

The things that would redefine your life are often hidden in people you don't or may not enjoy. 

It is your difference from another person that creates your profit...

Leviticus 10:8-10

Difference is what defines peculiarity....and proves originality....

It is difference that makes you see opportunities....

12 differences in people

#1. Who they pursue...

Who you pursue would always define who you eventually pursue...

Who you pursue reveals your character and agenda...

The price for receiving is asking or reaching...

99% of the things you need would require your pursuit...

What are you doing with the access you have ...

You have to keep pursuing if you must reach your goals...

#2. What you choose to magnify in your mind.

God gave you a mouth to magnify what is in your mind. 

_God gave you a mouth to amplify what is in your mind. ..._

Everyone is a collection of parts, and you will have to decide what you magnify...

Problem solvers often first notice problems...

Your day would be decided by what you decide to magnify...

#3. What you are willing to ignore.

Decide what time you allocate on your daily schedule...

You have to decide whose voice does not matter to you...

You have to decide whose disrespect does not matter...

Learn what to ignore...

What people say to you or about you reveals who they are, what you say in return reveals who you are. 

How you respond to criticism reveals the stuff you are made of...

What you journal reveals what you believe about yourself ... One of God's greatest gifts is to rename everything in our life...

The person who can keep your attention has more magnetism than you...

The difference in people is what they are willing to ignore...

#4. What they are willing to walk away from..

Something in your present that you are unwilling to walk away from is holding you tied up to your past..

Discomfort is often the seed for promotion...

Anything significant always invites discomfort...

What are you willing to walk away from to invite your future...

Your future would require a price...

#5. The difference in people is who they believe. 

Who they have chosen to believe ...

Do not waste your energy on people you don't believe ...

You are where you are because of who you have come to believe...

Who have you believed about yourself....?

You are thinking about yourself, because of something someone said about you or ro you..

What people are saying to you is giving you a self-portrait...

#6. The Enemy you are willing to confront.

The difference in people is their reaction to an adversary. 

#7. The weakness they are willing to overcome. 

See FAIL as a first attempt in learning

Everyone has a weakness, some are hidden, while some are obvious...

Create an environment for your weakness to die...

#8. Their reaction to greatness. 

How do you react to or around greatness? 

What is your reaction to the extraordinary or the supernatural...

You know "great character" by its reaction to greatness. 

Who impresses you? 

Whose life and secrets are you studying? 

You know people by their reactions...

Reaction reveals what discerning cannot. 

#9. Who they have chosen to honor. 

Who you honor and celebrate defines your seasons.....

Who have you chosen to honor...

#10. Who they are willing to protect. 

Who are you willing to protect, whose reputation, whose honor, etc

Discretion is protecting others. 

Everybody you trust is trusting somebody you wouldn't. 

Ephesians 6:8 Whatever you make happen for others, God would make happen for you. 

Mercy is one of God's best attributes. 

Mercy is a harvest in direct proportion to the seed that you sow.

Mercy received from God is in direct proportion to the mercy I have shown to others. 

There is a time to deal openly with sin, but there is also a time to protect until there is a recovery. 

Comfort the feeble, support the weak....if you see your brother fall, pick them up. 

The gospel is all about recovery...

#11. Where they invest their time. 

What you do with your time reveals your character and nature. 

#12. Whose instructions they obey. 

A collection of instructions is between your present and your future. 

The instruction you follow determines the future you create. 

Nothing leaves heaven until something leaves the earth. 

When you open your hand,. God opens his windows. 

The seed that leaves your hand never leaves your life; it leaves your hand and goes into your future where it multiplies. 

When God talks to you about a seed, he has a harvest on his mind. 

Anytime you ask God for a harvest, he would give you an instruction to qualify for it...

The difference between seasons is an instruction...

Follow the instruction when God tells you to, what God tells you to do and you will never miss limitless possibilities. 

If money does not make you feel good, you did not receive it from God.

If what is in your hand cannot qualify to be called a harvest, sow it as a seed

Your future is not in the pocket of the wicked...

I have chosen to believe the word of the lord...

It is your decision to follow after divine instruction. 

May this apostolic Wordspirations find practical expression in your life. 

Have a blissful night's rest. Wake up in the morning with renewed faith. 

If this article blesses you share it on your social media handle. Use it to bless a friend or a loved one. 

Kay Daniels
raising socio-spiritual apostles

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