
NEXT LEVELS at International Ministers Conference by David Oyedepo Ministries.

Job 36:3  I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.

You can come last but end up for most. Galatians 2:2

We always go up by revelation. 

Next level is a product of revelation. 

What God shows you is what makes you a show to you world. 

Access to revelation is the surest key to next levels. 

No one ever arrives at a future that has not been made visible. Genesis 13:15

No one arrives at a future void of preparation. 2 Chronicles 27:6

Knowledge is the new currency of the world. 

Isaiah 5:13, Daniels 11:32

There is no substitute for knowledge in the adventure of life. 

Psalm 118:27, Proverbs 4:18, Genesis 14:13-14

Every encounter with the word when put to work opens a new chapter to any ministry. 

When you are not tired moving with God, he would not be tired moving you forward. 

God never leads backward, he always leads forward. 

Micah 2:10

God is always interested in our forward movement. 

Redemption provides us a platform of unending progress. 

New light is what leads to new height. 

What we know is not what changes us, but what we do with what we know. 

What you preach will never be a susbstitude for what you do.

Luke 6:46

It is applied revelation that works. 

7 keys to provoking next levels.
1. Embrace the fear of God as a life style. 

Genesis 39:9

Those who fear God always farewell in life. 

2 Timothy 2:19

Where the fear of God stops is where your level stops changing. 

The fear of God is to hate evil. 

Proverbs 18:13, Job 1:1

2. Possess a next level mentality. Proverbs 23:7

3. Continue to put the word to work. 

Engage with the word. Let the word of God be active and not passive in your life. 

Isaiah 60:1, John 8:12, John 12:34-36, John 2:5

4. Continue to serve God and the interest of His kingdom as a priority.

Only workers are entitled to change of levels. 

Luke 19:13 - 18

Only the servants in the leader that qualifies the leader for change of levels. 

5. Continue to trust in the lord to confirm his word. 

Whatever is not done in faith is sin. 

1 Corinthians 9:10, Hebrews 11:1

Faith substantiates our expectations. 

Psalm 125:1-5

The enemy always have its way when out faith is in question....

6. Remain fervently on duty in the pursuit of your calling. 

Romans 12:11, Luke 6:46-48

We must be consistent with our duty. 

1 Thess 4:11, 1 Corinthians 7:20-24

7. Continue to celebrate the faithfulness of God no matter what. 

Hab 3:17-19

Rejoice in the lord, and I say rejoice. 

Luke 11:52 Revelation is key 🗝️ to our next levels. 

But if the foundation is faulty, what can the righteous do .  

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