


You don't have stress or headache accessing a door when you are armed with the right set of keys. 

You don't even need prayers to open the door of your car, when you have the keys with you. 

But if you locked your car keys in the car, then you start sweating to get the doors open. 

Life in the kingdom of God is full of frustration when you are not armed with relevant keys. John 15:9-10, Matt 22:36-40

Abiding in your love for God is a vital key for sustaining impact in life and ministry. 1 John 2:15-17, 1 Corinthians 13:8

Where your love for God stops is where your impact in life, business and ministry stops. 

When you step out of love, you step into frustration and failure. 

Any vision you do not believe in shall not see the light of the day. 

People suffer in life, business and ministry because their heart is not really with God.

If you are after things (materialistic), you lose your position in no time.

If your motive for going into ministry, marriage or business is wrong, everything else might go wrong.

1 john 2:17


#1. Love makes Faith to deliver. 

Galatians 5:6, 1 Corinthians 13:2, Hebrews 9:29

Faith delivers to the level of your love for God. 

The heart of an entrepreneur, entrepreneur, pastor or husbandman must be deeply rooted in his or her love for God. 

Hebrews 11:33

It takes love to empower your faith to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and have dominion in the kingdom. 

#2. Love empowers your access to Revelation. 

1 Corinthians 2;9-10

Love is a principal channel for accessing the deep things of God.

Acts 2:30 | Luke 15:15 | Daniel 11:32

Impact is a function of insight.  

#3. Love empowers our prayer life for supernatural delivery. 

1 Samuel 30:8 | Mark 11;24 | Matthew 11:22-24

Every prayer delivers by faith, and faith delivers by love.

Prayer therefore delivers by love.

When the love of God is burning in your soul, your prayer is bound to catch fire.

Matthew 22:40 - Every scripture delivers on the platform of Love.

The hotter your love for God, the faster your prayers get answered.

Ephesians 6:16

You lose a lot when your heart shifts from God to things.

Your heart for God would put things at your disposal.

#4. The Hotter your love for God, the higher your level of command of the supernatural 

1 kings 19:10-14

You can't have a heart for God and not know it.

When your heart burns for God in love, it confers on you the supernatural nature of God.

It puts you in the very class of God - divine.

You carry God on the inside of you. You possess the very nature of God.

Whatever can't defeat God cannot defeat you.

Love is as strong as death.

#5. Love is a failure proof force. 

1 Corinthians 13:8 | 1 Samuel 17:37

Love never fails

Love for God was what moved David to confront Goliath and not the rewards. 

He could not stand seeing an uncircumcised philistine harassing the armies of the most high God. 

He took his life in his hands and dared death because of his love for God. 

1 Samuel 13:14

Whatever love drives you into, love would always deliver into your hands. 

Love by nature never fails to deliver on its promises. 

1 Samuel 17:46-51 | 1 Corinthians 2:9 | Proverbs 23:26

Behind every scriptural great stories, there is love at the foundation. 

Expanded impact is a function of compounded love for God and humanity. 

Daniel 4:10 | Daniel 6:28

#6. Love fills you with all the fullness of God. 

Ephesians 3:17-19 | 1 John 4:16-17 | SOS 8:6

When you are in love with God, he fills you with his nature. 

#7. You never miss out on divine encounters. 

Genesis 12:1-3 | Genesis 17 | Genesis 22

It is a heart for God that gives real value to your calling. 

Matthew 22:37-40

love for God -----------love for people ---------more love for God ----------more love for people.... this is the natural sequence for sustaining impact in life, business and ministry. 

Jeremiah 6;16 -----we all need to discover the old path that opens new doors....

1 John 3:18 ------God's love  is not theoretical ......God's love is practical....... it has to be proved.

John 21:15-17 | John 10:16

A genuine heart for God will always culminate in your passion to save the lost souls around you. 

Without a passion for souls, you do not really have a ministry. 

Acts 26:20-22 | Acts 19:10

Soul winning is a vital key for sustaining impact in ministry. 

John 21:14-17 | Philemon 1:9 | 2 Timothy 4:5-8 We all commanded to do the work of an Evangelist. 

Matthew 24:14 | Matthew 28:20 | Luke 10:19 | Psalm 84:7 | John 15:2

A capital proof of your love is in your undying passion for lost souls. 

Soul winning is every believers ministry. 

John 15:16 | Daniel 12:3 | John 3:16

No soul winner loses relevance in life, business or ministry. 

Those who win souls never back slide, because you cannot backslide from what you are bringing people into. 

Back sliding Christians are those who fail to be identified on the field as a soul winner. 

You can't be committed to God  and not possess creative ways to attract people to the kingdom. 

Soul winning can start with a prayer ministration for lost souls. 

Minister to them in prayers. 

We are therefore primarily empowered to be a witness. Luke 4:18-21 | Mark 6:7, 12-13

Jesus only gave power to people on the go!

To therefore sustain impact in ministry, you have to be on the go for Jesus!

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