

When God plants a blessing, only He can reverse it. So when you secure the blessings, forget about the existence of the enemies. When God  blesses you, you are blessed in the city, in the country, when people like you or despise you. With the blessing, it becomes a risk for people to come against you. The first words from God to man were a blessing, see the content of the blessings.

 And God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful, and increase in number, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth”.
1:28 Ps 8:6-8; Jer 27:5. Notes on “bless” and “blessed” at Gen 12:1-3; Num 6:22-27; Deut 28:1; Ps 1:1; Matt 5:3-12.⚜
Genesis 1:28

As you step into church today, may you receive an irreversible blessing that makes you a terror to the kingdom of darkness in Jesus name. 

“And I will bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you all families of the earth will be blessed”. 
Genesis 12:3

Those (many) who bless you shall be blessed, but he (Single) who curses you, God takes responsibility to curse him. So relax, God's got your back when you are under his blessings!  It is your turn to walk in Fortune. 

Happy Sunday and stay wordspired. 


Kay Daniels


  1. "So relax, God’s got your back when you are under his blessings!"
    I feel these are the words that hit me the most.
    It's saddening that wherever we go, when you are blessed by God, there will always be spiteful people who are not happy about it, or dislike you for it. And while it's not something I would like or want to get used to (i.e not being liked because of who I am, and what has been done for me), I'm finding that it could be something God wants us to get used to and even to prepare for, with the understanding that we have his backing and protection, no matter what. After all, David the man after God’s own heart, shows this when he said in Psalms 23 that God prepares a four course meal before us in the presence of our enemies.
    It's like God likes to intentionally spite our enemies even moreπŸ˜†, and wants us to be unafraid even in the midst of the spite. What he blesses cannot be cursed. What he annoints cannot be touched. Our cups run over with blessings that God gives, irregardless of the bad wishes of our enemies. We are victorious in Christ!

  2. Awesome, I love your response. God bless you
