting Him, in and out. 

Genesis 1:26 We are created to reflect God. 

Godliness is to be God - ruled or God - Controlled. 

Matthew 12:43-45 Ungodliness leads into dry places and eventually destroy. 

You either occupy yourself with Godliness or evil would rent a space in your heart. 

The more occupied we are with Godliness, the freer we become.  John 5:17, 8:46, John 14:30

Satan comes to check out on people. 

Everyone is tempted, but not everyone falls. 

The key 🗝️ to Godliness is the love of God. 

Love is an unlimited virtue. To love God is to always want to please God. 

John 14:21, Romans 13:10

Love for God is what keeps people Godly. 

Godliness is a plus to destiny. 

No one regrets following after God a godly life. 

The law is given to reveal man's weaknesses..... Love is given to bring strength in the place of weakness. 

The nature of God is the nature of love. 

Ephesians 3:17 - 19

1 Peter 1:16 We have capacity to be holy since God (our father) is holy. 

Matthew 24:45-47

Maintaining the life of Godliness. 

1. Excercise yourself unto a good conscience. 
Acts 24:16

The conscience is the Spirit of the inner man. It is what quarried the actions of the will. 

It is the caution to destiny relevant decisions. 

The conscience is what quarries whatever the emotion is presenting to will for a decision. 

Luke 6:31

What you make happen for others, that is what God makes happen for you. 

Genesis 39:9

Conscience is what guides our steps. ..

Conscience is what makes men behave themselves wisely. 

Conscience tell you what you need to refrain from ... Resist the act and the habit is aborted. 

Habit is repeated actions.... Act is a seed while habit is the fruit. 

1 Timothy 4:7 You exercise yourself to Godliness. 

Refuse evil, do not infuse evil....don't allow evil to flow ...remove that fuse if ungodliness...

1 Corinthians 9:25 -27

There is need to put your body under 

2. Love not the things of the world.

1 John 2:15-17

Nothing in this world is parmanent..... Things always pass away....

Learn to compliment, do not compete....

The surest thing in this world is doing the will of God. 

1 Thess 4:3, 1 Kings 11:3

Immorality never makes people satisfied. 

Benefits of Godliness

1. Divine wisdom 

The wisdom from above is pure. 

Win corrupts mentality. 

Sin tampers with right thinking. 

Genesis 39:9, 41: 39 - 40

Job the godly became Job the wisest. 

Job 1:1, 29

Job 32:8, 28:28

Psalm 111:10

The fear of the lord is the birth place of wisdom.

2 Samuel 13:1-14

Daniel 1:4 - 8

2. Increase in anointing or power. 

Godliness is synonymous to empowement. 

Psalm 45:6-8, 2 Timothy 2:19 - 22

Love for God that brings about power is hatred for wickedness. 

Sin is a snare. Free from it..... Follow after righteousness....

Until sin goes, unction does not flow....

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