

Prayer not prayed with respect to the kingdom is grossly ineffective. God established prayer to enable His active participation in the scheme of things on earth. Prayer makes God and His Spirit legitimate on earth. Prayer is not just to ask things from God, but much more to release God to do things on earth. 

We gain access to the counsel of God via prayer. His counsel is what establishes His will in our life. 

The will of God for earth is to have heaven reproduced on the earth. God wants it to be on earth, as it is in heaven. 

True and effective prayer is all about UNVEILING the will of counsel of God. 

Matthew 6:10  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Before going ahead to pray, spend time in His word to locate His will and gain access to His counsel for your life. 

You will not pray amiss any more in Jesus name. 

For more inspiration, make a date with Wordspiration at Faith Technopreneurship Summit organized by CCYI GLOBAL OUTREACHES | 5th August 2023 | CEDS COVENANT UNIVERSITY | 11AM. For online registration visit

Kay Daniels 

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