


There are people who are bleeding in places where others cannot see. They went everywhere but rather than get solution, their bleeding grew worse. They even get to a point where they were described by their challenge. 

Over time they lost their name to their issues. 

For twelve years, this woman bled on the inside but went to the wrong places and grew worse. 

And a certain woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years, 

5:25 Verse 42. She had been suffering all the lifetime of Jairus’ daughter.⚜

and had suffered many things from many physicians, and had spent all that she had without getting any better, but got worse instead, 

5:26 Her disease was beyond the ability of the doctors and medicines of that day. But her faith brought her to one greater than all doctors and human remedies. Compare Ex 15:26; Ps 103:3.⚜

Mark 5:25-26

Her bleeding got the right attention when she heard about Jesus, she thought within herself, she came and she touched and she was made whole. 

when she heard about Jesus, came in the crowd behind him and touched his cloak. 

And immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that affliction. 

Mark 5:27, 29

When she took these steps, that was when she then knew in herself that she had been healed of the affliction. 

It is one thing to hear about Jesus, but to tap into his virtue requires that commit what we hear to thinking. This is what leads to taking action.

You search the Scriptures, for by them you think you have eternal life. And these are they which testify about me, 

John 5:39

That thing that seems to be eating you up on the inside would give way today in the name of Jesus. No more shall people refer to you by your negative situation or issues. 

You are free from that affliction right now in Jesus name. 

If you believe shout a big amen in the comment session and be free! 

Good morning and stay wordspired. 

Kay Daniels