

Jesus was a Kingdom entrepreneur that understood the value of intrapreneurs or those I term Apostles of social transform. For every entrepreneur there is need for intrapreneurs - these are not just staff or disciples but empowered staff, management or disciples. Welcome to the month of May, Light would take you on a flight! Stay Wordspired!

To be an entrepreneur is to be a man of inspiration, one who knows how to source and process relevant information. 

He is an entrepreneur that knows how to forge and manage quality relationships. It is having networks that build up your networth. It is knowing how to effectively use other peoples knowledge, other peoples skills, other people's money, other peoples credibility and so on. It is simply understanding how to leveage spiritual, human and material resources. 

To be an entrepreneur is to be an effective intercessor. Effective communication with the divine is a very potent source of divine inspiration and information that makes for a fruitful mindset and capacity to multiply products that come out of our engagements. 

At the root of entrepreneurship is Genesis 1:28

Genesis 1:28  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The first words that proceeded forth from the mouth of the creator to his products was be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and have dominion. 

These are the value chain of kingdom entrepreneurs. To be fruitful is to be inspired and full of ideas. Entrepreneurs are idea generators. 

This is the major assignment of the Holy Spirit. He teaches and brings to remembrance all that we might have acquired in the course of our assignment. 

It helps build up for us a mindset. A mindset is imagination set up by certain information stored up in our memory. It can also be defined as spiritual understanding that is based on the spirit that powers our knowledge base. 

This is why as a kingdom entrepreneur, the Holy Spirit is not a choice but a must. The Spirit of understanding and knowledge can only be accessed by the help of the Holy Spirit. 

Before the kingdom entrepreneur go ahead to process the products of understanding and knowledge, which translate to wisdom, there is need to engage the Holy Spirit. This is the birthplace of Creativity, inovations and inspired light. 

For better insights into kingdom inspirations, you can always get Kay Daniels at your seminars, conferences and workshops. Freely was the word given and freely we give. Contact us for an appointment by Whatsapp 08035690386 or Instagram @ccyiglobal, @palaceofcreativity

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